1.The ecoresources conditions are excellent from the New Stone Age to the end of Shang Dynasty,but the climate at the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty changed to be dry,which led to the decrease of the ecoresources and endangered the farming and stockraising production and the whole national economy,so all the monarchs at that time made po.为此,当时的有识之士纷纷呼吁采取保护措施,统治者也相应地制订一系列政策、法令,倡导用养结合、协调人与生态环境的平衡统一,全方位地保护生态资源。

1.The Combination of Use and Maaintenance:the Balance and Unity Of the Human Need and Ecoresources at the Period of Xianqin;用养结合:先秦时期人类需求与生态资源的平衡统一
2.It is of guiding significance for medicine application if combining the result of sputum culture with clinical cases.痰培养结果与临床结合利于指导用药。
3.Meeting the Market Needs, Cultivating IT Talents;紧密结合市场需求,培养IT实用型人才
4.Reform Scheme of the "Combination of Working and Learning" Model for Computer Applied Technique Talent;计算机应用技术专业工学结合人才培养模式
5.Training the Qualified Personnelby the Standard of Vocational Skill;结合职业技能岗位标准培养应用型人才
6.Actively Creating the Conditions for Promoting the Combination between Production, Teaching and Research, Training the Practical Talented Persons;积极创造条件 推进产学研结合 培养应用型人才
7.Developing the Ability of Studying by Oneself by Studying and Using C Language;C语言学用结合 培养自主创新学习能力
8.Exploration on Combining Teaching with Production and Research to Train Senior Practical Personnel;产学研结合培养高等技术应用性人才的探索
9.To strengthen the combination of the theory and practice ,and train the applied ability of the engineering;加强理论与实践结合 培养学生工程应用能力
10.Adherence to “3-in-1 Combination” involving Production, Teaching and Research, Turning out Adaptable and Application-Oriented Personnel;坚持产学研结合 培养适应性强的应用型人才
11.Application of Science and Technology: Key to the Construction of Personnel Training Mode科技应用是工学结合人才培养模式构建的关键
12.Cultivating Talents With "work-integrated learning" model,Building Exquisite Courses in Vocational College采用“工学结合”人才培养模式建设高职精品课程
13.Application of vacuum impregnation and nutritional enrichment in pretreatment of frozen apple(Royal Gala)真空浸渍技术结合营养强化技术在冻结苹果前处理中的应用
14.A New Model for Cultivating Practical Furniture Industry Talents Based on University-enterprise Cooperation and Study-practice Integration校企合作、工学结合培养家具实用型人才的创新模式
15.The New Model of Cooperation Education : Come-after Training;产学研结合人才培养新模式:跟踪培养
16.On the Development of University Level Personnel Characteristic of Application;两阶段制三结合 培养本科应用型人才──兄弟院校培养本科应用型人才经验综述
17.CONCLUSION Compound coenzyme as shown to improve liver function in patients received TPN.结论复合辅酶对静脉高营养中的肝脏有保护作用。
18.Preparation of High-Performance Ceremsite and Application in the Anaerobic Filter with Anaerobic Micro-Organism;高性能陶粒制备结合厌氧菌培养应用于厌氧滤池的研究

plantation with tending养用结合
1.The paper establishes an optimized model fitted with the crop-livestock agricultural system by modifying the traditional linear programming method according to .现就种养结合型农业生产结构的特点,将传统的线性规划模型加以改进,建立适应种养结合型农业生产结构调整的优化模型,结合内蒙古土默特左旗以发展奶业为主的农区畜牧业结构进行2010年农业生产结构调整优化方案的模拟,并提出相关政策建议,为各级基层政府制定和确立农业生产结构调整指导方案提供理论和方法上的参考。
4)Combine taking care and practicing养练结合
5)combination of education and care教养结合
1.During the Reform Period,Jiangsu industrialists tended to reform by emulating western civilization,promoting the idea of charity,opposing old diehard,promoting content of charity,advocating combination of education and care,reforming forms of charity to make society progress.维新期间,江苏实业家趋向变法,学习西学,积极改变公益慈善理念,反对固步自封;改革慈善内容,提倡教养结合;改造慈善公益形式,力求社会进步。
6)the type of combining planting and breeding种养结合型

非结合环与非结合代数非结合环与非结合代数on-associative rings and algebras 非结合环与非结合代数【珊心胭仪妇柱视血娜.d alge-b旧s;。eaceo””姗.oe.二、双a.幼。6P。」 具有两个二元运算+与,,除了可能不满足乘法结合律外,满足结合环与代数(a洛。clati记nn邵and目罗b璐)之所有公理的集合.非结合环与代数的第一批例子出现在19世纪中叶,是不结合的(Ca外呀数(c盯触yn山n1比IS)和更一般的超复数(h”姆rComp恤nUmber)).给定一个结合环(代数),如果用运算〔a,bl二ab一ba代替原有的乘法,其结果是一个非结合环(代数),这是个Lie环(代数).另一类重要的非结合环(代数)是Jo攻lan环(代数),它们可由在特征非2的域(或有1和1/2的交换的算子环)上的结合代数中定义运算a·b=(ab+ba)/2得到.非结合环与代数的理论已经发展成代数学的一个独立分支,展现出与数学的其它领域以及物理学、力学、生物学及其他学科的许多联系.这个理论的中心部分是熟知的拟结合环和代数(n比ly一别粥戊泊石wn刀乡缸记a】罗bras)的理论,它们有:Lie环和珠代数,交错环和交错代数,北攻坛幻环与Joltlan代数,MaJ几哪B环和Ma月五U口B代数,以及它们的某些推广(见Ue代数(Lieal罗bra);交错环与代数(司加叮必tiverm邵alld目罗b挑);J加止川代数(Jo攻协nal罗bIa);M幼城e。