秸秆饲料,straw feed
1)straw feed秸秆饲料
1.Seen from the strategy height of continuable development of stockbreeding in our country, the straw feed will be an important feed resource in the developement of stockbreeding.从我国畜牧业可持续发展的战略高度看,秸秆饲料将是发展畜牧业的重要饲料资源。
2.The characteristic of crop straw,all kinds of processing methods and functionary mechanism of straw feed were introduced in sample;The paper summerized new processing techniques and research progress of straw feed in details;Existent problems and reˉsolvent were pointed out about straw feed s exploitation,and the prospect advance of straw feed were forecasted.简要介绍了秸秆成分的构成、特点和饲料的加工方法及作用机理 ;论述了秸秆饲料加工的新技术及研究进展 ;指出了秸秆饲料开发中存在的问题及解决途径 ,并对其开发利用的前景进行了展望。
3.Requirement of feed quantity will be increased certainly in China, and it is estimated that production capability of concentrate feed and straw feed can not meet the requirement, as well as international feed market is also not enough.我国饲料社会需求增长不可逆转,国内未来精饲料、秸秆饲料生产能力不足,国际饲料市场容量有限,决定了我国必须开辟新型饲料生产途径。

1.Studies on Processing Technology of Compound Ration Formulated with Complex Treated Maize Stalk for Bovine and Mutton;牛羊全日粮复合秸秆饲料成型工艺研究
2.Probe into Developing Fermentation Microorganism Crop Straw in Yichang City;宜昌市发展微生物发酵秸秆饲料的探讨
3.The Comparison of in Vitro Digestibility of Different Treatment of Straw Feed;不同处理的秸秆饲料体外消化率的比较
4.Analysis and Research on the Moulding Region of Extruding for Crop Straw;秸秆压块饲料机成型区的研究与分析
5.Technical Research and Application of Straw Protein Feed Transformated from Pleurotus Ostreatus平菇菌转化秸秆蛋白饲料研究与应用
7.Experimental Study on Extruding Pellet for Crop Straw;秸秆螺旋挤压成形颗粒饲料的试验研究
8.Technology for producing protein feed from corn stover by multi-strain distributional degradation多菌种分步降解玉米秸秆生产蛋白饲料的工艺
9.Study on protein feed production by mixed strains fermenting straw多菌种混合发酵秸秆生产蛋白质饲料的研究
10.Variation Law of Corn Straw Silage Nutritional Quality in Different Storage Periods玉米秸秆青贮饲料贮存期的营养品质变化规律
11.Study on Fermentation of Corn Straw Powder with Multi -strains in Feed Production of Proteins玉米秸秆粉混合菌发酵生产饲料蛋白的研究
12.Computer Simulation and Physical Distribution Analysis on the Filling Process of Extruding for Crop Straw;秸秆压块饲料机匀料充型区的物流分析与计算机仿真
13.Establishing the Association of Straw and Forage Grass to Spring up the Forage Grass Industry;创建秸秆饲草协会 兴起一方饲草产业
14.Study of Corn Stalk Solid-state Co-fermentation to Produce Single Cell Protein (SCP) Fodder;利用玉米秸秆固体共生发酵生产单细胞蛋白(SCP)饲料的研究
15.Effects of Additives on the Quality of Corn Stover Silage;添加剂对玉米秸秆青贮饲料质量影响的试验研究
16.Study on Single Cell Protein Production by Mixed Strains Solid Fermentation from Wheat Straw混菌固态发酵小麦秸秆产生单细胞蛋白饲料的研究
17.Dry Corn Stalk Nutrient Distribution and Palatability Selection牛饲料用干玉米秸秆营养分布规律及适口性研究
18.Effects of Lactobacillus and cellulase on the quality of corn straw silage添加乳酸菌和纤维素酶对玉米秸秆青贮饲料品质的影响

straw fodder秸秆饲料
1.This text brief to introduce the current situation of the straw fodder,pointed out the problems and settlement means that exist in developing straw fodder.简要介绍了秸秆饲料的利用现状,指出了秸秆饲料开发中存在的问题及解决途径;论述了秸秆饲料加工的新技术及应用模式,并对其开发利用的前景进行了展望。
2.Through research and analysis, the development utilization of straw fodder made affected on straw animal husbandry and the problem of straw to transport to far distances.研究表明现阶段自然灾害频繁、饲料严重短缺的情况下 ,提高秸秆饲料的商品性 ,产业化发展意义重大。
3)crops straw stalk feed农作物秸秆饲料
1.Prevention and analysis of crops straw stalk feed in Yanbian state;延边地区农作物秸秆饲料开发利用现状与分析
4)Fermented feed of farming straw and stalks秸秆发酵饲料
5)lumpish straw forage块状秸秆饲料
6)forage and straw饲草秸秆
1.China is a great agricultural nation, rich in forage and straw resources.为此,对饲草秸秆大截面压块成形的机理进行了探讨,通过力学分析研究了物料在压缩过程中的受力状况,得出了轴向压应力沿成型槽方向的分布规律以及活塞压力的数学表达式。

秸秆还田秸秆还田straw manure 秸秆还田(straw manure)又称秸秆直接还田肥。指前茬作物收获后,把作物秸秆直接用作后茬作物的基肥或硬盖肥。 农作物的秸秆是重要的有机肥源之一,秸秆还田是物质循环和再利用的良好形式.各个国家和地区利用秸秆的方法不相同,但传统的利用方式多是利用秸秆垫圈.制成厩肥、沤肥、堆肥、用作沼气肥原料,或直接烧成草木灰。自20世纪40年代以来,在美国出现免耕或少耕耕作法之后,秸秆搜盖地面或直接翻入土壤中以保持水土和培肥土壤的秸秆还田肥日益受到许多国家的重视。日本南方约62%的稻草直接还田,中国北方多利用大豆、玉米、高粱、麦子的根茬(或秸秆)直接还田,南方则以稻草直接还田为主. 成分及肥效作物的秸秆及残体的有机组成成分主要是纤维素、半纤维素、木质素,而蛋白质、醉溶性物质及水溶性物质等的含量相对较少。一般作物秸秆中钾、钙、硅等矿物质含量较高,其次是氮、磷。但作物种类不同,其秸秆所含的养分及组成也有所不同,通常豆科作物和油菜的秸秆含氮较多,禾本科作物的秸秆含钾较多。几种作物秸秆的主要化学组成及养分含量见表1.物秸秆类型不同,作物增产的幅度也有差异,增产率多在10%~15%之间,几种直接还田秸秆类型对作物增产率见表2。英国洛桑试验站连续18年(1934~1951),对秸秆直接还田与等量桔秆经堆腐后还田的比较试验表明,直接还田的马铃拼产t比堆腐后还田的每公顷高3.5吨,糖用甜菜高O,52吨,大麦籽提高0 .41吨。 表2几种直接还田桔杆类型及作物的增产率┌─────────────┬──────┬─────┐│还田材料及用t │平均增产幅度│平均增产率││ (kg/hmZ) │ (%) │ (%) │├─────────────┼──────┼─────┤│麦秸(或糠)类:1 500~4 500 │3 .2~60.3 │14.8士1.6 ││玉米枯类:375~15 000 │一2 .9~54.6 │13.0士1.6 ││稻草类:4 500~7 500 │0 .3~75.1 │13.2+2。