先秦美学,Pre Qin aesthetics
1)Pre Qin aesthetics先秦美学
1.The linguistic concern of Pre Qin aesthetics came from the essence and system of Chinese ancient philosophy and formed a set of concepts, expressions and theories related to Chinese linguistic philosophy, which shows an inclination to aesthetic experience and emotional communication.中国先秦美学就已经把“言”的问题摆在重要的位置上。

1.The Vigorous and Mild Sense of Beauty on the Images of Buddha in YunGang Twentieth Grotto--The Aesthetics of Pre-Qin Got Mature in North Wei云冈第二十窟佛造像的浑和美——先秦美学在北魏的成熟
2.Aesthetics Research On Female Figures Of Literary Work In Pre-qin Period;先秦文学作品中女性形象的美学探讨
3.A Comparison of Views on Harmony in the Aesthetic Thought of Confucianism and Taoism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty先秦儒道美学思想中的“和谐”观比较
4.Pre-Qin Confucians Eco-aesthetics View and Constitution Situation;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势
5.On the "Li" Category of Chinese Classical Aesthetics in the Qin-Han Dynasty;先秦两汉时期古典美学“丽”范畴论
6.The Discourse of Aesthetical Image Creation of Peotics in the Qin-Han Dynasty;先秦两汉诗学审美形象创造的言美话语
7.Aesthetic Traits of Chinese Art Seen through the Aesthetic Concepts of Confucianism and Taoism in the Pre-Qin Period;从先秦儒道的美学观念看中国艺术的审美特征
8.Two Bright Aesthelic Stars;舍南舍北皆春水——先秦儒道美学思想之比较
9.The Confucianism,Daoism,and Mohism of the Pre-Qin Period,The Origin of the Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Design Ideology先秦儒、道、墨——中国传统设计美学思想之渊源
10.Personality Ideal: Aspect that can not be Ignored in Study of Aesthetic History--Comments on Aesthetic Ideas in Pre-qin Dynasty人格理想:美学史研究不容忽视的方面——我国先秦时代审美观念谈片
11.A Simple Exploration of the Medical Ethics Thoughts in Pre-Qin,Qin and Han Dynasties先秦、秦汉时期的医学伦理学思想初探
12.A book review of The Study into the Literature of Zhuang Zi;先秦哲学经典的文本解读与审美阐释——《鹏翔无疆——〈庄子〉文学研究》平议
13.″Learning law from nature″and″Copying nature″--View on Pre-Qin and ancient Greece aesthetics thinking;“道法自然”与“模仿自然”——先秦和古希腊美学思想管窥
14.Viewing Aesthetic Implication and Practical Significance of the Concept:"Heaven and Man Combine into One" of Pre-Qin Taoism through Sustainable Development;从可持续发展看先秦道家“天人合一”的历史美学意蕴和现实意义
15.On Chinese Reclusive Thought and Chinese Reclusive Literature in Pre-Qin Period and the Han Dynasty;先秦隐逸思想及先秦两汉隐逸文学研究
16.On Exploration of Literary External Rules by Scholars in Pre-Qin Periods: from a Perspective of Lost Essays;从先秦佚文看先秦诸子对文学外部规律的探讨
17.On Zong Baihua s Contribution to the Study of Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and the Influence of the Early Qing Dynasty s philosophy on the Chinese Aesthetics and Art;试论宗白华对中国传统美学研究的贡献——兼评先秦哲学对中国美学和艺术的影响
18.A Comparative Study on the Virtue Ethics of Pre-Qin and Ancient Greek;先秦与古希腊美德伦理思想比较研究

the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty先秦美学史
1.Based on cultural anthropology,archeology,vessel study and philology,he created the unprecedented "Theory of Standard Devices" and "Theory of Fluctuation",which has been an epochal invention in the field of study on the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty.郭沫若的先秦美学史研究,卓越地将审美形式和审美意识及其美学史结论融汇在一起,有着浓厚的经验理性色彩。
3)Confucian aesthetics in the pre-Qin period先秦儒家美学
4)ancient mathematics(Qin dynasty)先秦数学
5)Pre-Qin literature先秦文学
1.The complex of bathing image in pre-Qin literature went back as far as the primitive mythology,in which created great imagination.先秦文学中的沐浴意象纷繁复杂,它的起源最早可以追溯到原始神话。
2.Based on the joint of anthropology and literature, woven upon the relationship between the development of people's subject consciousness and the ante-Qin literature, the essay delves into the trace of development of subjectivity in the pre-Qin literature.本文以文学与人学的结合为切入点,以人的主体意识的发展与先秦文学之间的关系为线索,深入探讨先秦文学中人的主体意识发展的脉络。
3.Since the beginning of the end of the century,market-oriented factors,coupled with the revolutionary changes in the media so that the literary elements to infiltrate into the cultural life of many departments in the field of contemporary literature,"generalization" is an indisputable fact that this phenomenon with the existence of the pre-Qin literature Very similar to the situation.从上个世纪末开始,市场化因素加上媒介的革命性变化,使文学性要素渗透到文化生活领域的诸多部门,当代文学的"泛化"是个不争的事实,这一现象与先秦文学的存在状况极其相似。
6)history studies先秦史学
