1.Significance of Re-reading——Taking Cat City for Example;重新阅读的意义——以《猫城记》为例

1.Significance of Re-reading--Taking Cat City for Example;重新阅读的意义——以《猫城记》为例
2.Return to Reading--Rethink on Infant Early Reading;回归阅读——对早期阅读的重新思考
3.The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.测试的阅读和写作部分也被重新修改。
4.Stimulate reading motivation emphasize reading process and cultivate reading habit;激发阅读动机 注重阅读过程 养成阅读习惯
5.The reading and writing parts of naturalization test have also been redone.入境测试测试中的阅读和写作部分重新制定。
6.A Reexamination of Superficial Reading in Modern Media Ecology;当代传媒生态中浅阅读现象的重新审视
7.Rejuvenating classical reading spirits and promoting the personality of reading重树经典阅读精神 弘扬阅读个性
8.A New Method of the Reading Teaching Reform: the Reading Strategy Teaching;阅读教学改革新途径——阅读策略教学
9.Reading 2.0:A New Generation of Library Reading Promotion阅读2.0:新一代的图书馆阅读推广
10.Readers' Big Reading--Mass New Reading Perspective in the New Media Era读者的大阅读——新媒体时代的大众新阅读观
11.Writing is just as important as reading.写作就像阅读一样重要。
12.Reading skills are equally important.阅读能力也同样重要。
13.The Importance of the Use of Reading Strategies in English Reading Teaching;浅谈英语阅读教学中运用阅读策略的重要性
14.Several Steps to Improve Students’ Reading Ability;阅读知识 方法 训练并重切 实提高学生阅读能力
15.Here in Singapore where technological know-how is valued much more over the humanities, it is no surprise that few are avid readers.在新加坡,在重科技轻人文的传统下,阅读风气自然盛不起来。
16.This important technical innovation has been read about and discussed everywhere.关于这一重大技术革新的报道,到处被人阅读和讨论。
17.To Improve Writing Skill through Extensive Reading Activities--on a new writing approach based on content;注重阅读输入,提高英语写作水平——以内容为中心的写作教学新探
18.Researching-reading: The New Reading Teaching Method Which Brings "Research" into Classrooms;研究性阅读:把“研究”带进课堂的阅读教学新模式

1.Significance of Re-reading——Taking Cat City for Example;重新阅读的意义——以《猫城记》为例
3)newspaper readers新闻读者
1.Two questions concerning journalism translation-newspaper readers and journalistic features-are talked about in the article.从新闻读者和新闻特征两个方面对廖承志《致蒋经国信》的两种不同文体进行比较,指出新闻翻译要注意新闻读者和新闻特征,新闻翻译必须密切适应读者对象和文体特点,才能达到更好的翻译效果。
4)freshman reader新读者
5)journalism misunderstanding新闻误读
6)first-year students新生读者
1.Based on the principle of public relations, the article discusses the academic libraries goal and strategy of public relational activities, which direct to first-year students.论述了大学图书馆应用公共关系原理 ,面向新生读者开展公关活动的目标和实施的具体措施。

贺新郎·读史诗词名:贺新郎·读史 作者:毛泽东 朝代:近代 体裁:词 类型: