1.The author selects Hongqiao Foreign Trade Center(HQFTC) which is the only Sub-CBD of Shanghai located outside the elevated inner ring road as study object and analyzes producer services and commerce functions of HQFTC.本研究跟踪国内外研究最新进展,借鉴国际城市尤其是东京都新宿Sub-CBD形成与发展的经验,分析上海CBD的功能演化与空间拓展的主要原因,选取上海唯一处于内环线以外的Sub-CBD虹桥涉外贸易中心为案例,从生产性服务业与商业功能两个视角出发力图揭示出虹桥涉外贸易中心功能拓展的具体路径,提出Sub-CBD规划建设与功能拓展的若干建议。
2)foreign trade in China中外贸易
1.South China had been an important area for foreign trade in China.但在当时的特殊历史背景以及错综复杂的中外贸易关系中,官方的缉私活动举步维艰,在缉私的背后,事实上展现的是各国,各方力量利益的角逐。
3)trade center贸易中心

1.International Trade Centre国际贸易中心(贸易中心)
2.UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre贸发会议/总协定国际贸易中心(贸易中心)
3.very near to the World Trade Center.非常靠近世界贸易中心
4.The Trade Center is straight ahead.贸易中心就在前头。
5.symbolizing the trading center of the city;象征着城市的贸易中心
6.Does this bus go to the Trade Center?这部车到贸易中心吗?
7.World Trade Centres Association世界贸易中心联合会
8.Centre for International Trade in Forest Products林产品国际贸易中心
9.Commerce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设
10.International Trade Centre (ITC) - Geneva, Switzerland [UNCTAD/WTO]国际贸易中心(国贸中心)-日内瓦,瑞士[贸发会议/世贸组织]
11.The Chicago Board of Trade is the largest center in the world for commodity futures in terms of volume and value of business.以交易额而论,芝加哥贸易委员会是世界上最大的期货贸易中心
12.Shanghai rates as the biggest trade centre in China.上海是中国最大的贸易中心
13.Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre国际贸易中心联合咨询小组
14.Supreme, Aestheticism"--World Trade Center Grand Hotel Zhejiang“至尊·唯美”——浙江世界贸易中心大饭店
15.Look at American trade center. They are make a fortune .看看美国贸易中心吧。他们正在发大财。
16.Venice was an important center of trade with the East; they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade.威尼斯是东方重要的贸易中心
17.Centre for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy贸易和商业外交中心
18.Trade Policy Research Centre [London]贸易政策研究中心〔伦敦〕

foreign trade in China中外贸易
1.South China had been an important area for foreign trade in China.但在当时的特殊历史背景以及错综复杂的中外贸易关系中,官方的缉私活动举步维艰,在缉私的背后,事实上展现的是各国,各方力量利益的角逐。
3)trade center贸易中心
4)China Foreign Trade Center中国对外贸易中心
5)international law of trade in service涉外服务贸易法
1.With developing of trade in service, the study on international law of trade in service is a focus in legal theory circles.本文以我国现有的服务贸易法规范的存在现状和理论地位为重点 ,对涉外服务贸易法的发展现状和今后趋势进行分析 ,以期对我国涉外服务贸易法有一个理性的认识与总结。
6)foreign copyright trade涉外版权贸易
1.Copyright trade, especially foreign copyright trade, is of great significance not only to the exercise of the author’s legal rights and interests, but also to advancement in copyright industry.版权贸易,特别是涉外版权贸易,不仅对实现作者的合法权益、促进版权产业的发展有着十分重要的意义,而且对促进国际间的文化、教育、科技等方面的交流与合作,促进各国人民的相互理解,促进全人类的文明进步做出了巨大贡献。
