1.Kierkegaard’s three kinds of spiritual life include:(1) a Greece’s Eros esthetic-like life;(2) a despairing life because of the suspicion of Greek rational spirit to Christianity’s absolute belief;and(3) a peaceful belief life from completely overcoming the heathenism suspicion and fear.克尔凯郭尔的三种精神生活:第一种为希腊厄洛斯式的审美生活,第二种为希腊理性精神对基督教绝对信仰纬度的怀疑而产生的绝望状态的生活,第三种为基督教信仰完全克服异教的怀疑、恐惧后的安宁的信仰生活。

1.the myth of Eros and Psyche爱神厄洛斯和塞姬的神话
2.Among her children, but not by Hephaestus, were Eros, and Anteros, Hymen, and Hermaphroditus.阿佛洛狄忒的孩子厄洛斯、安忒洛斯、许墨恩和赫耳玛佛洛狄托斯,都不是与赫费斯托斯所生。
3.In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros,皮卡迪利广场中心有一尊据说是厄洛斯的铸像,
4.1. Eros. An important aspect and evidence of life, Eros is found to be closely knit with death.1厄洛斯,作为生命的一个重要内容,与死紧紧相连。
5.Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。
6.The Roman god Cupid is identified with the Greek god Eros.罗马神话中的丘比特和希腊神厄洛斯被视为是同一个神。
7.secondly,the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever.其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。
8.One of their children was Eros (Cupid), the winged god of love.他们的几个孩子中有一个名叫厄洛斯(即丘比特),就是那长有翅膀的爱神。
9.Leading poets have included Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, and Robert Lowell.第一流的诗人有弗洛斯特、魏廉斯、穆尔和洛厄尔。
10.The Riddle of Structure:From Claude Lévi-Strauss,Maurice Merleau-Ponty to Pierre Bourdieu“结构”谜思:从列维-斯特劳斯、梅洛-庞蒂到布尔迪厄
11.Red is joined by HEYWOOD, SKEET, FLOYD, JIGGER, ERNIE, SNOOZE.海沃德、斯基特、弗洛伊德、齐格尔、厄尼、斯诺与瑞德聚到了一起。
12.The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon.梅内莱厄斯特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王;海伦之夫及阿加门农之弟
13.Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War.《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。
14.A sense of humor.may have served as a buffer against the.shocks of disappointment&b{James Russell Lowell)幽默感或许可以当作受到失望打击时的缓冲物(詹姆斯 罗素 洛厄尔)
15.(Greek mythology) one of the whirlwinds; son of Typhoeus and Echidna; father of Cerberus and the Chimera and the Sphinx.(希腊神话)旋风之一;百头巨怪和厄喀德那之子;刻尔柏洛斯、客迈拉和斯芬克斯之父。
16.The son of Dana and Zeus and husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa.珀尔修斯达那厄和宙斯的儿子和安德洛墨达的丈夫,他杀死了蛇发女戈耳戈 梅杜莎
17.When, later, Atreus discovered that Thyestes had committed adultery with Aerope, he could hardly contain his rage后来,阿特柔特发现坦厄斯忒斯与埃洛碧通奸,气得怒火冲天,难以自持。
18.If you use the stamp that shows the gas balloon "Intrepid", think of the amazing Professor Thaddeus Lowe.如果你使用这种印有气球“无畏者”号的邮票,不妨想想这位使人惊叹的撒迪厄斯-洛教授吧。

the Eros essence厄洛斯原则
3)the Myth of Eros厄洛斯神话
1.Analysis of Plato’s the Myth of Eros;柏拉图的“厄洛斯神话”探析
1.Effects of Cetuximab Combined Erlotinib on Proliferation of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines HepG2 and Bel-7402;西妥昔单抗联合厄洛替尼对人肝癌细胞的体外抑制作用
2.Preliminary Results of Erlotinib Concomitant with Radiation Therapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Multiple Brain Metastases;厄洛替尼联合全脑放射治疗非小细胞肺癌多发脑转移的初步观察
3.New drug for non-small cell lung cancer target therapy-erlotinib;非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗新药——厄洛替尼
5)Robert Lowell洛厄尔
1.On the Characteristics of Robert Lowell s Late Poems;论罗伯特·洛厄尔后期诗歌的特点
