1.The Study on Exhibition Participation Objectives of Visitors:Factor Analysis & Cluster Analysis──Case Study of Trade shows at Dongguan City;专业观众展览会参观动机研究——来自东莞的证据

1.The Study on Exhibition Participation Objectives of Visitors:Factor Analysis & Cluster Analysis──Case Study of Trade shows at Dongguan City;专业观众展览会参观动机研究——来自东莞的证据
2.Analysis of Factors Influencing Professional Visitors Satisfaction of International Exhibition in China;我国国际展会专业观众满意度影响因素分析
3.Study on Visitors Objectives of Attending Exhibitions and its Categories--A Case Study of Dongguan International Machinery & Materials Exhibition;专业观众展览会参观目的及其类型研究——东莞国际机械及原料展览会案例探究
4.How to build up the Concept of Popular Occupation for the College Students in Agriculture and Forestry;农林专业大学生应树立大众化就业观
5.Establish right Food specialty talent perspectives in the background of mass higher education高等教育大众化背景下,树立高职高专食品专业人才观
6.(ancient Rome) a professional combatant or a captive who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat.(古罗马)一个为取悦观众而进行殊死搏斗的专业格斗者或俘虏。
7.Industry professionals are aware of the criticism, and have been looking for new ways to entertain audiences.业内专业人士意识到这些批评的声音后,一直在探索能够娱乐观众的新路子。
8.The work of register will be done by specialize men.◆ 由专人专时为本届展会做观众预登记工作。
9.Musicat has earned tremendous applause among the circle of music and performing arts people..."音乐猫"在多家电视台的综艺节目中演出,获得了专业人士和观众的一致好评..."
10.Other well-attended outreach activities included lectures, presentations at professional meetings, thematic exhibitions, visits and tours.其他外展活动包括演讲、专业交流简介会、主题展览、访问及参观等,这些活动的参加者甚众。
11.Three Suggestions for Chief editors with Speciality Knowledge in Certain Fields to Evaluate the Academic Level of Scientific Papers from Diverse Specialities;有限专业知识的主编如何面对众多专业的稿件
12.Crisp print. Professional documents. Great impressions. Project your character.精密打印,专业文档。印象出众,显我个性。
13.Teacher Development on Mass Higher Education;高等教育大众化之后的教师专业发展
14.Th University and College Major Constitution on the Popularized Educational Stage;大众化教育阶段的高等学校专业设置
15.A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.讨论会,公开讨论的机会通常有专家和观众参加讨论的公众集会
16.gain the audience's attention吸引住听众[观众]
17.Not adapted for a special audience or purpose.未经剪辑的没有为专门的观众或目的改编的
18.Researching on Idea of Running Higher Vocational Education in Mass Higher Education;大众化后高等职业教育办学观的研究

specialization and popularization专业与大众
1.The development of curriculum culture at present is undergoing a hard process,during which is embarrassed by the dilemma that how to overcome the either-ors thinking pattern and point out a proper place from conflicts between monism and pluralism,domestic and international theory as well as specialization and popularization.当前的课程文化发展是一个艰难的"蝉蜕"过程,如何克服"非此即彼"的二元对立思维,在一元与多元的价值诉求,本土与国际的理论分野,专业与大众的实践脱离中寻求一个适切点,是课程文化发展的两难之境。
3)professional view专业观
1.We should insist on the capability view of the intellectual abilities and skills,the professional view of confronting the jobs and job groups and the view of working process-based curriculum theory.高等职业教育肩负着促进就业和人的全面发展的"双重目标",必须坚持智力技能主导的能力观、直面岗位与岗位群的专业观、基于工作过程的课程观。
2.Objective:This study aimed to investigate the professional view of the undergraduate nursing students so as to provide the foundation for nursing professional education and employees system regulation in hospital.目的:了解新形势下护理本科生专业观现状,为护理教育者进行专业思想教育及医院制定护理用人制度提供依据。
4)Landscape Architecture Discipline景观专业
5)Popular and professional大众化与专业化
6)Professional Baseball Spectators职业棒球观众
