1.Methods of preventing from dewing and molding on the surface of grain heap in storehouses;浅谈防止房式仓储粮结顶的方法
2.Following the use of the newly-built grain storehouses,the problems in most granaries have appeared,such as poor the heat insulation performance of the roof and poor airtight in the doors,windows and holes of the storehouse,and the surface temperature of grain bulk is too.从储粮生态系统控制的角度阐述了粮仓保温隔热性能的重要性和实用性,突出粮仓设计和使用的协调统一;针对新建粮食储备房式仓使用中多数出现仓顶隔热性差、门窗洞口气密性差、仓内粮面温度过高的问题,结合实践经验,对房式仓朝南墙面门窗的设计、保温隔热屋面的设计、仓内地坪适当下挖装粮的设计等进行了探讨,提出了实用性设计方法和"半地下储粮房式仓"新仓型的设计思路。
3)old type warehouse旧式平房仓
1.The ground,ventilation and recirculation fumigation system,roof of old type warehouse were rebuilt to improve grain storability.结合粮库所处地理位置、气候特点 ,本着经济、有效的原则 ,对旧式平房仓地坪进行防潮处理、改进机械通风及环流熏蒸系统 ,屋面薄膜吊顶隔热改造等技术处理 ,取得了较好的效果 ,达到了延缓储粮陈化的目的 ,为实现准低温及低温储粮 ,保证储粮品质提供了有力保
4)large warehouse高大房式仓
1.The test of grain spending sumur was carried out in large warehouse.利用聚苯乙烯泡沫板、腈纶棉被、稻壳、麻袋等压盖物 ,分别对高大平房仓粮堆表面进行压盖 ,经过度夏试验的结果表明 ,用隔热性能较好的材料压盖 ,能有效地控制粮温上升幅度 ,克服了高大房式仓屋面隔热性能差、上层粮温易升高的缺点 ,有效地控制了虫霉危害发生 ,达到控温储藏、延缓粮食品质陈化的目
2.For achieving goods effect, the ventilation cages were installed in large warehouse.在高大房式仓机械通风网络中存在的“死角”问题极不利于粮食的安全储 藏。
5)normal warehouse普通房式仓
1.The technological design for phosphine inner circulating fumigation in normal warehouse was made.选择普通房式仓进行内部环流工艺设计 ,从中探索了内部环流管道的布局方式 ,选材 ,环流熏蒸杀虫效果 ,经济、社会效益情况及推广应用价值等 。
6)large warehouse大型房式仓
1.The structure,construction,long term storage and mechanical ventilation of large warehouse were evaluated comprehensively.本文重点对大型房式仓的施工、长期储粮应用、机械通风效果、仓体结构等进行了综合验证 ,结果证明 :该类仓房可用作长期储粮仓
2.The ventilation system with the vertical ventilation ducts was used in the sealed bulk grain in large warehouses.采用垂直径向通风系统对大型房式仓密闭散装粮通风27h。
