绿豆象,Callosobruchus chinensis
1)Callosobruchus chinensis绿豆象
1.Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Four Species of Artemisia Against Callosobruchus chinensis;蒿属4种植物精油对绿豆象的杀虫活性测定
2.Insecticidal efficacy of microwave treatment against Callosobruchus chinensis(L.)(Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its effects on the germination rate of adzuki beans;微波处理对绿豆象的杀虫效果及对红小豆发芽率的影响
3.One of the main stored grain insects of adzuki bean is Callosobruchus chinensis.绿豆象是小豆的主要仓贮害虫。

1.Controlling of celangulin flo-dust to Callosobruchus chinensis L.苦皮藤素微粉剂对绿豆象种群的控制作用
2.Allelism Test of Bruchid Resistant Genes and Inheritance and Microsatellite Tagging of Resistance to Bruchid in a Cultivar Mungbean (Vigna Radiate (L.) Wilczek) V2709;抗豆象基因等位性鉴定及栽培绿豆V2709抗豆象遗传与分子标记
3.Mining and Utilization of Source for Bruchid Resistant Gene in Mungbean;绿豆抗豆象基因源发掘与创新利用研究
4.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]
5.QTL Analysis of Bruchid Resistance and Important Agronomic Traits on Berken×Acc41 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) in Mungbean;绿豆Berken/Acc41重组近交系豆象抗性及重要农艺性状QTL分析
6.any of various sprouted beans: especially mung beans or lentils or edible soybeans.各种豆芽菜;尤其是绿豆芽、小扁豆芽、黄豆芽等。
7.very small and slender green bean.很小的细长的绿色豆。
8.Characteristics of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) Starches and Influence cf storage on Mungbean Quality绿豆淀粉的特性及储藏对绿豆品质的影响研究
9.Breeding and Cultivation Technique of New Variety Mung Bean Jinludou 6绿豆新品种晋绿豆6号的选育及高产栽培技术
10.For breakfast, we have fried rice, potato and green bean soup.今天我们早餐吃炒米饭、土豆和绿豆粥。
11.small flat green bean similar to lima beans.小的平绿豆,类似于利马豆。
12.green peas with flat edible pods.绿色的豌豆,其扁平豆荚可食用。
14.evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob.地中海一种可食的常绿豆荚树;圣经中的角豆树。
15.green peas with edible pods that are very crisp and not flat.易碎的不是扁平的带有可是用豆荚的绿色豌豆。
16.Effects of Cadmium on Seed Germination and Growth of Seeding of Mung Bean and Horsebean;镉对绿豆和蚕豆种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响
17.The Biochemical Test and Analysis of Soybean Sprout and Mungbean Sprout黄豆芽和绿豆芽生化指标的检测与分析
18.Transferability of SSR from Adzuki Bean to Mungbean小豆SSR引物在绿豆基因组中的通用性分析

Callosobruchus chinensis L绿豆象
1.Study on Hybridization of Two Geographic Populations of Callosobruchus chinensis L.(Coleoptera:Bruchidae);绿豆象西昌种群和沈阳种群的杂交研究
2.Controlling of celangulin flo-dust to Callosobruchus chinensis L.;苦皮藤素微粉剂对绿豆象种群的控制作用
1.Mapping of Genes Resistant to Bruchid in Mungbean Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Population;重组近交系群体定位绿豆抗绿豆象基因
2.) wiclzek] is one of the main edible beans in China while bruchid are serious devastating stored pests of grain legumes causing considerable loss to mungbean.应用复合区间作图法,针对绿豆对绿豆象的抗性,在第9连锁群pM213和VrCS161标记之间检测到1个抗绿豆象主效QTL,贡献率在74。
3.So, resistance variety is an important way to prevent bruchid.绿豆象(Callosobruchus chinensis L。
4)Bruchid resistance抗绿豆象
1.Study on preparation and functional characteristics of mungbean protein isolate;绿豆分离蛋白的制备及其功能特性的研究
2.Studies on Extraction and Characteristics of Mungbean Starch;绿豆淀粉的提取和绿豆淀粉性质的研究
3.Establishment of Candidate Core Collection in Chinese Mungbean Germplasm Resources;中国绿豆种质资源初选核心种质构建
6)Phaseolus radiatus绿豆
1.Effects of Ni~(2+) on Nucleolus in Root Cells of Phaseolus radiatus and Hordeum vulgarde;氯化镍对绿豆和大麦核仁结构损伤的研究
2.Extracting and determination of the content of flavonoids in the skin of phaseolus radiatus;绿豆皮中黄酮类化合物的提取及定量测定
3.Effects of the Activated Carbon on the Seedling Growth in the Water Culture of Phaseolus radiatus;绿豆水培中活性炭对幼苗生长的影响

绿豆象  昆虫纲鞘翅目(Coleoptera)豆象科(Mylabridae)。又名中国豆象、小豆象。豆类害虫,主要为害绿豆。田间及仓库内均可繁殖为害。成虫体长2~3毫米,卵圆形,体色有明色型和暗色型。前者体背赤褐色,臀板有暗色斑1对;后者体背暗褐色,臀板无暗色斑。雌虫触角锯齿状,雄虫栉齿状。前胸背板侧缘平直无齿突,后缘中央有2个长椭圆形白色毛斑,鞘翅上有2列灰白色毛斑。卵长约0.4~0.6毫米,卵圆形,淡黄白色。幼虫体长约3.5 毫米,乳白色,体两端弯向腹面。蛹长约3~3.5毫米,椭圆形,淡黄色。分布遍及世界各地,中国除新疆、西藏、宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西尚未发现外,其余各省区都有分布。寄主植物除绿豆外,尚有小豆、豇豆、菜豆等多种豆类,也食害莲子。一年发生4~5代,如环境适宜或在仓内,可发生11代。以幼虫在豆粒内越冬,翌春化蛹,羽化为成虫后从豆粒内爬出。卵散产,仓库内产在豆粒上,田间产在豆株嫩荚上,一般每荚产卵1~3粒。田间和仓内可交替繁殖为害。成虫飞翔力强,有假死习性。防治方法与豌豆象略同。