目标规划,goal programming
1)goal programming目标规划
1.Case-based learning modeling for goal programming;基于事例学习的目标规划问题的建模方法研究
2.Lange scale goal programming model for development of Daqing oilfield;大庆油田开发规划的大系统目标规划模型
3.Marginal revenues of resources and goal programming of planting industry structure;资源边际效益与种植业结构调整目标规划

1.The Goal Program Model in Real Estate Investment of Bundling Business;房地产投资项目组合的目标规划模型
2.The 0-1 Goal Programming Method for Choosing Bid Project选择投标工程的0—1目标规划方法
3.Method Study of Power Plan Based on the Theory of Goal Programming;基于目标规划理论的电源规划方法研究
4.Multiobjective Programming under S-d-invexity and E-Convex Programming;S-d-invexity条件下的多目标规划和凸规划问题
5.From Objective to Process Planning:the Technology and Policy Features of Urban Planning;从目标规划到过程规划——城市规划的技术特征与政策特征
6.Target Cost Control Mode of Construction Enterprises Based on Goal Planning;基于目标规划的施工企业目标成本控制模型
7.Major Efficency of Multiobjective Programming under Preference Objective Number;偏爱目标数意义下的多目标规划的有效性
8.Linear goal programming is used to solve the multi objective model.模型归结为求解线性目标规划问题。
9.Research on Water Resources and Economy Multitargets Plan in Baotou City包头市水资源-经济多目标规划研究
10.A Descending Dimension Algorithm for the Equality Constrained Multi-objective Programming Problem;等式约束多目标规划问题的降维算法
11.Research on Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization and Multiobjective Programming;非光滑优化与多目标规划算法的研究
12.Ecocity-aimed Planning of Urban Green System;围绕生态城市目标规划城市绿地系统
13.Multiobjective programming models of eco-industrial systems and its application;生态工业系统多目标规划模型及应用
14.Goal programming model of assets liability management in commercial bank;商业银行资产负债管理目标规划模型
15.A Two-Objective Programming Model for Determining the Weight Vector of OWA Operator and Its Solution;确定OWA算子权向量的二目标规划模型
16.logical framework analysis and objectives-oriented project planning methods逻辑框架分析和目标导向项目规划法
17.Enterprise modeling based on uniform goal of business planning andinformation systems planning;企业规划与信息系统规划目标统一建模
18.The Optimatily Conditions of Multiobjective Programming and Multiobjective Fractional Programming;多目标以及多目标分式规划的最优性条件

objective programming目标规划
1.Dual-variable and objective programming of investment environment for international oil company;油公司跨国投资环境的双重属性及目标规划方法
2.A heuristic algorithm for linear multiple -objective programming with 0-1 variables;大型0-1目标规划的启发式算法
3)object programming目标规划
1.Solve object programming with LINDO;利用LINDO求解目标规划
2.A two-level optimization object programming model was put forward for water waste load allocation based on the principles of efficiency and equity.排污企业间的水污染物初始分配是完成总量控制的基础工作,为了更合理地兼顾效率和公平原则,对水污染物总量进行分配,建立了效率与公平两级递阶优化的目标规划模型。
4)target programming目标规划
1.Based on the ratio of middle to outside law design idea,the application target programming method is used to establish a simplification model and improvement model based on the most superior design of can shape and the size,and the simplification model is solved by the Lagrange multiplicator law.基于黄金分割律的设计理念,应用目标规划的方法建立了易拉罐形状和尺寸最优设计的简化模型与改进模型,以拉格朗日乘数法求解了简化模型,利用mathematic求出了改进模型数值解,并通过测量数据进行了验证。
2.In this paper, the comprehensive exploitation and utilization programming of Yunzhu River Valley is carried out using target programming model and three plans are determined for selects.应用多目标规划和模糊综合评价方法对晋中榆社县云竹河流域大型土地整理工程进行规划 ,得出三个供选方案 。
5)goal program目标规划
1.The decision criterion of goal program requests the minimum deviation be- tween the actual and expectation numerical of each objective as far as possible.目标规划的决策准则是使各个目标函数的实际值与各个目标希望达到的理想值的偏差尽量小,是解决多目标决策问题的较理想方法。
2.This paper measures the income and risk of real estate portfolios by using the single-index,wodel and capital of cost rate formula,Then according to the quality and investing principle of real estate,the paper establishes a goal program model in real estate investment of bundling business.根据房地产投资的特征与投资目标,利用成熟的单指数模型,资金成本率公式,建立了减少风险危害,保证投资有效的房地产投资项目组合的目标规划模型。
3.By using the multi-stage decomposition goal programming method and combining the fact of the Plate Mill, the data simulation at differ-ent priority levels is carried out, and the multi-scheme evaluation of the simulation results is made.建立月至旬生产计划分解模型,采用多阶段分解目标规划法求解,结合中板厂实际,进行不同优先级别下的数据模拟,并对模拟结果进行多方案评价,可作为管理人员编制生产计划的决策依据。
6)planning target规划目标
1.Using dynamic state programming method,we firstly divide the period of mineral resources planning into phrases reasonably,then establish mathematical model of planning target.应用动态规划方法合理地划分矿产资源规划阶段,建立规划目标数学模型,可以较好地改进传统矿产资源规划的不足。

目标规划  对多目标或相互矛盾的多重目标进行择优的一种方法,是企业根据现有财力、物力、人力、技术设备等条件,通过分析、比较和论证,对企业经营方向、经营目标所进行的规划。其目的是充分有效地利用企业的资源和条件,争取节约,消除浪费,以提高企业的经济效益。    目标规划是以线性规划为基础而发展起来的,但在运用中,由于要求不同,有不同于线性规划之处:①目标规划中的目标不是单一目标而是多目标,既有总目标又有分目标。根据总目标建立部门分目标,构成目标网,形成整个目标体系。制定目标时应注意协调各个分目标,消除分目标间的矛盾,以利总目标的实现;各分目标必须服从总目标的实现,不能脱离总目标。②线性规划只寻求目标函数的最优值,即最大值或最小值。而目标规划,由于是多目标,其目标函数不是寻求最大值或最小值,而是寻求这些目标与预计成果的最小差距,差距越小,目标实现的可能性越大。目标规划中有超出目标和未达目标两种差距。一般以Y+代表超出目标的差距,Y-代表未达目标的差距。Y+和Y-两者之一必为零,或两者均为零。当目标与预计成果一致时,两者均为零,即没有差距。人们求差距,有时求超过目标的差距,有时求未达目标的差距。目标规划的核心问题是确定目标,然后据以建立模型,求解目标与预计成果的最小差距。    目标规划可用一般线性规划求解,也可用备解法求解,还可用单体法求解,或者先用线性规划或备解法求解后,再用单体法验证有无错误。目标规划有时还要用对偶原理进行运算,依一般规则,将原始问题转换为对偶问题,以减少单体法运算步骤。    在企业中,目标规划的用途极为广泛,如确定利润目标,确定各种投资的收益率,确定产品品种和数量,确定对原材料、外购件、半成品、在制品等数量的控制目标等。