胰激肽原酶片,pancreatic kininogenase tablets
1)pancreatic kininogenase tablets胰激肽原酶片
1.Therapeutic effect of Huangqi injection and pancreatic kininogenase tablets on the early stage diabetic nephropathy;黄芪注射液与胰激肽原酶片对早期糖尿病肾病疗效观察
2.Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pancreatic kininogenase tablets in treating early stage diabetic nephropathy.目的:评价胰激肽原酶片治疗早期糖尿病肾病患者的疗效和安全性。

1.Therapeutic Effect of Pancreatic Kininogenase Tablets on Early Stage Diabetic Nephropathy胰激肽原酶片对早期糖尿病肾病疗效观察
2.Clinical Efficacy of Pancreatic Kininogenase Enteric-coated Tablets on 36 Cases of Early Diabetic Nephropathy胰激肽原酶肠溶片对早期糖尿病肾病36例疗效观察
3.The therapeutic efficacy of pancreatic kininogenase on carpal tunnel syndrome胰激肽原酶治疗腕管综合征的疗效评价
4.Neurological Disorders in Experimental Diabetic Rats and the Research on Neuroprotective Effects of Pancreatic Kallidinogenase;实验性糖尿病大鼠神经病变及胰激肽原酶神经保护作用研究
5.Combined therapy of kallidinogenase and irbesartan for early period type 2 diabetic nephropathy of elderly patients厄贝沙坦联合胰激肽原酶治疗老年早期糖尿病肾病的观察
6.Combined Treatment of Diabetic Gastro Paresis with Pancreatic Kininogenase and Mosapride莫沙比利联合胰激肽原酶治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫疗效观察
7.Significance of detection of urinary trypsinogen activation peptides and serum procalcitonin in experimental serious acute pancreatitis in rats尿胰蛋白酶原激活肽和血清降钙素原联合检测在大鼠胰腺炎早期诊断的意义
8.Nephroprotective Effects of Pancreatic Kininogenase and Valsartanon Function and Morphology in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats;胰激肽原酶联合缬沙坦对自发性高血压大鼠肾脏结构与功能的保护作用
9.Effect of Pancreatic Kininogenase on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Possible Mechanism;胰激肽原酶对自发性高血压大鼠左室肥厚的影响及可能的作用机制
10.Research of Coorperative Production Technology of Kallikrein, Trypsin and Chymotrypsin;激肽释放酶、胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶联产工艺的研究
11.The inactive precursor of trypsin, produced by the pancreas and converted to trypsin in the small intestine by enterokinase.胰蛋白酶原胰朊酶的惰性前体;由胰制造并由肠激酶在小肠内转化为胰朊酶
12.Moreover, the enzyme hydrolyzed bovine low molecular mass kininogen and releasing bradykinin.另外,此酶能够水解牛低分子量的激肽原,释放舒缓激肽。
13.Study on Experimental Condition of Pancreatic Kallikrein Activity Measurement Using Potentiometric Method电位滴定法测定胰激肽释放酶活力测试条件探讨
14.Rapid Purification of Kallikrein with the Combination of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography and Salt Precipitation;硫酸铵盐析与疏水层析相结合快速分离纯化猪胰激肽释放酶
15.Purification of Porcine Pancreas Kallikrein by Ion-Exchange and Affinity Chromatography;离子交换和亲和层析技术纯化制备猪胰激肽释放酶
16.Effects of Human Urinary Kallidinogenase on Collateral Circulation in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction人尿激肽原酶对急性脑梗死侧枝循环的影响
17.An enzyme secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa that converts the inactive trypsinogen to the digestive enzyme trypsin.肠激酶上肠粘膜分泌出的一种酶,将不活跃的胰蛋白酶原转化为消化性胰蛋白酶
18.tryptic peptide胰蛋白酶分解形成的肽段

pancreatic kininogenase胰激肽原酶
1.Clinical observation of pancreatic kininogenase for treating 78 cases of diabetic nephropathy;胰激肽原酶治疗78例糖尿病性肾病临床观察
2.Objective To improve the purity of pancreatic kininogenase.目的提高胰激肽原酶的纯度。
3.OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of carbohydrates on the stabilization of pancreatic kininogenase(PKase)under various conditions.目的研究不同条件下糖类对胰激肽原酶活性的稳定作用。
1.Treatment of diabetic retinopathy by combination of kallidinogenase and compound Danshen dripping pills;胰激肽原酶与复方丹参滴丸联合治疗糖尿病视网膜病变的临床观察
2.Kallidinogenase plus Radix Astragali for Diabetic Nephropathy:Observation of Curative Efficacy;胰激肽原酶联合黄芪治疗糖尿病肾病的临床观察
3.Clinical Research on Senile Diabetic Nephropathy Treated with Kallidinogenase;胰激肽原酶治疗老年糖尿病肾病的临床研究
4)Pancreatic Kallidinogenase Enteric-coated Tablets胰激肽原酶肠溶片
1.Quality Evaluation of the Potency of Pancreatic Kallidinogenase Enteric-coated Tablets;胰激肽原酶肠溶片效价测定的质量评价研究

激肽原酶分子式:CAS号:性质:又称激肽释放酶,激肽原酶。由哺乳动物胰脏、颈下腺及尿提取精制而得的蛋白酶。白色或微黄色粉末。分子量26 800(猪胰),分子量28 600(猪胰),分子量32 000(猪颈下腺)。溶与水、稀乙醇(50%),不溶于95%乙醇和一般有机溶剂。对热强碱、强酸、氧化剂和紫外线不稳定。广泛存在于尿、血浆和腺组织,能促使无活性的激肽原释放出有活性的激肽。后者具有显著的血管扩张作用,特别是能扩张皮肤血管,也能扩张冠状动脉、肌肉、脑和腹部内脏血管,提高血管通透性,从而起到调节血液循环的作用。医药上用于治疗由血管收缩所引起的各种循环障碍。