秸秆人造板,straw-based panel
1)straw-based panel秸秆人造板
1.This paper studies the difficulties in the industrialization of straw-based panel, analyses the relationship between technical innovation and industrial development, and discusses the industrialization of straw-based panel mainly in the aspects of financial policy, develop the result of technology exchange system and pay more attention to intellectual .利用秸秆资源,发展秸秆人造板产业,符合国家加强对森林资源和生态环境保护的发展战略。
2.These high costs have made straw-based panels less attractive and competitive in the panel market.针对秸秆人造板产业中存在的产业链不衔接、信息不通畅,从而带来成本上升的问题,提出用虚拟产业群的思路,创建秸秆人造板产业链组织框架,并对产业链组织框架的建设进行了分析。
3.It was put forward that the traditional utilization(such as: straw as Fodder,Fertilizer,Fuel) was rational but unefficient,although it could be developed aptly;straw as Fiber in paper making showed the trend of descending year after year because of pollution;only straw as Feed Stock in straw-based panel accorded with Chinese situation.笔者在简述中国秸秆资源在"5F"利用方式(肥料、饲料、燃料、纤维、原料)的现状基础上,结合中国农村农业生产的特点,从生态、经济及社会三大效益方面对"5F"利用方式进行了对比分析,并提出了饲料、肥料及农村生活用能的传统利用方式虽较适宜发展,但其"合理却并非有效(低效)";而秸秆造纸又因污染问题正呈逐年下降趋势;唯有发展秸秆人造板这样的新型环保+效益的工业生态产业,才符合中国国情,不失为明智之举。

1.Discussion on Some Points of China’s Strawboard Industry;我国秸秆人造板工业若干问题之我见
2.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Straw-based Artificial Panel Industry in China;我国秸秆人造板工业的发展现状与对策
3.Research on the Crop Straws Resource Supply Models of Straw-based Panel Industry;农作物秸秆人造板工业原料供给模式研究
4.Current Markets and Potential Applications for Agri-fiber Based Panels in China;农作物秸秆人造板发展现状与应用前景
5.Exploration to the Crop Straw Man-made Board Technology and Industrialization Problem;我国农作物秸秆人造板技术与产业化问题探讨
6.The Manufacturing of Rice Straw Particleboard Bonded with Modified Phenol-formaldehyde Resin改性酚醛树脂胶黏剂压制稻秸秆人造板的研究
7.Application of modified soy-based adhesives in straw particle boards改性豆基胶粘剂在秸秆人造板中的应用
8.Influence of the Chemical Composition of Agricultural Straw on Production Process of Straw-based Panels农作物秸秆化学成分对人造板生产工艺的影响
9.Future Development of Bio-based Composites from Agricultural Fibers in China;生物质资源农作物秸秆应用于人造板工业的可行性分析
10.Research on Manufacturing of MDF from Rice and Wheat Straws with Modified UF Resin and Pretreated Straw;秸秆预处理及用改性脲醛胶制造纤维板的研究
11.Review and Discussion on Development of the Wheat/Rice Straw Board Industry in China;我国麦/稻秸秆板工业的发展与思考
12.A Study on the manufacturing of Corn stalk OSB利用玉米秸秆制备定向刨花板的研究
13.The Mechanism and Manufacturing Technics of Castor Stalk Based Board利用蓖麻秆制造人造板的机理和工艺研究
14.Mechanical Properties of Particleboard Made from Surface-treated Wheat Straw基于表面处理的麦秸人造板力学性能研究
15.Effect of Enzymes Pretreatment on Performances of Straw-based MDF生物酶预处理对秸秆中密度纤维板性能的影响
16.Economic analysis for rural housing construction with light steel and straw stalk compound board structure;轻钢与秸秆复合板结构的住宅经济性分析
17.Research on Characters of Salicornia Stalk and Manufacturing of Stalk Board海蓬子秸秆界面特性及制板工艺的研究
18.Research on Biomimetic Iaminates and Straw Fiber Reinforced Composite Board秸秆纤维增强复合板材及仿生层状研究

strawboard industry秸秆人造板工业
1.Beginning with the necessity and feasibility of developing China’s strawboard industry, the article outlines different kinds of strawboard, present status and some points meriting our attention during the process of its development.阐述我国发展秸秆人造板工业的必要性和可行性,介绍了秸秆人造板的种类、我国秸秆人造板工业发展现状和发展过程中应注意的问题,并对今后的发展提出了建议。
3)agri-fiber board(strawboard)农业剩余物秸秆人造板
1.A review is presented of the current development stituation and existing problems of nonwood based panelsincluding agri-fiber board(strawboard),bamboo board and shrub board in China.介绍我国农业剩余物秸秆人造板、竹材人造板和沙生灌木人造板等非木材人造板的发展现状及非木材人造板发展过程中存在的问题。
4)Rice straw particleboard稻秸人造板
5)cornstalk board秸秆板
6)Straw based panel秸秆板材

人造板家具人造板家具  现代新兴家具之一。人造板是利用小材碎料及其他植物纤维等作原料,采用加压胶合或铺装成型压合等方法制成的板子;可以代替木板使用,作家具原料。利用人造板制造家具可节约木材40~90%,甚至完全可以代替木材。人造板家具除节约木材外,还能减少刨平、刨光、拼缝、涂漆等操作时间。同时由于采用高级胶料,具村一定的天然木色和纹理,在使用性能上往往比天然木材优越。人造纤维板、刨花板、胶合板和细木板等可综合利用,使其各尽所长。人造板家具和一般木制家具一样,能采用染色、涂油、喷漆,上胶、贴面、覆面等方法,改变板面的色泽和缺陷,得高产品质量。