行游,You of Physical
1)You of Physical行游
2)trudge works and journey works行游与神游
3)The parade is on.游行在进行
4)Retrograde liberated逆行游离
5)recreation behavior游憩行为
1.Investigation on the urban space choice based on the recreation behavior;基于游憩行为的城市空间选择调查分析
2.So, following the principle of "humanism", this paper studies both the relations and the conflicts between the recreation demand and the recreation behavior.遵循“以人为本”的原则,研究游憩行为与游憩空间之间的关系或存在的矛盾,有的放矢的进行整合,达到研究的目的即:促进居民健康、积极的生活方式,构建健康、和谐社会。

1.An Analysis of the Play and Relax Characteristics of the Urban Residents--Take Handan,Hebei Province as an Example;城市居民游憩行为特征分析——以河北邯郸市为例
2.A Study on Recreation Behaviors Characteristics of Shanghai Contemporary Urban Parks;上海市当代城市公园游憩行为特征初步研究
3.Discussion on Recreational Activities and the Planning and Design of the Urban Parks in Mountain Areas;山地城市公园游憩行为与规划设计研究
4.Study on Recreation Behavior of Old People in the Black Bamboo Park in Beijing;北京紫竹院公园老年人游憩行为的研究
5.Research of White-collar Workers Recreational Behavior and Space Choosing in the Open Spaces;白领阶层户外游憩行为及空间选择研究
6.An Exploration of Human Recreation Behavior Patterns in Urban Wetland Park;城市湿地公园中的人类游憩行为模式初探
7.A Study on Relationhip between Family size and Family Recreational Behavior in Medium and Small Cities;中小城市家庭规模与游憩行为的关系研究
8.Place Attachment:A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Recreational Behavior;场所依赖(place attachment):一种游憩行为现象的研究框架
9.A Study on Relationship between Family Structure of Urban Residents and Behaviors of Recreation--A Case Study in Changsha City城市居民家庭结构与游憩行为关系研究——以长沙市为例
10.A Study on Relationship between Subjective Well-being of Urban Residents and Behaviors of Recreation--A Case Study in Changsha City城市居民主观幸福感与游憩行为关系研究——以长沙市为例
11.The Study of the Creational Behavior and Space of Xi an City Wall Green Belt;西安城墙环城绿带游憩行为与空间规划设计研究
12.Study on the Concept of Leisure's Base of Center City District of Yan'an City Public's Recreation Patterns of Behavior and Space Optimization Strategy基于休闲理念的延安中心城区市民游憩行为模式及空间优化策略研究
13.Recreation Utility and Distribution Behavior of Outdoor Recreation of Citizens;游憩效用与城市居民户外游憩分布行为
14.A study on the characteristics of tourism behavior of urban recreationists to Heifei city;合肥市城市游憩者旅游行为特征研究
15.A Study of Characteristics of Behavior of Tourists in Wudang Mountain National Park;武当山风景名胜区游憩者行为特征研究
16.Study on the Host-tourist Binary Relation Based on Recreational Behavior:A Case Study of Tunxi;基于休憩行为的“东道主/游客”二元关系研究——以黄山市屯溪区为例
17.Study on Behavior Preference of Tourists in Recreational Urban Forest--A Case Study of Maanshan Forest Park in Wuhan;城市森林游憩者行为偏好研究——以武汉市马鞍山森林公园为例
18.Constructing the Recreation Business District of City构建城市游憩商业区——以南京游憩商业区发展为例

trudge works and journey works行游与神游
3)The parade is on.游行在进行
4)Retrograde liberated逆行游离
5)recreation behavior游憩行为
1.Investigation on the urban space choice based on the recreation behavior;基于游憩行为的城市空间选择调查分析
2.So, following the principle of "humanism", this paper studies both the relations and the conflicts between the recreation demand and the recreation behavior.遵循“以人为本”的原则,研究游憩行为与游憩空间之间的关系或存在的矛盾,有的放矢的进行整合,达到研究的目的即:促进居民健康、积极的生活方式,构建健康、和谐社会。
6)Tourism Services旅游行业
1.The Differences and Relations between the Scenery Sites Trade and Tourism Services (Ⅱ);风景名胜区行业与旅游行业的区别及其关系(2)
2.The Differences and Relations between the Scenery Sites Trade and Tourism Services(I);风景名胜区行业与旅游行业的区别及其关系(1)

行游1.亦作"行游"。 2.出行;出游。