南繁,Off-Season Breeding
1)Off-Season Breeding南繁
1.The Main Points of Cultivation Technique on Foxtail Millet Off-Season Breeding Process;谷子南繁育种栽培技术要点

1.Application of Not-removing Stamen Hybridization Technique in Soybean in Hainan Base不去雄蕊杂交技术在海南南繁基地应用的研究
2.And the severe chilling damages appear most frequently in southern part of the south of Yangtze River valley.严重低温冷害最为频繁的地区是江南南部。
3.The People s Livelihood of Nanjing in Ming Dynasty as Reflected in the Drawing NanduFanhui Tujuan;明代南京的市民生活——明人绘《南都繁会图卷》研析
4.2.the partial prosperity and development of Hunan province;二是湖南局部地区经济的繁荣与发展;
5.Busy sight-seeing cars in Pedestrian street of Nanjing Road.南京路步行街上的观光车十分繁忙。
6.long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States.在美国西南部大量繁殖的长角肉用牛。
7.sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and winters in the S hemisphere.北极繁殖、冬季在南半球的矶鹬。
8.small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates south along sandy coasts in most of world.小型矶鹬,北极繁殖并沿海岸向南迁移。
9.small dark geese that breed in the north and migrate southward.深色小鹅,北方繁殖后向南方迁移。
10.Xindu Xinfan South Board Furniture Factory新都县新繁南方板式家具厂
12.The Establishment for the Model of North Reproduction and South Raise to Beef Cattle in Hebei Province河北省肉牛“北繁南育”生产模式的建立
13.On the Operation Instruction of Cultivation Technique for Chinese Pumpkin Breeding of Better Stocks;中国南瓜良种繁育栽培技术操作规程
14.South dynasty-the ages when Shang-si pooms aulic tendency reached its summit;南朝——上巳侍宴诗文的全面繁荣期
15.On the Reasons of the prosperity of the Hunan Country Literatury in Century Twentieth;论二十世纪湖南乡土文学繁荣的原因
16.Studies on the Establishment of Rapid Propagation System in Vitro of Lonicera Confusa华南忍冬Lonicera confusa离体快繁体系的建立
17.On the Abolishment of Jiao Fang and the Prosperity of Popular Art and Literature in Early South Song Dynasty论南宋初蠲罢教坊与市井文艺的繁荣
18.Studies on the Rapid Propagation in Vitro of Disease Resistant Pumpkin Germplasm 482-2抗病南瓜种质482-2离体快繁技术研究

climate in Hainan province南繁气候
3)northern breed and southern feed北繁南育
4)Hainan winter production海南冬繁
5)Nambara Shigeru南原繁
6)Hainan Base南繁基地
1.Application of Not-removing Stamen Hybridization Technique in Soybean in Hainan Base不去雄蕊杂交技术在海南南繁基地应用的研究
