美学教学,esthetics teaching
1)esthetics teaching美学教学
1.Such realities as the popularization of the main body of beauty appreciation,visualization of the object of beauty appreciation,objectiveness of the modes of beauty appreciation bring some new reflections to the esthetics teaching in universities:combination of the tradi- tional beauty appreciation theory and actual beauty appreciation requirement,corr.日常生活审美化打破了审美活动与日常生活的界限,传统审美理论受到了挑战,审美主体的大众化、审美客体的视觉化与审美方式的直观性等审美现实,对高校美学教学也提出了新的思考,即力求传统美学理论与现实审美需要相结合,以及正确理解图像与文字二者在审美上的不同特征,注意时代审美的新趋势。

1.On How to Cultivate Talents by Aesthetics Teaching;美学·美人·美画——从美学教学论人才的培养
2.school aide[美]教学辅助人员
3.Present Situation of Primary School Art Teaching and Art Teaching Methodology Reform in Normal Colleges1;小学美术教学现状与高师美术教学论教学改革
4.Inter-American Commission on Mathematics Education美洲数学教学委员会
5.Aesthetic Origin of Generalizing Two-subject Teaching of Music and Fine Arts;推行音乐、美术双学科教学的美学探源
6.From Aesthetic to Exquisite,Wonderful and Perfect--Mathmatic Aesthetics and Mathematics Teaching;从美观到美好、美妙、完美——也谈数学美与课堂教学
7.Reflection on the Present Situation of Teaching English and American Literature--Discussion On Teaching of English and American Literature;英美文学教学的现状与思考——浅议英美文学教学
9.Infiltrating Aesthetic Education into Advanced Mathematics Teaching;在高等数学教学中如何渗透美学教育
10.The Aesthetic Thought of Happy Education in the Chinese Teaching of the Mddle Schods;中学语文教学中愉快教育的美学思考
11.To Foster the Students Scientific Quality of Chemical Teaching Connected with Aesthetic Education;注重化学美的教学 培养学生科学素养
12.Thinking about Art Teaching Taught in Primary and Senior School Through Student s Interest in Art Learning;从学生的美术学习兴趣思考中小学美术教学
13.Trying to discuss art appreciation in art teaching of special education浅谈特殊教育美术教学中的美术欣赏教学
14.On the Learning of Artistic Culture in the Classroom Teaching of Art in Middle Schools;初中美术课堂教学中美术文化的学习
15.Moral Education Combining Aesthetic Education with Art Teaching in Middle School;中学美术教学中的“德育”与“美育”
16.College Students Quality of Aethetic Education is Enhanced in the Process of Body-building Exercises;在健美操教学中培养学生的审美素质
17.Students Aesthetic Judgement Trained by Callisthenic Course;论健美操教学对学生审美能力的培养
18.The Study of Aesthetic Education in the Teaching of Primary and Middle School;中小学自然科学学科教学中的美肓教肓刍议

teaching aesthetics教学美学
1.The study of teaching aesthetics abroad began earlier than at home, and refers to aesthetic significance of teaching methods, aesthetic reform of contents of courses, teaching theory of aesthetic education and so on.国外教学美学研究起步较早,涉及教学法的美学意义、教学内容的审美改造、审美教育的教学理论等方面;国内教学美学的研究经历了教学与美学的初步嫁接、教学与美学的相互融合、教学美学研究的深入发展三个阶段。
3)aesthetic education美学教育
1.This paper discuses the aesthetic connotation of modern library, and expounds the function of aesthetic education of the library.讨论了现代图书馆的美学内涵,阐述了图书馆的美学教育作用。
2.Carrying out aesthetic education in physics teaching will greatly help inspire students interests of learning physics ,improve aesthetic sensibilities and arouse their enthusiasm of pursuing the beauty of science.物理学是一门蕴含着丰富科学美内涵的科学,在物理教学中实施美学教育,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高审美情感,唤起他们心中对科学美的追求。
3.This paper expatiates the importance and specific characteristics to carry out aesthetic education in PE classes in colleges and discusses the role that aesthetic education plays in PE classes and the aesthetic qualities that a PE teacher should have including the way of showing interior quality beauty and exterior expressive beauty.阐述了在高校体育课中对学生进行体育美学教育的重要性、特殊性,体育课中美学教育的作用,以及体育教师应有的美学素质,包括体育教师如何体现内在素质美和外部表现美,还对如何进一步搞好体育课中的美学教育提出了建议。
4)aesthetics teaching美学教育
1.We improve theory teaching quality by reforming complic chiasm pedagogy;we improve clinical operate ability by enhancing experiment and practice;we improve aesthetics making by aesthetics teaching.美容牙科学在我国是一门新兴学科,为了提高教学质量,山西大同大学医学院美容牙科教研室根据美容牙科科学性、技术性以及审美性等特点进行了改革—通过改良合并交叉教学法提高理论教学质量,通过加强实验实训和实习提高临床动手能力,通过美学教育提高美学素质,为培养知识面广、专业技能好、素质过硬的合格的美容科医师奠定坚实的基础。
5)aesthetics education美学教育
1.This article analyzes the current situation of aesthetics education in orthodontics in China.从分析我国口腔正畸学的美学教育现状入手,结合美学教育的功能,阐述了美学教育在口腔正畸学教育领域的必要性、意义以及开展口腔正畸学美学教育的方法。
2.This article mainly discusses the necessity to strengthen aesthetics education for the students from the following aspects——etiquette education,environmental improvement of the campus and building up campus culture with high quality by training the students.高职院校不仅对学生传授科学文化知识和基本实践技能,还要对其加强美学教育,以培养学生欣赏美、创造美的能力。
3.Objective:To study the role of aesthetics education in anatomy of motion.目的:探讨美学教育对运动解剖学教育教学中的作用。
6)aesthetic education美育教学
1.The implementation of the aesthetic education in cooking major can make students feel the beauty of cooking, so as to nurture students’ aesthetic ability and good aesthetic quality and promote comprehensive improvement of the quality of students.在烹饪专业中实施美育教学,让学生感受烹饪之美,从而培养学生的审美能力和良好的美学素养,促进学生全面素质的提高。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。