《谈美书简》,Letters on Beauty
1)Letters on Beauty《谈美书简》
1.Practise·Aesthetics·Human——Apperceive Zhu Guang-qian s Evening Thinking about Esthetics Based on Letters on Beauty;实践·审美·人——从《谈美书简》看后期朱光潜的美学观

1.Practise·Aesthetics·Human--Apperceive Zhu Guang-qian s Evening Thinking about Esthetics Based on Letters on Beauty;实践·审美·人——从《谈美书简》看后期朱光潜的美学观
2.The Essential Power of Human Consist in Aesthetic Judgement;人的本质力量在于审美——重读朱光潜《谈美书简》
3.Limitations of Zhu Guangqian's Tanmei Shujian论朱光潜先生《谈美书简》的局限性——兼向国家教育部提建议
4.On How to Prepare Book-list on Shelves for the Collections at a Library浅谈图书馆书刊“架标简表”的编制
6.The System of Jiance and Its Influence on Books Later;浅谈简策制度及其对后世书籍的影响
7.Goodliness Embodied in the Commonness--my humble viewpoint of the character in JANE EYRE;平凡中的美丽——浅谈简·爱中的性格
8.I'd like to say a few words about our China-U.S. educational exchange programs.我想简略地谈一谈中美间的教育交流计划。
9.He's really wallowing in the praise of his new book.他简直沉醉于别人对他新书的赞美中。
10.He's really wallow in the praise of his new book.他简直沈醉于别人对他新书的赞美中。
11.Two Logical Starting Points of Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man;论《审美教育书简》的两个逻辑起点
12.Go All Out for Beijing Olympic Games;大家来为北京奥运会作贡献(美国书简)
13.A Brief Study of Three Aesthetics of Calligraphy-Appearance Rhyme and Connotatian书法艺术“形”“音”“意”三美简论
14.On Harmonious Beauty in Calligraphy--reading Calligraphic works by Liu Zuo-xiu;谈书法创作中的和谐之美——读刘佐秀书法作品
15.Multi-Translations of Same Titles of Some English and American Literary Works in Chinese Versions;谈英美文学名著汉译中的多书名问题
16.Language,Deportment and Writing on the Board:The Beauty of Chinese Teaching Process语言·仪态·板书——谈语文教学过程的美
17.Talking about the Language Beauty of the Staff of the Circulation Section of University Library浅谈图书馆流通部工作人员的语言美
18.Aesthetics Is Rooted in the Depth of Hunan Nature--On the Aesthetical Anthropology thought Embodied in the "Letters of Aesthetical Education;美根植于人性深处——《审美教育书简》中的审美人类学思想

Discussion of Calligraphy and Aesthetic Education浅谈书法与美育
3)Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man《审美教育书简》
1.Sense of Modernity of Schiller:Rereading Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man席勒美学的现代性意义——重读席勒的《审美教育书简》
4)A Talk of Appreciating Calligraphy也谈书法美的欣赏
5)Aesthetics in Calligraphic Works简论书法审美艺术
1.Ye Shengtao s Letters about Chinese Language Education and the Actual Significance;论叶圣陶的语文教育书简及其现实意义
