1.Traditional 4P combination in marketing is the basis for enterprises taking part in the exhibition and planning.传统的市场营销 4P组合是企业参展策划的基础 ,本文在对 2 0 0 4年罗森照明展览营销剖析的基础上 ,揭示 4P组合与参展策划之间的对应关系 ,提出如何利用 4P组合有效进行参展策划 ,形成展场和市场的互动。

1.The Research on the Factors Influencing the Participation Decision-Making of the Exhibitors影响参展参展决策行为的因素研究
2.Exhibitors are strongly advised not to hand carry goods for this exhibition.强烈建议展商不要手提展品参展
3.Nearly fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display.有近五十名参展者为画展提供了展品.
4.On the Development of MICE Tourism in Chengdu from the Perspective of Exhibitors从参展商角度论成都市会展旅游发展
5.Gender in Development Programme男女平等参与发展方案(平等参与方案)
6.A great mass of people are coming to see the exhibition.大批人来参观展览会。
7.The exhibition was crowded with visitors.展览会挤满了参观的人。
8.The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.展品吸引了参观者。
9.The teacher took the students to visit the exhibition.老师带着学生参观展览。
10.participants and beneficiaries of development发展的参与者和受益者
11.Visitors are not allowed not to touch the exhibits.参观者请勿触摸展览品。
12.grass-roots participatory process基层群众参与发展进程
13.Gender and Development Programme男女平等参与发展方案
14.Seminar on the Integration of Women in Development妇女参与发展讨论会
15.Gender in Development Section男女平等参与发展科
16.Gender in Development Sub-group男女平等参与发展分组
17.Senior Adviser on Women in Development妇女参与发展高级顾问
18.effective mobilization of women in development有效动员妇女参与发展

expansion parameter展开参数
3)presentation parameter展示参数
1.The Study in Exhibitor Loyalty Based on Perceived Value;基于感知价值的参展商忠诚研究
2.This paper did a case study of two typical trade shows at Dongguan City,Guangdong province,and applied the qualitative analysis approach to make a comparative analysis of the benefit perceptions of exhibitors and visitors with an attempt of exploring into the necessity of professional theme positioning of exhibitions.因为主题细化的专业型展览会主题明确,有特定细分的参展商和专业观众,提升了终端客户相互的满意度。
5)participatory development参与发展
1.Currently the academics and practicers have reached consensus over the main content of the rhetoric of participatory development, and participation in practice is characterized by flexibility, conformity to different programs, and adaptability to diversified settings.以世界银行为线索厘清参与理念的主要内容,以及实践现状,认为目前学术界和发展实践者已经就参与发展理念的主要内容达成共识,而实践中的参与则以灵活化、基于发展项目、适应于多种场景为特点,而且实施的效果与参与理念的要求存在明显差距。
2.The concept of participatory development, in particular, has attached great importance to the concerns for ”others”, not only in theory, but also in application.当代人类学通过参与发展的理论与实践 ,更是把对“他者”的关怀落到了实处。
6)parameter expansion参数展开
1.A new homotopy technique based on the parameter expansion (PE-HAM) was proposed to strongly nonlinear oscillation.将同伦理论和参数变换技术相结合提出了一种可适用于求解强非线性动力系统响应的新方法,即PE-HAM方法(基于参数展开的同伦分析技术)。
2.A new homotopy technique based on the PE-HAM (parameter expansion homotopy analysis method) is applied to investigate the response of conservative Duffing oscillator with 5th order nonlinear term of the form ü+ω02 u+αu5=0.运用基于参数展开的同伦分析理论(PE-HAM)研究了具有五阶非线性项的保守Duffing振子ü+ω02 u+αu5=0的响应问题。

参展1.犹参拜。 2.参加展览。