1.Discussion on approach to the problems of colliery heating design;煤矿供热设计若干问题探讨
2.Heat-transfer oil furnace heating--the good way for WBP enterprises saving energy and increasing efficiency;导热油炉供热——人造板企业节能增效的有效途径
3.Identification of dangerous factors and accident preventive measures of urban underground heating pipeline;城市供热地下管线系统危险因素辨识与事故预防对策

1.city heat and gas supply engineering城市供热供燃气工程
2.combined heat and power plant综合供热供电发电厂
3.balanced flue heater平衡烟道热风供热设备
4.conversion from coal to gas heating烧煤供热改为烧煤气供热
5.Heat supply: the manner of the centralized heat supply is adopted in the Park.供热:区内均采取集中供热取暖方式。
6.Economy-Energy-Environment (3E) Assessment for District Heating and Cooling System with Seawater Source Heat Pump;海水源热泵区域供热供冷系统3E评价
7.Study of maximum heating radius of seawater-source heat pump district heating systems海水源热泵区域供热系统最大供热半径的研究
8.An apparatus that heats or provides heat.加热器一种加热或提供热量的装置
9.Sensitivity Analysis on the Radiator Heat Transfer Characteristics in Heat Supply System供热系统散热器的热特性敏感性分析
10.Exergy analysis on geothermy-high temperature water-source heat pump heating system地热-高温水源热泵供热系统的分析
11.Central heating and household measurement is the necessary tendency of heating supply.集中供热,分户计量的供热采暖方式将是供热采暖的必然趋势。
12.a retrofit for the heating system.供热系统的改型翻新
13.underfloor heating,eg using warm air在地板下的供热系统.
14.rising heating system上给下分式供热系统
15.In the event that conditions are not available for introducing such combined operations, central heating should be adopted as an alternative;对不具备热电联供条件的,应当实行集中供热;
16.Economical Analysis of Centralized Heat- Supply、Gas- Fried Boiler and Electric Power Heating System集中供热、燃气锅炉及电热供暖系统的经济分析
17.Efficient implementation of DH technology for domestic heating in Greece区域供热技术在希腊国内供热中的有效应用
18.Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Cooling and Heating Source Scheme for DHC System区域供冷供热冷热源方案的寿命周期成本分析

heat supply供热
1.Energy saving technology in heat supply and heating and developmental direction of equipments;浅析供热采暖节能技术及其设备的发展方向
2.Utilizing rubbish-incineration to produce heat for heat supply system;供热系统的“垃圾改造”
3.Study on current heat supply status in residential area of Pingyao as well as questions existed;平遥县城区居民取暖供热现状及问题与建议
1.In order to utilize solar energy and wind energy to solve the problem of building energy supply and realize building energy-saving and environmental protection,a kind of heat-supply system of comprehensive utilization of solar energy and wind energy i.为了利用太阳能与风能解决建筑能源供应问题,实现建筑节能和环境保护,提出综合利用太阳能与风能的供热系统——太阳能与风力发电联合供热系统。
2.The resource advantages of applying heat-supply system combining geothermal water with gas peak-shaving boiler in Tianjin region as well as its design idea,merits and problems to which attention should be paid are analyzed.对地热水+燃气调峰锅炉供热系统在天津地区应用的资源优势及其设计思路、优点、应注意的问题进行了分析。
3.The economic analysis is made on three types of heat-supply modes,including centralized heat-supply based upon municipal gas-fired boiler plant,centralized heat-supply based upon gas-fired boiler plant in residential area,and individual heat-supply with wall-mounted gas boiler.对北京地区城市燃气锅炉房集中供热、小区燃气锅炉房集中供热和燃气壁挂炉供热3种供热方式进行了经济分析。
4)heating and cooling供热供冷
5)cooling and heating供冷供热
1.Experimental study on operation characteristics of ground coupled heat pump operated in cooling and heating mode土壤源热泵供冷供热运行特性的实验研究
6)hot water heating热水供热
1.This paper probes into the technical measures for improving the economy of the hot water heating from two aspects of the supply and return water temperature and the specific pressure drop, and expounds the paths for improving the economy of hot water heating from the angle of operation management.从供回水温度和比压降两方面探讨了提高热水供热经济性的技术措施,并从运行管理角度论述了提高热水供热经济性的途径。
2.In this paper,compared with hot water heating system and steam heating system,it was found that hot water heating system have more advantages which are stability,safety and healthy.通过比较热水供热系统和蒸汽供热系统的优缺点,发现热水供热系统更具有运行稳定、安全和卫生等优点。

城市供热供燃气工程  以集中方式向城市用户供应蒸汽、热水和燃料气体,以满足其热能需求的工程技术和设施。其主要用途有采暖、制冷、热水、食品加工以及生产上各种加热过程和动力操作等。    热能是人类生存所必需的,而且随着人民生活和生产水平的提高,需要量不断增加。现代工业发达国家每年人均耗能量折合标准煤达5吨以上,个别国家已超过10吨,其中约50%用于低温加热,10%用于高温加热,其余用于运输业和必要的电能消耗(如电动机、照明、电子仪表和熔炼金属的电炉等)。长期以来,城市居民取暖、烹饪以及生产等所需热能,是从分散的燃用固体燃料的低效炉子中取得的,劳动生产率低,使用不方便,又严重污染环境和浪费能源。随着近代大工业的发展,19世纪相继出现了集中供煤气和集中供蒸汽两种集中供应热能的方式,后来又逐步发展到集中供应热水和其他燃气,以及利用电厂汽轮机排汽和抽汽供热等,使居民生活和生产都有了很大的改善,能源消费构成逐步起了变化。19世纪以来,许多工业发达国家的城市实现了集中供热和供燃气。中国的城市集中供热事业,自20世纪50年代起有了较大的发展;城市供燃气事业,始于19世纪60年代,20世纪50年代以来发展很快。    城市实现集中供热和供燃气,具有重要的社会经济意义。第一,采用热水和蒸汽为供热介质,可充分利用各种低位热能,包括工业余热和天然地热等。采用集中方式备热,与分散相比,设备的热效率较高;采用燃气燃烧直接供热,与其他能源相比,燃料的热能利用率较高。因此,可以大大节省能源。在现代城市中,如果实现供热、供燃气和供电三者的合理结合,可以更经济和有效地利用能源,促进国民经济发展。第二,蒸汽、热水和燃气都是洁净能源,可以大大降低城市环境的污染。第三,使用方便,有利于居民生活。第四,便于调节和控制,易于实现生产过程自动化。因此,城市实现集中供热和供燃气是城市现代化的一个重要标志,也是国家能源合理分配和利用的一个重要措施。    城市供热供燃气工程包括城市集中供热和城市供燃气两个部分,它们各以热(气)源、网路和用户三个部分组成完整的系统。由于它是现代化城市不可缺少的重要基础设施,许多国家积极组织研究和实施。在研究方面正取得进展的有新热源和新气源的开发,热能和燃料的综合利用,多功能、高效率、美观和舒适的用热和用气设备的研制,专用管路部件和检测仪表的试制,新型管材和先进施工方法的采用,以及在设计、生产和管理等方面自动化技术、计算机科学和系统工程学等先进科学技术的运用等。