
1.The Theory Base of S&D in WTO论WTO特殊与差别待遇的法理基础
2.On the Development and Legal Grounds of the “Special and Differential Treatment”Provisions;论“特殊与差别待遇”条款的发展及其法理基础
3.Article 10 Special and Differential Treatment第1O条 特殊和差别待遇
4.Article 15 Special and Differential Treatment第15条 特殊和差别待遇
5.Article V Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries第5条 发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇
6.On the Special and Differential Treatment System in WTO;WTO体制下的特殊和差别待遇制度
7.Article 12 Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members第12条 对发展中国家成员的特殊和差别待遇
8.Article 27 Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members第27条 发展中国家成员的特殊和差别待遇
9.On the Special and Differential Treatment in WTO Treaties世界贸易组织协定中的特殊和差别待遇
10.The Studies on the Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members in the WTO;WTO体制下发展中国家成员特殊和差别待遇研究
11.The S&D Treatment in the GATT/WTO Regime: A Historical Perspective;GATT/WTO体制中特殊和差别待遇的历史考察
12.Research on Special and Differential Treatment to Developing Countries in WTO s Trade Remedy Legal System;WTO贸易救济制度中的发展中国家特殊和差别待遇问题研究
13.Analysis of special and differential treatment relating to developing countries under WTO dispute settlement mechanism;WTO争端解决机制中对发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇探析
14.Priority should be given to the concerns of developing members such as S&D treatment and Implementation of Uruguay Round Agreements.特殊和差别待遇和乌拉圭回合协议实施等发展中成员关切的问题应放在优先解决的地位。
15.The Committee shall examine periodically the special and differential treatment, as laid down in this Agreement, granted to developing country Members on national and international levels.委员会应定期审议本协定制定的在国家和国际各级给予发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇。
16.12.10 The Committee shall examine periodically the special and differential treatment, as laid down in this Agreement, granted to developing country Members on national and international levels.12.10 委员会应定期审议本协定制定的在国家和国际各级给予发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇。
17.Proper, Legitimacy and Reality: Special and Diflierential Treatment to Developing Countries in the WTO law;正当性、合理性和现实性——世贸组织法中发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇
18.discrimination by income size按收入多少给与的差别待遇

special and differential treatment特殊和差别待遇
1.Analysis of special and differential treatment relating to developing countries under WTO dispute settlement mechanism;WTO争端解决机制中对发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇探析
2.The special and differential treatment allows the developing countries certain flexibility in applying the trade rules,to meet the unfavorable international trade situation.特殊和差别待遇允许发展中国家在适用贸易规则时拥有一定的灵活性,以应对其所面临的不利的国际贸易环境。
3)Special and Differential Treatment Provisions特殊和差别待遇条款
4)Special treatment特殊待遇
5)treatment difference待遇差别
1.It is treatment difference between dispatched workers and formal workers.这表明派遣劳动者与正式工存在待遇差别,我们应该从健全法律制度、保障集体劳权、加强政府监督三个方面入手,解决派遣劳动者待遇差别问题。
1.Third, discrimination in finance is a feasible solution.本文试图通过对东部欠发达地区丽水市个体工商户的金融服务特征和问题的分析 ,认为基于个体工商户特定的微观经济特征 ,面向个体工商户的金融服务面临高的系统性风险 ,因此 ,对不同个体工商户实行“差别待遇”和由此导致的资源配置引导效应是值得进行理论探讨
