1.Medicine direct-purchasing is an efficient mechanism, could cut supply cost efficiently, but the result is lower than expected for the unreasonable or unfair profit allocation.医药直接采购是一种高效的采购机制,能有效地降低医药供应成本。

1.Checks the quantity and quality of food received from the direct market, food store room and other sub-departments.对于从市场直接采购的食物,仓库及其他部们要严格检查食物的质量和数量。
2.direct shopping [procurement]: Procurement Based on direct comparison of price quotations.直接询价采购 [采购]: 在对报价直接比较的基础上进行的采购。
3.direct contracting [procurement]: Award of a contract without using competition.直接签订合同 [采购]: 不经招标而直接签订合同 。
4.Streamlined acquisition and supply processes are the direct result of effective purchasing and supply management.精简的采购流程是采购管理的有效实施最直接的前提。
5.The Research on Procurement and Supply Processmanagement for SDISZ Main Raw MaterialSDISZ公司直接物料采购与供应过程管理研究
6.According to the quantity and AQL of the ammeter we can directly find the scheme of sampling inspection.根据电表采购的数量和质量接受界限,可以直接得到抽样方案。
7.In the context of global sourcing, direct involvement with the supplier may well be preferable to dealing at arms length through an agent.就全球采购来看,通过中介打交道,也许还不如直接与供应商合作。
8.Directly report to the department supervisor, issue weekly and monthly reports to supervisor, make good purchasing data statistics, and report material delivery status to supervisor timely.直接向部门主管汇报,定期发周报,月报给主管,做好采购数据统计,及时向主管汇报物交货状况。
9.price charged for goods picked up at the factory.从厂家直接购买商品的价格。
10.These tablets are available over the counter.这些药片无需处方可直接购买.
11.Direct product is also called buy- back product.直接产品又叫做回购产品。
12.The company also will purchase credits directly from the program.公司还将直接向该交易所购买信用证。
13.Unified Scheme for Direct Purchase of Rice from Stockholders [USDP of Rice from Stockholders]直接向储米商购米统一方案
14.They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。
15.Whether or not “Requisition by Purchase" Should be Written Directly into Local Archives Laws And Regulations;“征购”能否直接写入地方档案法规
16.Analysis of the Noise for DPSK Receiver with MZI Balanced Direct Detection;采用平衡接收直接检测的DPSK接收机噪声分析
17.Mr. Ross is in charge of purchasing. Shall I put you through ?Ross先生是采购部负责人,我接给您好不好?
18.Picking is nearing completion in Zimbabwe and seed cotton deliveries are slowing.津巴布韦新花采摘接近尾声,籽棉收购缓慢。

purchase through direct import of fresh commodities生鲜商品直接进口采购
3)Indirect procurement间接采购
1.Indirect procurement is typical in the electronics industry which is an important industry in china.电子生产企业是我国重要的工业领域,电子类生产企业的间接采购比较典型。
4)Direct buying electricity直接购电
5)straight rebuy直接再购
6)outright purchase直接购买
