1.Explore the Ideal Model of Apparel Online Fitting System服装网上试衣系统理想模式探讨(英文)
2.In order to overcome the inconvenience due to shortage of patterns,materials,colors and so on in traditional commerce,a model of fitting system was built based on UML by using Object-oriented analysis method in this paper.为了克服传统商业中由于款式、面料以及颜色不齐等因素带来的不便,采用UML结合面向对象分析方法建立了服装试衣系统模型,并对系统进行了实际开发,达到了模拟试衣的效果。

1.The act of trying on clothes whose fit is being adjusted.试穿,试衣试穿经调整过尺寸的衣服的动作
2.Men's locker男更衣(表示专供男性更衣或存放衣帽等物品的场所,如男更衣、试衣室等)
3.Women's locker女更衣(表示专供女性更衣或存放衣帽等物品的场所,如女更衣、试衣室等。)
4.There's a changing room here, sir, with a mirror inside.先生,这里有间试衣室,里面有镜子。
5.when they get me inside one of their horrible cubicles, for a fitting.裁缝们领我到一个可怕的小试衣间。
6.but what make it much worse are the mirrors and the lighting.最难以忍受的是试衣间的镜子和灯光。
7.I'd like to try on this sweater.我想试试这件毛衣(外套)。
8.He tried on the coat.他试了试那件外衣。
9.A: I'd like to try on this blouse, please.甲:我想试一下这件上衣.
10.He went to the tailor's to be fitted for a coat.他去裁缝店试穿大衣.
11.I've been to the tailor's for a fitting.我到服装店去试过衣了。
12.Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle试试上衣和裙子的那一套吧, Michelle。
13.For instance in yours closet or the cabinet, wants to try?比如在你的衣柜或者橱柜,想试一试吗?
14.I am going to the tailor's to have my new coat fitted on我要到服装店去试试我的新上衣。
15.She tried on the dress and found it was too tight.她试了试那件衣服,发现它太瘦。
16.Customer: I'd like to try on that dress in the window.顾客:我想在橱窗里试一试那件衣服。
17.Orthogonal Screening of New Seed Coating Formula正交试验法筛选新型种衣剂配方试验
18.She tries to button her own coat, but she can't do it.她试着自己扣大衣的扣子,但她扣不上。

virtual fitting虚拟试衣
1.They are costume retrieval,costume displaying,virtual fitting,coordinated shopping and costume order.为使服装电子商务系统真正成为人们的购衣场所,针对服装商品的特殊性,设计了服装检索、服装展示、虚拟试衣、协同购物、服装定制5种服装电子商务系统特色功能,并利用图形图像技术实现这些功能,全面支持购衣活动。
3)locker room试衣间
1.The market research and analysis for locker room in clothing marketing;服装销售中试衣间的市场调查和分析
4)trying clothes on computer电脑试衣
1.They are the use of 3D measurement and trying clothes on computer,the intelligence and parameter of Fashion CAD, integration of Fashion CAPP, CAM with the whole module, and the networking of the information management.研究了数字化服装发展的趋势——三维测量和电脑试衣的应用,服装CAD的智能化和参数化,CAPP、CAM与整个模块的集成化,信息管理的网络化;并从企业方面、人员方面、CAD开发商等三方面指出数字化服装发展所面临的困难。
5)Seed-wrap-ping experiment丸衣试验
6)on-line tries between the clothes网上试衣

监试呈诸试官【诗文】:我本山中人,寒苦盗寸廪。文辞虽少作,勉强非天廪。既得旋废忘,懒惰今十稔。麻衣如再著,墨水真可饮。每闻科诏下,白汗如流渖。此邦东南会,多士敢题品。刍荛尽兰荪,香不数葵荏。贫家见珠贝,眩晃自难审。缅怀嘉祐初,文格变已甚。千金碎全璧,百衲收寸锦。调和椒桂酽,咀嚼沙砾碜。广眉成半额,学步归踔踸。维时老宗伯,气压群儿凛。蛟龙不世出,鱼鲔初惊淰。至音久乃信,知味犹食椹。至今天下士,微管几左衽。谓当千载后,石室祠高朕。尔来又一变,此学初谁谂。权衡破旧法,刍豢笑凡饪。高言追卫乐,篆刻鄙曹沈。先生周孔出,弟子渊骞寝。却顾老钝躯,顽朴谢镌锓。诸君况才杰,容我懒且噤。聊欲废书眠,秋涛喧午枕。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷三