1.Resistance and Resistance Reduction in Preheater System;预热器系统的阻力及降阻
2.Study on law of flow velocity distribution and flow resistance in slot plug;狭缝式透气砖内气流速度分布规律及阻力研究
3.Effective methods for reducing acetylene generation system resistance;降低乙炔发生系统阻力的有效方法

1.There are two kinds of drags, parasite drag and induced drag.阻力有两种:寄生阻力和诱导阻力
2.blade profile drag coefficient桨叶剖面阻力系数,叶型阻力系数
3.resistance head阻力压头(用压头表示的阻力损失)
4.exhibiting or relating to electrical resistance.显示出电阻力的,或关于电阻的。
5.electronic countermeasure resistant communication system电子对抗阻力通信系统
6.vertical resistance竖面(垂直方向)阻力
7.mechanical behavior of effective force工作阻力的机械特性
8.frictional soil内摩擦阻力大的土壤
9.drag coefficient牵引系数,阻力系数
10.pylon diagonal drag brace吊臂架交叉阻力支撑条
11.head of fluid frictinal loss流体摩擦阻力损失压头
12.An aircraft has to overcome the resistance of the air.飞机须克服空气的阻力
13.Sometimes resistances are installed in parallel.但有时阻力为并联布置。
14.The contact resistance is difficult to measure.接触阻力很难测量。
15.fluid drag and head loss水流阻力和水头损失
16.Correcting for the effects of air resistance.弥补空气阻力的影响
17.for it has undergone resistance and pressure.因为有了阻力才有磨炼。
18.resistance test of forearm extensor前臂伸肌抗阻力试验

1.An experimental study of the cavities characters of headforms and their influence on the drag characters of slender body;系列头型空泡特征及其对细长体阻力特性影响的试验研究
2.Experimental research on flow drag in biological contact aeration process for water supply source pre-treatment;生物接触氧化源水预处理工程的水流阻力试验研究
3.Analysing model for the flow field and drag of fibrous filters with noncircular fibers;异形纤维过滤器流场及阻力数值分析模型
3)pressure drop阻力
1.Study on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of corrugated tube heat exchanger;厚壁波纹管换热器传热与阻力性能研究
2.The impact of tooth parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of inner-thread copper tube;齿形参数对内螺纹铜管换热及阻力性能的影响
3.Experimental Research on Performance of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Tube-Core-Fin Radiator;管芯式散热器传热与阻力特性试验研究
4)drag force阻力
1.Numerical simulation of the amphibious vehicle s drag force and attitude based on CFD;基于CFD的两栖车辆阻力和浮态数值模拟
2.The drag force experienced by a projectile in granular medium under gravity;运动物体在颗粒介质中的阻力形式
3.Experiment of testing for drag force of water flow around pile group桩群绕流阻力物理模型试验测量技术研究
1.Research of Characteristic of University Student of Nanjing City Football Fan and Obstruction of Watching the match;南京市大学生足球迷特征及现场看球阻力之研究
2.The main obstructions in constructing the ecological environment in the region are the vulnerable ecos.本区生态环境建设的主要阻力是生态系统脆弱、经济系统贫困、科技文化水平落后、生态建设效益滞后、投资巨大等。
3.There is obstruction from the objective, such as the local protection, the disturbance from those who are criticized and exposed.其中 ,有来自客体方面的阻力 :“地方保护主义”、被揭露被批评者的干扰 ;有来自主体方面的阻力 :对“正面宣传为主”与舆论监督的关系的认识上存在着误区、新闻监督的具体客体缺乏典型性、批评报道的失实引发新闻纠纷 ;也有来自其他方面的阻力 :有关舆论监督的法律、法规不健全等。
6)resistance force阻力
1.For high solid drilling fluids go into fracture ,static structural resistance force formed by gel strength will produce mechanical locking to oil/gas output ,and affect the discovery of reservoir.在诸多损害因素中 ,含高固相的钻井液进入裂缝因凝胶强度形成的静结构阻力 ,将对油气的产出发生力学阻塞 ,可影响到油气藏的发现 ,给试油和开发工作带来不利因素 ,造成裂缝性油气藏的主要损害。
2.The resistance forces result from the two aspects:reformers and the nature of reform itself.学习型学校是学校变革追求的理想目标,但在其变革过程中常常遇到阻力和抵制。

阻力  见流体阻力。