美学思维逻辑,Aesthetic thought's logic
1)Aesthetic thought's logic美学思维逻辑
2)logical thinking paradigm逻辑学思维范式
3)logic thinking science逻辑思维科学
4)logic thinking逻辑思维
1.It discusses the necessity of applying creative thinking and three-stage model to product concept design;and puts forward the method and strategy in product concept design: combining logic thinking and non-logic thinking,combining divergence thinking and convergence thinking in different hierarchy.介绍了思维、创造性思维、创造技法的各自概念和相互关系,论述了产品概念设计中应用创造性思维的必要性和三阶段模型;提出了在概念设计中将逻辑思维与非逻辑思维相统一、发散思维与聚合思维多层次相统合的方法和策略。
2.This paper is to study the construction of Chinese characters by way of logic thinking.本文是从逻辑思维的角度来探讨汉字的构造,对汉代许慎的“六书”说和现代文字学家唐兰先生的“三书”说这两种不同时代的文字学说进行了分析,认为汉字的基本构造方法应为“象形”、“形声”和“假借”。
3.This paper,beginning with the relationship between logic and translation,discusses the relatedness between the logic thinking and the understanding of the original,the structural analysis,the correct expression and translation proofreading in the course of translation.本文从逻辑与翻译的关系入手,解析了翻译过程中理解原文、分析结构、表达准确、检查译文与逻辑思维的密切关系。

1.Creative thinking-dialectual unification of both logical and illogical thinking创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的辩证统一
2.Study of Dialectical Unity between Logical Thinking and Non-logical Thinking;创新思维中非逻辑思维逻辑思维的辩证统一
3.Logical Thinking in Symbolization and Logical Cohesion within a Text;符号化的逻辑思维与语篇的逻辑连接
4.On the Relationship between Logical Thinking Method and Non-logical Thinking Method;论逻辑思维方法与非逻辑思维方法的关系
5.The comparative study on the different thinking quality;不同思维品质反映程度的对比研究——在逻辑思维和非逻辑思维
6.Creative Thinking is the unity of Opposties in a Contradretion of logical Thinking and Non?logical Thinking;创造性思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的对立统一
7.Imaginary Thinking and Logical Thinking in Art Design艺术设计中的形象思维与逻辑思维
8.On Logical Thinking and Thinking in Images in Creative Design;论创意设计中的逻辑思维与形象思维
9.Logical thinking and thinking in images in advertising creativity;论广告创意中的逻辑思维和形象思维
10.The image thinking and logical thinking in analogic modifiers in Tibetan;藏语藻饰词中的形象思维与逻辑思维
11.The Meaning of Square of Logic and Its Application in Study;逻辑方阵在逻辑思维训练中的应用意义
12.Form the Perceptional Thinking to Local Thinking--A brief discussion on the western logic in China and its impact on the Chinese people;从直觉思维到逻辑思维——浅谈西方逻辑在中国的输入及其影响
13.Creative thinking includes dialectical agreement of logical and illogical thinking, diffused and restrained thinking, conscious and subconscious thinking.创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维、散思维与收敛思维、意识和显意识的辩证统一。
14.My Ideas on Imagery Thinking and Logical Thinking in the Instruction of Engineering Courses;对工科教学中形象思维与逻辑思维的思考
15.The acquisition of dialectical logical thinking brought into proper decision.学习辩证逻辑思维 ,实施正确决策 ;
16.[A] Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk.逻辑思维未必同我们说话的方式有关。
17.The ability to work logically and systematically, with good time management.系统逻辑思维能力,时间管理能力。
18.Strong ability of logic and data analysis.有较强逻辑思维能力和数据分析能力。

logical thinking paradigm逻辑学思维范式
3)logic thinking science逻辑思维科学
4)logic thinking逻辑思维
1.It discusses the necessity of applying creative thinking and three-stage model to product concept design;and puts forward the method and strategy in product concept design: combining logic thinking and non-logic thinking,combining divergence thinking and convergence thinking in different hierarchy.介绍了思维、创造性思维、创造技法的各自概念和相互关系,论述了产品概念设计中应用创造性思维的必要性和三阶段模型;提出了在概念设计中将逻辑思维与非逻辑思维相统一、发散思维与聚合思维多层次相统合的方法和策略。
2.This paper is to study the construction of Chinese characters by way of logic thinking.本文是从逻辑思维的角度来探讨汉字的构造,对汉代许慎的“六书”说和现代文字学家唐兰先生的“三书”说这两种不同时代的文字学说进行了分析,认为汉字的基本构造方法应为“象形”、“形声”和“假借”。
3.This paper,beginning with the relationship between logic and translation,discusses the relatedness between the logic thinking and the understanding of the original,the structural analysis,the correct expression and translation proofreading in the course of translation.本文从逻辑与翻译的关系入手,解析了翻译过程中理解原文、分析结构、表达准确、检查译文与逻辑思维的密切关系。
5)logical thought逻辑思维
1.ObjectiveThe article makes analysis on the relative syndromes in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases with logical thought for correct differentiation of signs on the diseases simply stated and decoction and formula syndrome.运用逻辑思维方法对《伤寒论》中的相关证作分析,以解决一些原文论述简单的病证或汤方证的正确辨证论治问题。
2.For quite a long time,people haven t paid enough attention to the position and role of visual thought in scientific study,but visual thought,in the mind of the present author,is more fundamental than logical thought and they should be equally important in scientific research.长期以来,人们对形象思维在科学研究中的地位和作用问题关注得不够深切,事实上形象思维比逻辑思维更为基本,在科学研究中它和逻辑思维同等重要。
3.The courses that need diverse thought can make use of music to enlighten students and the courses that need logical thought can not use music in teaching.需要发散思维的课程,可以音乐为媒介,进行渗透启迪;而需要逻辑思维较强的课程,则不宜采用背景音乐教学。
6)logical thinking逻辑思维
1.Functions of logical thinking in translation;逻辑思维在翻译中的作用
2.Creative thinking-dialectual unification of both logical and illogical thinking;创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的辩证统一

非逻辑思维非逻辑思维nonlogic thinking  非逻辑思维(nonlogie thinking)用通常的逻辑程序无法说明和解释的那部分思维活动。直觉、灵感、想像等是其主要表现形式。一般认为它在创造思维的关键阶段起着重要作用。特别是许多有高度创造体验的科学家,往往认为思维由经验材料到理论的飞跃环节并不通过逻辑的桥梁,而是通过直觉、灵感等非逻辑思维来实现。其实,所谓非逻辑思维作为人类理性的表现,并不是无规律的或不符合逻辑的。非逻辑之名意指它不能用传统的形式逻辑来解释和说明,但它却可以用以辩证法为基础的辩证逻辑来解释。这一点还有待进一步确证。 (王天成撰吴万森审)