1.Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, the founder of German realism, is one of the pioneers of German Classics.莱辛是德国现实主义文艺的创始人 ,也是德国古典文学时代的先驱
2.AbstractHu Dunfu was one of the pioneers to introduce modern sciences into China.内容提要胡敦复是最早在我国引进现代科学教育的先驱者之一。
3.Emily Dickinson,a famous 19th century American poetess,enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the pioneer of the 20th century English and American Imagist movement.狄金森是与惠特曼齐名的19世纪美国著名女诗人,一直被称为20世纪初英美意象派的先驱

1.A forerunner or predecessor.前人,先驱先行者或先驱
2.Miami Herald迈阿密先驱报(美)
3.Pioneer probe“先驱者”号探测器
4.International Herald Tribune《国际先驱论坛报》
5.Dawn is the herald of day.曙光是白昼的先驱
6.(1839-1914) a pioneer of pragmatism.(1839-1914)实用主义的先驱
7.The cuckoo is a herald of spring.杜鹃是春天的先驱
8.From International Herald Tribune译自[美]《国际先驱论坛报》
9.Dr. Sun yat-sen was a pioneer of the democratic revolution.孙中山先生是民主革命的先驱
10.leaders of a movement or fashion(运动或时尚的)先驱,先锋,领导者
11.The company blazed a trail in designing software.这家公司是软件设计行业的先驱
12.Subscribe to the International Herald Tribune today.今天就去预订国际先驱论坛报!
13.He was a pioneer in the development of the jet engine.他是研制喷射式引擎的一位先驱
14.The alchemists were the forerunners of the scientists of today.炼金术士是今日科学家的先驱
15.Harris reached over to a table and began to look for the "Herald."哈里斯伸手到桌子上找《先驱报》。
16.Those occupying a foremost position.先驱者占有最前位置的人
17.(1734-1820) an American pioneer and guide and explorer.(1734-1820)美国的殖民先驱、导游家和探险家。
18.Chinese IT Forerunner: Zhu Bangfu电脑界的华人先驱:朱邦复

1.On the review of ZHANG Zhidong as the forerunnerof modern education of China;论中国近代教育的先驱张之洞
2.He is not only looked upon as the modern educator of China,but also the forerunner.他不仅是中国近代的大教育家,而且同时堪称中国近代教育的先驱
3.He is therefore was a worthy forerunner both in .无论在理论倡导还是创作实践方面,他都是一位当之无愧的先驱者。
4)TiCl4 precursorTiCl4先驱物
1.Preparation of boron nitride fiber by precursor method;先驱体法制备氮化硼纤维的研究
2.Research on pyrolyzing processes of silicon carbide(SiC) precursors in chemical vapor deposition(CVD).;CVD SiC先驱体热分解过程的研究
3.Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Precursor for BCN Compound;一种新BCN化合物先驱体的合成及其表征
1.The joining of C_f/SiC composites via preceramic silicone resin(SR)at high temperature(1200℃)was studied.对先驱体硅树脂高温(1200℃)转化陶瓷接头连接C_f/SiC复合材料进行了研究。
2.The joining of graphite,ceramic SiC and C_f/SiC composites via preceramic silicone resin(SR) at high temperature(800~1400℃) is studied.对先驱体硅树脂高温(800~1400℃)转化陶瓷接头连接石墨、S iC陶瓷及Cf/S iC复合材料进行了研究,着重对硅树脂固化裂解过程、硅树脂溶液浓度、裂解温度及惰性填料对连接性能的影响进行了探讨。
3.The joining of graphite, ceramic SiC and C_f/SiC composites via preceramic silicone resin (SR) at high temperature (800~1400℃) was studied.对先驱体硅树脂高温(800~1400℃)转化陶瓷接头连接石墨、陶瓷SiC及Cf/SiC复合材料进行了研究,着重对硅树脂固化裂解过程、硅树脂溶液浓度及裂解温度对连接性能的影响进行了探讨。
