服装海报,clothing poster
1)clothing poster服装海报
1.Consumer’s perceptual demands for clothing posters were investigated by means of questionnaire and interview.就消费者对服装海报的感性评价,通过调查问卷、面谈展开调查,运用SPSS统计软件分析了服装海报的感性因子构成,得出服装海报的感性形象因子构成及形象评价尺度,探讨了消费群体的特征,为广告公司设计符合消费者感性需求的服装海报提供了依据。
2)Hainan clothing industry海南服装业
1.But in Hainan clothing industry,there are such problems as small scales of enterprises,short-term benefit operation,low quality of products,limited market,underdeveloped colothing culture,etc.但海南服装业存在着企业规模小又有短期效益行为、产品质量不高、市场受制约、服装文化不发达等诸问题 ;要解决这些问题 ,发展海南服装业 ,就应创造具有海南特色的名牌产品、引进先进技术及设备、拓展市场、举办服装文化活动节促进服装业发展。

1.Probhems and Countermeasures in Hainan Clothing Industry--On Development Tendentcy of Clothing;海南服装业问题及其对策——兼论服装发展趋势
2.Introduction of Hunan Clothing Higher Education Reform;湖南高等院校服装专业教育改革初论
3.The Influence of the Centre Area s Growing up to Hunan Garments Industry;“中部崛起”对湖南服装产业的影响
4.Compare and Study on New Fashion Types of Retailer Appeared in Shanghai;上海服装市场零售新业态的比较研究
5.The Current Situation,Problems and Key Trade Selection of Service Industry in Hainan;海南服务业的现状、问题及重点行业选择
6.As an integrated company for garment-making, designing and exporting, Yaoguang Costume Co.上海耀光服装有限公司是集服装生产、计打样、出口的生产型企业。
7.Further Opening_up and Industrial Upgrading of Hainan s Service Industry --the Development of Hainan s Service Industry under China s Accession to the WTO;海南服务业的扩大开放与产业升级——中国加入WTO背景下海南服务业的发展
8.The Function of Government in the Preponderance Cultivating of Henan Clothing Industry Cluster;河南服装产业集群的优势培育与政府作用
9.How to Develop Clothing Industry with Hunan Local Characteristics;如何发展具有湖南地方特色的服装产业
10.Logistics Distribution Model of Clothing Industry in South Sichuan川南服装行业批发商物流配送模式分析
11.Measures to Speed Up the Professional Meteorological Services of Hainan加快海南专业气象科技服务发展的对策和措施
12."Crises" and "Opportunities" of the Pearl River Delta' Sports Clothing Industry under the Current Financial Tsunami金融海啸下珠三角运动服装业的“危”与“机”
13.Studies on the Rubber Industrial Ecosystem Serving Function of Hainan State Farm Bureau(HSFB) Based on WEBGIS;基于WEBGIS海南农垦橡胶产业生态系统服务功能价值研究
14.Studies on Ecological Service Value Transfer and Ecological Evolution of Hainan State Farm Bureau(HSFB) s Rubber Industry;海南农垦橡胶产业生态服务功能价值转移及生态进化规律研究
15.Promoting the Construction of New Countryside through Scientific Development--Exploration of Innovative"110"Scientific and Technical Service for Agriculture in Hainan;科学发展推进新农村建设——海南农业科技服务“110”的创新实践初探
16.Exploitation and Research on the WEB-Based Evaluating System for the Service Function of Rubber Industrial Ecosystem of Hainan Reclaimed Agricultural Farms;基于WEBGIS的海南农垦橡胶产业服务功能价值评估系统开发研究
17.Discussion on the Transfer of Commerce Circulation Service Industry from the Southeastern Coastal Regions to the Central and Western Regions论东南沿海地区商贸流通服务业向中西部地区的转移
18.The Innovation of the Operation Mode in Small and Medium-sized Clothing Enterprise:a Case Study;论中小服装企业经营模式创新——基于“海澜之家”运营模式分析

Hainan clothing industry海南服装业
1.But in Hainan clothing industry,there are such problems as small scales of enterprises,short-term benefit operation,low quality of products,limited market,underdeveloped colothing culture,etc.但海南服装业存在着企业规模小又有短期效益行为、产品质量不高、市场受制约、服装文化不发达等诸问题 ;要解决这些问题 ,发展海南服装业 ,就应创造具有海南特色的名牌产品、引进先进技术及设备、拓展市场、举办服装文化活动节促进服装业发展。
3)costume advertisements in newspapers报刊服装广告
4)electric power using application service用电报装服务
5)Shanghai clothes market上海服装市场
6)electronic cabling unit电子海底电报装置;电子海底电报发送装置

电影海报电影海报是为宣传电影而创作的。然而,电影海报又绝非简单的宣传品,它更是一门艺术,它既是绘画的又是摄影的,它充满丰富的想象和绝妙的创意,同样凝聚着创作者的灵感、智慧和心血。 一张精彩的电影海报总是能够抓住影片中最独特、最富魅力的瞬间,总是能够把握影片的精神实质,总是能够在第一时间吸引观众探询的目光,电影海报是电影文化的代表之一。 海报的时间跨度超过100年,其中有些已经绝版,堪称弥足珍贵。透过这一张张海报,看到的将是一部世界电影的发展史;透过这一张张海报,看到的将是一代代电影人辛勤耕耘探索的足迹;透过这一张张海报,更可以看见电影事业曾经的辉煌和失落,成功和艰辛。