冠层温度,canopy temperature
1)canopy temperature冠层温度
1.Preliminary study on canopy temperature difference of peanut varieties population and physiological characteristics;花生群体冠层温度分异现象及其生理特性研究初报
2.Relation between wheat canopy temperature and traits related to yield in grain filling stage;小麦籽粒灌浆期冠层温度与产量相关性状的关系
3.Simulation and analysis of cucumber canopy temperature in greenhouse in Yangtze River delta during summer;长江中下游地区夏季温室黄瓜冠层温度模拟与分析研究

1.Study on Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Different Peas豌豆冠层温度分异现象及其生理特性
2.The Study of the Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Cotton;棉花冠层温度分异现象及其生理特性的研究
3.Studies on Relationships between Canopy Temperature and Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat;冬小麦冠层温度与产量和品质关系的研究
4.Study on Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Different Mungbean Genotypes;不同基因型绿豆冠层温度及其生理特性之研究
5.Study on Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Different Millets;谷子冠层温度分异现象及其生理特性研究
6.Effect of Canopy Temperature on Yield Traits of Different Genotypes of Winter Wheat不同基因型冬小麦冠层温度与产量性状的关系
7.Relationship of Wheat Canopy Temperature and Yield at Jointing Stage冬小麦拔节期冠层温度与产量的关系研究
8.Research Advance in Relationship between Canopy Temperature and Crop Water Status冠层温度与作物水分状况关系研究进展
9.Characteristics of canopy and air temperature in tropical seasonal rainforests in Xishuangbanna西双版纳热带季节雨林林冠层温度与大气温度特征
10.A Real-time Study of Monitoring Crop and Soil Water Condition Based on Eddy Correlation Technique and Information of Remotely Sensed Canopy Temperature基于涡度相关与冠层温度遥感信息的实时农田墒情监测研究
11.Characterization of Canopy Temperature in Different Wheat Genotypes under Drought Condition;干旱条件下不同基因型小麦冠层温度及其生物学特征
12.Study on Relation between Wheat Canopy Temperature and Traits Related to Yield in Grain Filling Stage;小麦籽粒灌浆期冠层温度与产量相关性状的关系之研究
13.Study on Difference of Canopy Temperature of Malting Barley and Physiological Characteristics;啤酒大麦冠层温度分异现象及其生理特性的研究
14.Monitoring Frost Disaster of Cotton Based on Difference of Vegetation Index and Canopy Temperature by Remote Sensing基于ETM植被指数和冠层温度差异遥感监测棉花冷害
15.Relationship of Canopy Temperature with Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Various Genotypes of Maize不同基因型玉米冠层温度与产量和水分利用效率的关系
16.Relationship between Canopy Temperature with Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Dryland Winter Wheat from Blooming to Grain Filling Stage;旱地冬小麦扬花至灌浆期冠层温度与籽粒产量和水分利用效率的关系
17.The Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Temperature and Relative Humidity in Maize Canopy;玉米冠层内光合有效辐射和温湿度的时空动态
18.Analysis on the Relationship Between Litchi Canopy Temperature and Air Temperature in Winter荔枝越冬期间冠层气温与大气温度关系的初步分析

canopy temperature and moisture冠层温湿度
1.It can obtain plant leaf area,canopy temperature and moisture etc.使用该设备可获取植物叶面积、冠层温湿度等信息,进而利用作物模型系统进行生产决策,也可利用农业科研与试验记载标准数据库记载与处理实验数据。
3)Discrepancy between canopy and air temperature冠层温度-气温差
4)crop canopy temperature作物冠层温度
1.Algorithm for estimating crop canopy temperature using EOS-MODIS data;利用EOS-MODIS数据提取作物冠层温度研究
2.Crop growth simulation and yield prediction based on the estimation of crop canopy temperature with remote sensing;基于遥感反演作物冠层温度的作物生长模拟和预报
3.2,crop canopy temperature was calculated by vegetation index and brightness temperature datum from satellite channel No.利用FY-1D/AVHRR数据通道12、的反射率计算植被指数和通道4、5的亮温计算作物冠层温度,进而求出植被供水指数可监测干旱状况。
5)canopy surface temperature冠层表面温度
1.Selecting split-window algorithm for retrieving canopy surface temperature of winter wheat and monitoring soil water content;冬小麦冠层表面温度裂窗算法的筛选与土壤含水率监测
6)Canopy leaf temperature冠层叶面温度

晶体生长界面处的温度边界层晶体生长界面处的温度边界层temperatureboundary layer at crystal growth interface 晶体生长界面处的温度边界层temperatureboundary layer at erystal growth interfaee生长界面前沿温度分布不均匀的流体层。 在具有温度梯度的生长系统中,晶体的生长界面一般是温度为生长温度T。的等温面,流体内的温度高于生长温度。流体中热量传输有两种机制:①由温度梯度存在产生的热扩散(热传导);②在重力场中温度不均匀引起自然对流,以及晶体或增涡旋转产生搅拌所引起的强迫对流的对流传输。精确求解运动流体对温度场的影响是复杂的。引入温度边界层概念,采用温度边界层近似,可以把热量传输的问题简化。在温度边界层厚度击内,热量传输只有热扩散;在边界之外,热传输机制是对流。由于对流的搅拌作用,在边界之外流体温度Tb是均匀的。在边界层内,近似地认为温度分布是线性的。其斜率就是生长界面处的温度梯度(见图)。T‘,(、》二二‘二二‘二‘‘二‘二二T。O占T 温度:芝介层实线是由严格的理论得到的,虚线是作了边界层近似后的温度分布曲线。根据边界层近似有关系式旦工}=鱼丈丝立dZ}二=o务用数值计算方法得到温度边界层厚度 务=1 .6 kl,3夕1,6山一孟12式中k为热扩散系数,。为流体运动粘滞系数,。是晶体旋转角速度。。愈大,则搅拌作用愈强,边界层厚度愈薄。(洪静芬)