救世情怀,salvation feelings
1)salvation feelings救世情怀
2)the alienation of human nature拯救情怀
1.The worried consciousness came from the worry about the human living condition,which was caused by the nature that was de- stroyed by modern mechanical civilization and the alienation of human nature.劳伦斯的小说创作蕴含着深沉的忧患意识和执着的拯救情怀。

1.Discussing on Tragedy Consciousness and Rescue Will of Bi Shumin s Works;试论毕淑敏作品的悲剧意识和拯救情怀
2.On the Worried Consciousness and Rescuing Feelings of D.H Lawrence s Novels;论劳伦斯小说创作中的忧患意识与拯救情怀
3.They were saved, were taken into the bosom of the Lord.他们被拯救了,被带到了上帝的怀中。
4.The reasons for clean official literature are the combination of reflection of realistic sufferings, feelings of the mass getting off sufferings and minds of intellectual rescuing sufferings.清官文学的成因是现实苦难的显影、众诉说苦难心理以及文人拯救苦难情怀三者的合一。
5.From Salvation to Being Carefree--Viewing the course of humanist concern in Cao Yu s early dramas through the shared plots of "running away" and its limitation;从拯救到逍遥——由“出走”情节看曹禺早期剧作人文关怀的历程及其局限性
6.Salvation With Suspicion--On "Children" In Luxun s Novels;怀疑与拯救的张力——论鲁迅小说中的“孩子”形象
7.Burning and Saving──Love Consciousness in Stories by Yu Da-fu;燃烧与拯救──郁达夫小说的情爱意识
8.Our Earth?Our Future?Just Save It!拯救地球就是拯救未来!
9.The greatest thing that can happen to save humanity is the coolness of love-- friendliness.拯救人类的最好的东西,是爱的清凉——友情。
10.Love s Salvation: Sisterhood in Toni Morrison s Five Novels;爱的拯救:托妮·莫里森五部小说中的姐妹情谊
11.The Permanent Childhood;永远的童年——对萨特“拯救”情结的精神分析学描述
12.Emily Dickinson’s Inferiority Complex and Her Self-salvation艾米莉·狄金森的自卑情结及其自我拯救
13.Human-centered Education and the Rescue of Modern People s Spiritual Crisis of “One-Dimensional Man”;终极关怀性教育与现代人“单向度”性精神危机的拯救
14.Ah--the saving of his soul!噢--拯救他的灵魂!
15."Even when you are old I will be the same, and when you are grey-haired I will take care of you: I will still be responsible for what I made; yes, I will take you and keep you safe."直到你们年老,我仍这样,直到你们发白,我仍怀搋,我已造作,也必保抱,我必怀抱,也必拯救。
16.Understanding the Metaphorical Meaning of "Salvation;通往拯救的途中——《拯救》隐喻意义之解读
17.this is the perfect movie for anybody who still secretly dreams of saving the world from evil,对每一个仍秘密地怀有从邪恶中拯救世界的人来说,这是一部完美的电影,
18."We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have given birth to wind; no salvation has come to the earth through us, and no children have come into the world."我们也曾怀孕疼痛,所产的竟像风一样,我们在地上未曾行什么拯救的事。世上的居民也未曾败落。

the alienation of human nature拯救情怀
1.The worried consciousness came from the worry about the human living condition,which was caused by the nature that was de- stroyed by modern mechanical civilization and the alienation of human nature.劳伦斯的小说创作蕴含着深沉的忧患意识和执着的拯救情怀。
3)leisured thoughts and feelings高世情怀
4)Creation feelings创世情怀
5)worldly emotion愍世情怀
6)anti-society mood抗世情怀
1.At the same time, it expressed anti-society mood and detached consciousness.它对当时的社会黑暗进行了揭露与批判,表达了文人的抗世情怀与人生超脱意识,具有特定的时代价值与认识意义。
