长寿香谷,longevity fragrant millet
1)longevity fragrant millet长寿香谷
1.longevity fragrant millet,were designed with a local cultivar as control.采用小区试验的方法,对引进的作物新品种"长寿香谷"进行了不同播量试验,并与当地品种进行了对比。
1.Market Investigation and Scheme on GuSeGuXiang;关于“谷色谷香”的市场调研及营销策划

1.Market Investigation and Scheme on GuSeGuXiang;关于“谷色谷香”的市场调研及营销策划
2.In these valleys night reigns.夜色笼罩着那些山谷。
3.a big brown barn;一个褐色的大谷仓;
4.The walls of the barn had weathered.谷仓的墙壁已经褪色了
5.The villages were blazoned with autumnal color.山谷到处点缀着秋色。
6.The Jinkou Grand Canyon is situated in the lower reaches of Dadu River with 8 chief branch gorges.金口大峡谷位于大渡河下游,主要支谷有8条,皆以嶂谷地貌为特色。
7.two Kus: Li Ch'ang-ku, and Huang Shan-ku;二谷:李昌谷,黄山谷;
8.An aromatic malt beer originally flavoured with hops- now other cereals can be used for the fermentation.2. In Britain, a generic term for blonde or pale beer.一为芳香麦芽啤酒,现在有其它谷类用于发酵。二为英式,属淡色或白色啤酒。
9.A small blackish beetle(Tenebroides mauritanicus), both the larval and adult forms of which damage stored grain.大谷盗一种小的黑色甲壳虫(大谷盗谷盗属),,其幼虫和成虫对贮藏的谷物均会造成毁坏
11.Effects of oral feeding of L-glutamine on glutaminase activity in mesenteric lymph nodes and splenic tissue after severe burns in miniswines香猪烧伤后肠道补充谷氨酰胺对谷氨酰胺酶活力的影响
12.Vodka:Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash (generally rye or wheat).伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。
13."More than this, he had offerings burned in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and made his children go through fire, copying the disgusting ways of the nations whom the Lord had sent out of the land before the children of Israel."并且在欣嫩子谷烧香,用火焚烧他的儿女,行耶和华在以色列人面前所驱逐的外邦人那可憎的事。
14.To separate grain from chaff.扬谷,簸谷谷物从谷壳中分出
15.White church spires lift above green valleys.教堂的白色尖顶耸立在绿色的山谷上。
16.The view of the green valleys in Inner Mongolia is really fantastic.内蒙古绿色峡谷的景色真是美不胜收。
17.Method for determination of alpha-amylase activity in cereal and cereal products-Colorimetric methodGB/T5521-1989谷物和谷物产品α-淀粉酶活性的测定比色法
18.The white grains of this plant.黍粒,粟粒这种植物的白色谷粒

1.Market Investigation and Scheme on GuSeGuXiang;关于“谷色谷香”的市场调研及营销策划
3)long campaign长寿
1.The paper introduces the execution of applying achievement obtained in ironmaking process design and BF long campaign practice in the design of hearth lining in allusion to main factors causing hearth lining damaged.针对炉缸内衬破损的主要因素,将炼铁工艺设计和高炉长寿实践成果融入炉缸内衬设计,对炉缸内衬进行包含炼铁工艺设计、内衬性能设计、砌体结构设计等方面的体系设计为长寿型现代大型高炉奠定寿命技术基础至关重要。
2.A series of measures for realizing high blast temperature and long campaign have been taken in the design of ex- ternal combustion type hot air stove provided by Nippon Steel for 4350m~3 blast furnace newly built in Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co.在新建的太钢4350m~3高炉新日铁外燃式热风炉的设计中,围绕高风温长寿命采取了一系列措施:蓄热室、燃烧室、混风室内墙体与拱顶的拱角相接处,采用迷宫式结构,防止独立砌体间窜风;在开孔部位采用组合砖,以提高这些关键部位的气密性和结构稳定性;蓄热室内采用带凹凸槽的小孔径七孔高效格砖,提高加热面积;采用分离型余热回收装置预热助燃空气和煤气等。
1.On the basis of analyzing the problem of unicasting QoS routing in Ad Hoc networks, a new distributed QoS routing algorithm in the Ad Hoc network— EBLLD (entropy-based long-life distributed QoS routing) algorithm, is proposed.其核心思想是提出了衡量路径稳定性的新尺度——熵,并利用熵来选择长寿的路径,减少了重建路由(或路由修复)的次数,从而在 Ad Hoc 网的网络拓扑频繁变化的环境中尽可能地提供 QoS 保证。
2.Based on the characteristics of PW bell-less top on Blast Furnace at Liugang, the besign of long-life bell-less top and practice of product increasing are discussed and summarized in this paper.针对柳钢用卢森堡PW公司无料钟炉顶的特点,总结其在长寿、增产等方面的应用情况。
5)long campaign life长寿
1.Experiences of long campaign life on No.6 BF of Anyang Steel;安钢6号高炉的长寿经验
2.Experience of long campaign life of 620m~3 BF at Laiwu I & S Complex;莱钢620m~3高炉长寿经验
6)long life长寿
1.A Design and Research on Medium-small Blast Furnace with High Efficiency and Long life;高效长寿的中小型高炉设计与研究
2.A technology of long life and high stablity electroless plating Ni-P alloy was obtained by studying the effect on coating and solution properties such as oxidizer, reductant, complex agent, stable agent and tempriture with cross tests.采用正交试验法研究了主盐、还原剂、络合剂、稳定剂以及温度对镀层和溶液性能的影响 ,从而得到了一种长寿命、高稳定性的化学镀镍磷合金工艺 。

谷登堡,J.  德国金银匠、印刷商、欧洲活版印刷术发明者。生于美因茨。1434年迁居斯特拉斯堡,专门雕琢宝石,制作镜子。1438年同几名金银匠订立研究活版印刷术的合同,秘密制作金属活字。1448年返回美因茨,改进自己研制的字模浇铸铅合金活字的发明。从1450年起,与J. 富斯特合伙经营印刷所。 1452年,谷登堡开始印制《四十二行圣经》的制作工作,于1455年完成。其间,因活版印刷术发明权问题,与富斯特发生争执。1455年富斯特起诉获胜,从而拥有谷登堡研制的活版印刷器材、《四十二行圣经》铅版和业已印毕的印张。其后,富斯特与P.舍费尔合伙,于1456年印制出《四十二行圣经》。由于富斯特与舍费尔盗用谷登堡的发明成果,德国谷登堡博物馆将《四十二行圣经》的印制年代定为1452~1455年。后来,谷登堡幸得美因茨市市长K.胡默里的支持,再度进行活版印刷活动。他印制的其他印本图书有:《圣经·诗篇》(1457)、《三十六行圣经》(1460年前)和《万灵药》(1460)等。他的发明包括:铸字盒、冲压字模、铸造活字的铅合金、木制印刷机、印刷油墨和一整套印刷工艺。