1.The paper discusses the meaning of xinzhai from three aspects ,that is, knowing ,feeling and willing of modern psychology and the connotation of zuowang , and the relation between them.“心斋”和“坐忘”在庄子思想中是主体体道的基本条件,文章从现代心理学知、情、意三个方面论述了庄子“心斋”和“坐忘”的具体内涵以及二者之间的关系。
2.(3)Xinzhai and Zuowang are the two main ways of comprehension of Tao,Whic.它基于以下考察:一、“庄子为楚公族后裔”的假说及文本内证,说明自我问题是庄子焦虑的早期体验中所提出的首要问题;二、庄子关于心我关系的思考在理论层次上解决了自我的本质问题;三、心斋和坐忘是庄子两种最基本的悟道方法,在庄子看来,它们是个体通向逍遥之境(自我解放)的必由之路;四、在一个传道的逻辑结构中,庄子自我论扩展到政治论、认识论、审美论诸方面,庄于思想得以成为一个复杂而庞大的系统。
3.Thus, according to Chunxuan school, Chunxuan is a transcendental ability, puisuit for indefinite life itself is Xuanwu and Kongyou, so with Zuowang, Miezhe and Shuangqian, body painlessness and calmness of mind can be attained.因此 ,重玄派试图以“重玄”(玄而又玄 )来超越现实 ,把对生存无限的追求亦看作是“玄无”或“空有” ,并通过“坐忘”、“灭执”和“双遣”达到身体的无痛苦和思想的无烦恼 ,从而进入超然自适的生存环境。

1.Trance and Conformance--Zhuang Zhou s Way of Life;坐忘与顺世——简析庄子的通向自由之路
2.The aesthetic spirit of the theory “The fasting of the mind” and “Sit and Forget”;庄子“心斋”、“坐忘”说的美学意味
3.Forgetting the Sorrows and Joys of Human Life--Analysing the conforming of the poet s thought and the Buddhism truth in Li Shanyin s poems;坐忘人生悲欢离合——禅说李商隐诗歌中的“离苦得乐”
4.Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him.祖父坐在火炉旁,忘却了周遭的一切。
5.He would forget altogether what he was about, and would sit down with a peculiarly blank look on his face.他往往把手头上做的事全都忘了,坐下来发呆。
6.So she walked away from herself, But after a while she sat down on a stump.她一步一下地走开,忘记了自己在走着。过了十会,她坐在一棵树桩上。
7.He sat outside the courtyard gate for a long time, his mind a blank, his errand forgotten.坐在大门口,他楞了好大半天,心中空了,忘了他是干什么呢。
8.She sat looking at the distance, almost unconscious for the moment that Tito was near her.她坐在那里,眼望远处,似乎忘掉这时候蒂托正在身边。
9.cried Scarlett, sitting up in his lap, forgetful of her recent terror."思嘉喊道,直直地坐在他腿上,刚才的噩梦也全然忘记了。
10.Here, twenty students sit transfixed at their consoles, tapping away on the terminal keys.在这里,20个学生坐在让算机前,忘我地不断地敲击着键盘。
11.Have forgotten your best friend, en?” He smiles and sits beside Feng, on the place the woman just left.已经把老朋友给忘了?”他笑着责问道,在风旁边刚才女人坐的位子坐了下来。
12." He forgot his cramped and uncomfortable position in the tiny room and felt as if he were back again in the dignified office of the Bureau of Education.他把坐在这间小厢房里的局促不舒的感觉忘了,仿佛堂皇地坐在教育局的办公室里。
13.You can take a seat now. and when you're ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.现在你找个座位坐下吧。当你要下车的时候别忘了按你座位旁的按钮。
14.The shining eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride.眼睛闪闪发亮的小男孩也爬上车,坐在他弟弟旁边。 三个人开始了一次令人难忘的假日兜风。
15.But you don't need a jetboat or aircraft for a memorable thrill-filled ride.但是如果你想体验一次难忘的、充满刺激的旅行,你并不一定要乘坐赛艇或飞机。
16.Please remember that there is always a light lighting for you!忘了告诉你去看海河上那几架桥,很有特点,下次去记得看看啊!上午坐船游海河,光线比较合适.
17." Scrooge sat down upon a form and wept to see his poor forgotten self as he has used to be."吝啬鬼面对一张表格坐了下来。持到自己那被遗忘的昔日贫困生活时,他流下了眼泪。
18.He sat down at once, and with an evidently accustomed movement slipped the straps of his wallet first off one shoulder and then off the other.他坐到一次,并有明显的运动习惯遗忘背带的皮包首先是一个肩膀,然后序幕其他 .

Sit and Forget坐忘
1.The fasting of the mind and "Sit and forget" describe and summarize deep contact between human being and "Tao".“心斋”、“坐忘”说蕴涵着丰富深刻的美学意味。
3)on Sitting in Oblivion《坐忘论》
1.Whether from the background of the times or from the detailed contents,we can see there is closely relation between Sima Chengzhen s on Sitting in Oblivion and Confucianism.无论是从时代背景还是具体内容看,司马承祯《坐忘论》的修道理论与儒家思想有着密切关联。
1.The word significance in "obtaining the significance and forgetting the words" refers to both the subtle meaning of something and "Daoism" in metaphysics.在庄子那里,“得意忘言”中的“意”,既可以指对象难以言说的精微意义,也可以指向形而上的“道”。
2.The paper focused on the Huishi\'s image in the eyes of Zhuangzi and his "forget" in advance through the three debates,which is the third aspect the paper based on.本文透过这三次争论,看庄子眼中之“惠施”,进而落脚于庄子之“忘”的探究,此是本文关注的重点之三。
1.The transition from philosophical meaning to aesthetics meaning signifies the birth of aesthetical value from"neglectness".“忘”在中国古代既是一个哲学范畴,也是一个美学范畴。
