1.Aerodynamic model of airfoil with flap used for electrical controlled rotor aeroelastic analysis;用于电控旋翼气弹分析的带襟翼翼型气动力模型
2.Numerical simulation of 2D airfoil lift enhancement with flaps;二维翼型襟翼增升的数值模拟
3.Firstly,a synthetic unsteady aerodynamic model in time domain is presented,which can take account of the unsteady effect of the flap nose overhang.以有限元旋翼气弹分析程序LORA01为基础,首先给出了一种能计及襟翼移轴补偿影响的时域综合非定常气动力模型,并将伺服襟翼作为额外引入的质量体计入结构动力学模型;之后结合有限元法,根据Hamilton原理导出由广义力表示的带襟翼桨叶非线性运动方程,采用基于Newmark方法的隐式数值积分法对桨叶运动方程进行求解。

1.camber changing flap改变机翼弯度的襟翼
2.main foil flap hydraulic actuator主翼襟翼液压执行机构
3.leading-edge flap position indicator前缘襟翼位置指示器
4.trailing-edge flap position indicator后缘襟翼位置指示器
5.A seagull hit the right wing tip, leading edge flap sustained minor damage.右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。
6.Research of Calibration Technology on Angular Displacement for Elevator, Aileron and Flap of Airplane;飞机升降舵、副翼和襟翼转角标定技术研究
7.Numerical Simulation of Usteady Flows over Gliding Flap of Multi-element Airfoils多段翼型襟翼滑动非定常粘性流数值模拟
8.Now the flaps were fully retracted.现在襟翼全部收缩进去了。
9.Research on Ground - effect - aircraft Flap Surcharge Relief Operating;地效机襟翼超载自动释放操纵的研究
10.Dynamic response reliability analysis of airplane inner-flap mechanism飞机内襟翼机构动态响应可靠性分析
11.Application of Gurney flap on certain target droneGurney襟翼在某型靶机上的应用
12.Design and installation of 4000 DWT multi-purpose carrier flapped rudder4000DWT多用途船襟翼舵的设计与安装
13.A single flap replaces the previous double design and the additional winglets over the main profile have increased in length, almost reaching the side of the nosecone.单襟翼取代了原本双襟翼的设计,同时主体上方额外的翼端帆长度也增加,现在几乎要碰到鼻锥。
14.A section of( wing trailing-edge) flap detached during flight probably due to material fatigue.一段襟翼在飞行中掉落可能因材料疲乏。
15.We are trying to dump our fuel with gear down and full flaps.我们试图将起落架放下和全襟翼进行放油。
16.The Design Study on the Kinematical Mechanism of Multi-Gap-Fowler-flap of Large-scale Cargo Airplane大型运输机多缝富勒襟翼运动机构设计研究
17.Realization of ship flap rudder control system based on DSP non-position transducer襟翼舵无位置传感器DSP控制系统设计实现
18.Experiment on flow control using Gurney-flaps for a low-pressure turbine cascade基于Gurney襟翼的低压涡轮叶栅流动控制实验

body flap机身襟翼
1.All-C/SiC composites body flap is gas-loaded intensely when the return of the space vehicle into Earth s atmosphere with high-supersonic.针对全C/SiC复合材料机身襟翼再入过程中受到强烈的气动载荷作用的受力状况,进行了静力试验考核。
1.Numerical study of active flow control using jet-flap for a low-pressure turbine cascade;射流襟翼-低压涡轮叶栅主动流动控制数值研究
4)flap system襟翼系统
5)wing flap飞机襟翼
6)Gurney flap格尼襟翼
1.An investigation of increasing lift on large transport byusing Gurney flap positioned at the trailing-edge;格尼襟翼对某运输机翼型的增升试验研究
2.The camber of the widely used FFA-W3-211 airfoil is markedly being enlarged by adding a Gurney flap of 4% chord length to its trailing edge and by changing the shape of the pressure surface.实验结果表明,在各种条件下,风力机的风能利用系数依次为:装了大弯度翼型的桨叶、格尼襟翼和原型直桨叶风力机。

襟翼  见增升装置。