一枝独秀,outshining all the others
1)outshining all the others一枝独秀
1.How to evaluate the growth rate of China s economyoutshining all the others;如何看待中国经济的“一枝独秀

1.Nevertheless, China's economic development has remained sound.值得注意的是,中国经济发展一枝独秀
2.On How to Expand Domestic Demand--From "Soft Landing" to "Unique Outshining;如何扩大内需──从“软着陆”到“一枝独秀
3.The fruit are noted for their even and neat meats, good taste and one of the most famous canned fruits of the country.它瓣片均匀、整、甜适度,在众多水果罐头中可称一枝独秀
4.On Poetess Group in Song Dynasty;一枝独秀不是春 百花齐放春满园——论宋代女词人群
5.Imperial Examination and Chinese Character Culture--Analyzing Why Chin-shih Outshined Others科举考试与汉字文化——兼析进士科一枝独秀的原因
6.Aesthetic Developmental Configuration of New Stage:From Only School Dominating to Multiple Schools Co-existing新时期美学发展格局:一枝独秀与多元共存——兼评“丢弃论”和“不是论”
7.From a Single Textbook to Multidimensional Textbook--Historical Review of China's textbook policy从“一枝独秀”到“百家争鸣”——中国教科书制度的历史回顾
8.Model is unique , taste is elegant , quality draws with outstanding acoustics in in the homeland piano manufacturing industry to perform a function, to outshine others.造型独特,品味高雅,以优异的声学品质和演奏性能,在国内钢琴制造业中一枝独秀
9.China's Telecom Industry Thrives Despite Global Slowdown中国电信业为何一枝独秀——在全球电信业全面滑坡的情况下,中国电信业却快速增长
10.The Reasons for Chen Duxiu to Write His Comments on the Northern Expedition of National Government陈独秀《论国民政府之北伐》一文成因
11.Study on Chen Tu - hsiu s Absence in the First Congress of the KMT;陈独秀为何不出席国民党“一大”?
12.I am not allowed to sit like a dandelion on my own stem.我不被允许像一只独居枝头的蒲公英那样闲坐。
13.Chen Duxiu s Influence on the First Congress of the Communist Party of China;陈独秀对中国共产党第一次代表大会的影响
14.Uniqueness:On the Canadian Feature of Feminist Literary Translation一葩独秀——论女性主义文学翻译的加拿大特色
15.Reading the Prose Gratitude of He Maozhi;秀出行伍一枝笔为将风骨称其文——读贺茂之散文集《感激》
16.And on the eve of Independence Day, over one million people watch Chicago's annual fireworks display.在独立纪念日前夕,会有100多万人来看芝加哥一年一度的烟火秀。
17.From Chen Duxiu to the Zunyi Meeting, not a single leading group was truly mature.从陈独秀起,一直到遵义会议,没有一届是真正成熟的。
18.Upon a wintry bough;哀伤难已,独坐枝头。

A Case of Mis reading of Chen Duxiu陈独秀被误读一例
3)a one-man show; a one-person tent.独人秀;一个人的帐篷。
4)CHEN Du-xiu陈独秀
1.An Approach to Why Qu Qiu-bai Changed His Attitude of Evaluation on Chen Du-xiu;瞿秋白对陈独秀的评价态度转变的原因探析
2.Superficial view and enlightenment on CHEN Du-xiu s knowledge of farmer in the national revolutionizes time;陈独秀对农民问题的认识及其历史启示
3.Chen Du-xiu and Anhui Common Saying Newspaper;陈独秀与《安徽俗话报》
5)Chen Duxiu陈独秀
1.Chen Duxiu s Repudiation of China s Fuedal Conventions and Customs;陈独秀对中国旧俗的批判
2.Chen Duxiu s Remarkable Combination of Editors Group and the Periodical Plans of "New Youth"——Commemorating the 92nd Anniversary of "New Youth" Publication;陈独秀卓越的《新青年》编辑群组合与期刊策划——纪念《新青年》创刊92周年
6)Duxiu Hill独秀峰
1.The historic changes around Duxiu Hill in the city of Guilin;桂林独秀峰山前城市形态空间历史演变

独叶一枝花【通用名称】独叶一枝花【其他名称】独叶一枝花 (《滇南本草》) 【异名】雨流星草、肾子草(《贵州草药》)。 【来源】为兰科植物扇唇舌喙兰的全株。 【植物形态】扇唇舌喙兰,又名:无柄一叶兰。 多年生草本,块茎倒卵形至长圆形。茎直立,高14~19厘米;基部仅有1叶,抱茎,叶片广心脏形,长3~4厘米,宽2.5~3厘米,先端尖,基部心形,全缘;上面绿色,下面有紫点。花茎中部有2鳞片,卵状披针形;总状花序长3~4厘米,花疏生,淡红白色;中央的萼片直立,两旁的萼片略向下弯;花瓣直立,卵状披针形;唇的基部有1短爪。 生向阳斜坡上。分布云南、四川、贵州。 【性味】①《滇南本草》:"味甘辛。" ②《贵州草药》:"甘微苦,平。" 【功用主治】滋阴润肺。治虚弱低热,肺燥咯腥臭痰。 ①《滇南本草》:"治一切诸虚百损,五劳七伤,腰疼腿痛。取花为末,生肌长肉。" ②《贵州草药》:"滋阴润肺,补益虚损。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两,或入丸剂。 【选方】①乌须发:独叶一枝花周草果捣烂,晒干为末,合丸。每服一钱,以扁柏叶一钱同服之。(《滇南本草》) ②治虚热:雨流星草五钱至一两,炖肉吃。(《贵州草药》) ③治肺燥咳,吐腥臭痰:雨流星草、马鞭草、车前草各五钱。煨水服。(《贵州草药》)