1.Since 1974,65 rice varieties have been passed the examination in Liaoning Province.70年代以来,辽宁省通过审定的水稻品种逐步增多,累计65个。

1.validation of training培训工作的审定测验
2.open qualification system开放的审定资格制度
3.prequalified consortium经预先审定资格的财团
4.Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia)法定审判和依权审判
5.To Define Audit Supposing,Auditting Criterion and Auditting Responsibility;审计假设、审计准则与审计责任的界定
6.2.Nonstatutory Review.(二)非法定的复审
7.The finding of a jury in a trial.裁定审判中陪审团的裁决
8.The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict.召集陪审团重新审议其裁定.
9.Committal for trial is the determination of examining justices.押交审判是预审法官作出的决定。
10.prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury.使陪审团无法做出决定。
11.special computer audit program特定计算机审计程序
12.The jury ruled that the charges were not proven.陪审团判定指控不成立。
13.The jury bring in or returned a verdict of not guilty.陪审团作出无罪的裁定。
14.Jones elected to conduct Hanley's interrogation himself.琼斯决定亲自审问汉利。
15.Has a day been assigned for the trial?审讯日期已经定了吗?
16.A juror must have an open mind.陪审员一定不要有成见。
17.Department of Fixed Assets Investment Audit固定资产投资审计司
18.Selected Projects Implementation Review Exercise选定项目执行情况审查

1.After taking investigation and research aiming at the present situation of settle accounts and cost management and the existing problem in public works of Nanchang city in recent years,the paper analyzes the cause and makes the suggestion and the way to deal with the situation for how to correct the harmful trend presented in preparation and approval of project settle accounts.根据南昌市近年来市政工程结算造价管理的现状和存在的问题,通过调研对其原因进行了分析,并就如何纠正工程结算编制、审定中的不良倾向,提出了建议与对策。
1.So it is necessary to found accreditation processes available to analysts in detail which includes not only the law status and the right and obligation of analysts, but also regulations and requirement.所以有必要制定详细具体的鉴定人资格审定考核标准,对于鉴定人不仅要规定其法律地位,在诉讼中的权利和义务;还要制定相应的规章制度和实际工作的操作规程,尽可能对其专业技能水平作出具体细致的规定,并为从事专项鉴定的人员提供合理的健康、安全方面的保护。
1.The study on reserves assessment-cognizance system based on principal-agent theory;矿产资源储量评审认定制度研究
5)reserves examination储量审定
6)Identification and investigation鉴定审查

审定1.审查决定或审阅评定。 2.谨慎稳重。