土壤耕作,Soil tillage
1)Soil tillage土壤耕作
1.Effects of soil tillage and returning straw to soil on wheat growth status and yield;土壤耕作及秸秆还田对冬小麦生长状况及产量的影响
2.Effects of wheat straw returning and soil tillage on CH_4 and N_2O emissions in paddy season麦秸还田与土壤耕作对稻季CH_4和N_2O排放的影响
3.Effect of the soil tillage practies of summer fallow period of light loamy soil on wheat yield and water use efficiency土壤耕作方式对小麦产量及水分利用的影响

1.tillage machine with power-driven working parts驱动型土壤耕作机械
2.someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil.研究土壤耕作的科学、技术、或商业的人。
3.Some soils are not suitable for farming.有些土壤不适于耕作。
4.Clay makes the soil hard to work when wet and it cracks when dry.粘土遇湿使土壤无法耕作,遇旱使土壤发生龟裂。
6.Effect of different farming methods on soil microbial biomass and soil fertility耕作方式对土壤微生物和土壤肥力的影响
7.prepare for crops, of soil.为农作物做好耕作土壤的准备。
8.Incorporation of crop residues; conventional tillage.把作物残体混入土壤的传统耕作制。
9.Tilth's the quality of a soil which makes it easy to cultivate and easy for the roots of plants to grow.耕性指的是使土壤易于耕作,根系易于生长的一种土壤性状。
10.to exhaust by excessive cultivation, of land.由于过分的耕作而使土壤变得不肥沃。
11.Impoverish the soil by overuse.过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠
12.Experimental Study on Soil Wind Erosion with Conservation Tillage Treatment;保护性耕作防治土壤风蚀的试验研究
13.Microbial Characteristics of Conservation Tillage in Paddy Soil;稻田保护性耕作土壤微生物特性研究
14.Study on Homogeneity Distribution of ~(137)Cs in Agricultural Soils~(137)Cs在耕作土壤中的均一性分布研究
15.Effects of Conservation Tillage on Soil Organic Carbon Fractions保护性耕作对土壤有机碳组分的影响
16.Freezing-Thawing Condition of Main Dryland Farming Soil Areas in Northeast China东北主要旱地耕作土壤冻融环境分析
17.Multi-scale spatial structure of heavy metals in Beijing cultivated soils北京耕作土壤重金属多尺度空间结构
18.Effect of different cultivation measure on soil temperature and moisture in the Loess Plateau黄土高原坡耕地不同耕作措施对土壤温度和水分的作用效应

Soil cultivation土壤耕作
1.According to the present condition of soil cultivation in Huachuan and 搕hree, three?rotation cultivation system base on deep-ripping, combine with the equipment of agriculture improving quality and increasing effectiveness, forward the necessity and proposals reform the old cultivation mode to protection cultivation.根据桦川县土壤耕作现状以及近年来实行以深松为基础的“三、三”轮耕制情况,结合加入世贸组织后农业提质增效的要求,指出了将原来耕作模式改革为保护性耕作的必要性,并提出了相应的建议。
1.Effects of tillage and straw returning on soil fertility and grain yield in a wheat-rice double cropping system;稻麦两熟条件下不同土壤耕作方式与秸秆还田效用分析
4)cultivated soil耕作土壤
1.Heavy metals contamination for cultivated soils,vegetables and rice in the vicinity of non-ferrous metals industry;有色矿业区耕作土壤、蔬菜和大米中重金属污染
2.Study on potassium release rate and the relation of the rate to potassium availability in Cultivated soils;耕作土壤释钾速率及其与钾有效性的关系研究
3.Spatial autocorrelation analysis of heavy metals in cultivated soils in Beijing北京耕作土壤重金属含量的空间自相关分析
5)Cultivated soils耕作土壤
1.Relationship between composition of K-bearing minerals and potassium status of cultivated soils in Jilin Province;吉林省主要耕作土壤中含钾矿物组成及其与不同形态钾的关系
2.Multi-scale spatial structure of heavy metals in Beijing cultivated soils北京耕作土壤重金属多尺度空间结构
6)palaeocultivated soil古耕作土壤
1.The results are as follows: the texture of the palaeocultivated soil is medium-loam;the skeleton in the palaeocultivated soil have good smooth surface and mostly consist of quartzes,feldspars etc.通过野外调查,应用偏光显微镜和图像处理软件等手段,结合理化分析,研究了泾河中游古耕作土壤的微形态特征。
