怠速,idle speed
1)idle speed怠速
1.Sdudy of Sliding Mode Control Simulation for Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Control;汽油机怠速滑模控制仿真研究
2.Idle Speed Control System For Motorcycle Engine Using Bypass Air;利用旁通空气的摩托车发动机怠速控制系统研究
3.Following the principle of“new vehicle by new standard and old vehicle by new standard”,double idle speed method will be taken as basic detection method and simple operating mode for gasoline automobiles and will be put into effect in stages in the countrywide.根据“新车新标准,老车老标准”的原则,双怠速法将是汽油车基本检测方法,简易工况法在全国范围内分步实施,柴油车将逐步采用不透光烟度计的测量方法。

1.engine idling speed adjusting screw发动机怠速调整螺丝
2.drive idler gear空转传动齿轮,怠速齿轮
3.throttle positioner节气门怠速开度控制阀
4.Incorrect idle or maximum speed怠速或最大转速均不正常
5.Idle is rough, and high-speed miss and power loss may result.导致怠速不稳,高速缺火和功率下降。
6.coasting richer system强制怠速混合汽加浓装置
7.external-type idle limiter外装式怠速浓度调程限制器
8.internal-type idle limiter内装式怠速浓度调程限制器
9.The engine runs quietly at idle.这发动机在空转(怠速)的时候非常安静。
10.Simulation Study on Sliding Mode Control of Idle Speed for Automotive Engine;汽油机怠速滑模控制策略及其SIMULINK实现
11.Study of Compound Fuzzy-PID Method for Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Control汽油机怠速复合模糊-PID控制策略研究
12.Analysis on Vehicle Idle Vibration Performance with A/T Model利用A/T模型分析整车怠速振动性能
13.Application of Fuzzy-PID Control in Idle of Engine Based on DSP基于DSP的Fuzzy-PID发动机怠速控制应用
14.Research of Diagnosis Method to Nocode Breakdown in Idling Engine发动机怠速无故障码故障的诊断方法
15.In this case, close the mixture screw a little and check the idle again.在这种情况下,进低速油针少许\和再检查怠速
16.This will keep your RPM much more consistent and accurate around idle where it really counts.这将保持您的引擎转速准确维持在怠速
17.Study on the Idle Speed Closed-Loop Control for Vehicle-used Natural Gas Engine车用天然气发动机怠速转速闭环控制研究
18.The purpose of the idle speed control logic is to control engine speed at closed throttle.怠速转速控制逻辑是用于控制节气门关闭后的发动机转速。

1.Idle Speed Theory and Experimental Study of Gasoline Engine;汽油机怠速工况理论及试验研究
2.Analysis and removes of breakdown of too high idle speed on Jixianda Toyota mobil car;丰田吉先达轿车怠速过高的故障分析与排除
3.Statistical Features of Passenger Cars Idle HC Emission Based on Large Sample Detecting;基于大样本实测的乘用车怠速HC排放统计特征
1.Study of Idling Operation in Gasoline Engine for Hybrid Electric Vehicle;混合动力车用汽油机的怠速问题
2.Study on Emission of during Starting and Idling of Engine with Variable Composition Oxygen-enriched Intake Air变组分富氧进气发动机起动与怠速过程排放研究
3.From the view of improving engine efficiency and decreasing emission, engine idling control methods are discussed.从提高发动机经济性和降低有害排放物质的角度出发 ,讨论了发动机怠速控制方法 ,对用 PID控制、模糊控制、模糊 - PID控制方法进行深入分析研究 ,并给出 3种控制方法的仿真结果。
4)Idling Speed怠速
1.Taking self-developed upright 3-cylinder engine electronic control system as an example,the construction of the idling control system is described and the control strategies of idling speed controlling is studied.以自主开发的直列三缸发动机电控系统为例,研究了发动机怠速控制系统的硬件组成,探讨了怠速控制策略。
5)idle speed怠速转速
1.By taking account of nonlinearity,time variation and unsteadiness of idle process in engines,this paper studies the application of fuzzy control theory for idle speed control.设计了一种汽油机怠速转速模糊比例积分微分(PID)控制系统,并利用矩阵实验室(MATLAB)所提供的Simulink仿真工具进行了仿真。
2.In order to improve the steady and dynamic characteristic of the idle speed control and study the performance of the fuzzy control method for the idle speed control, a fuzzy control system is developed to control the idle speed of gasoline engine.为了提高怠速转速控制的稳态和动态特性 ,研究模糊控制方法在怠速控制中的性能 ,设计了一种汽油机怠速转速模糊控制系统 。
6)Idling speed怠速转速
1.A Simulation of Fuzzy Control Idling Speed Stability Controlling for Gasoline Engines;设计了一种汽油机怠速转速模糊控制系统 ,并利用MATLAB所提供的Simulink仿真工具确定了控制系统的参数。
