2)ration strategy plan QSPM定量战略计划矩阵QSPM
3)QSPM matrix定量战略计划矩阵
4)quantitative strategic plan matrix定量战略计划矩阵法
5)Quantitative Strategy Matrix定量战略矩阵
6)Strategy matrix战略矩阵

1.The Coupled Study on the Matrix of Financial Strategy and the Period of Life;财务战略矩阵与生命周期的耦合研究
2.The Application of the MVA Financial Strategy Matrix in Financial Management;MVA财务战略矩阵在财务管理中的应用
3.The Application of a Correction Model based on the Financial Strategy Matrix in Choice of Merger and Acquisition财务战略矩阵的改进模型在并购选择中的应用
4.Study on Enterprise Patent Strategy Based on AHP-BCG Matrix;基于AHP-BCG矩阵的企业专利战略研究
5.Owing to QFD the Matrix Logistics Competes for the Strategic Decision Frame;基于QFD矩阵的物流竞争战略决策框架
6.SWOT Matrix Analysis of Patent Strategies for Universities in China;我国高校专利战略的SWOT矩阵分析
7.Technology competitive strategy of enterprise based on innovative SWOT matrix model;基于创新SWOT矩阵的企业技术竞争战略
8.Market Strategy Products Based on the Analysis of Customer Matrix;基于顾客矩阵分析的产品-市场战略
9.Making the Developing Strategy of Military Academies by Using Matrix Analysis of SWOT运用SWOT矩阵分析法制定军校发展战略
10.In the end the corporate business portfolio strategy is defined according to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix.利用波士顿—份额矩阵决定公司业务的战略组合。
11.Applied Analysis of Financial Strategy Matrix on Competitiveness of the Company;战略财务矩阵在企业竞争力分析中的应用
12.Research on Development Strategy of Convention/Exhibition Logistics Based on TOWS Matrix;基于道斯矩阵的会展物流业发展战略研究
13.Technology Innovation Stratagem of Environment Protect Corporation based on GE Matrix;基于GE矩阵的环保企业技术创新战略选择
14.The Strategic Analysis on the Analytical Hierarchy Process Used in Grain Production Development in Jiangxian;应用判断矩阵对绛县粮食生产发展战略的分析
15.The Matrix Analysis Method Applied in Constituting FinancialStrategy of Architectural Enterprises;矩阵分析法在建筑企业财务战略制定中的应用
16.Value Creation Strategy:An Analysis on the Effect Utility Model of Organization Learning价值创新战略:基于组织学习矩阵影响的效用模式分析
17.Returning to the matrix, the organization can classify programs according to the quadrant with which they correspond and then identify opportunities for each one's future strategic direction.这个矩阵,还能帮助组织根据相应的象限来分类项目,为每个项目将来的战略方向发现机会。
18.The development strategy plans are laid out with the analysis of the current products under Boston Matrix.并运用波士顿矩阵对波导公司手机产品现有产品进行分析,确定其各自的发展战略方案;

ration strategy plan QSPM定量战略计划矩阵QSPM
3)QSPM matrix定量战略计划矩阵
4)quantitative strategic plan matrix定量战略计划矩阵法
5)Quantitative Strategy Matrix定量战略矩阵
6)Strategy matrix战略矩阵

城市总体规划与国土规划、区域规划的关系 国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划是在不同层次、涉及不同地域范围的发展规划。国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划组成一个完整的规划系列,国土规划和区域规划应当是城市总体规划的重要依据。而全国和区域性的江河流域、土地利用等专业规划则是国土和区域规划的重要组成部分,城市土地利用规划又是城市总体规划的重要组成部分。 我国的国土规划、区域规划以及江河流域规划、区域性土地利用总体规划等工作起步较晚,目前正在有计划、有重点地逐步展开,还没有法定的审批程序和审批成果。而全国绝大多数城市总体规划已经各级政府按法定程序审批,并在不断完善和深化,在实际工作中存在着相互联系和交叉的情况,因此本法原则确定应当相互协调的关系是必要的。