1.The growth of Salvia miltiorrhiza seedling and root system following transplantation;丹参移栽后苗系与根系的生长关系
2.Studies on Transplanting of Knoxia valerianoides Plantlets;红芽大戟组培苗移栽技术的研究
3.Effect of PP333 on the Growth and Transplant of Robinia pseudoacacia cv idaho Tube Culture Seedling;多效唑对香花槐试管苗生长及移栽的影响

1.plant out tomato seedlings把西红柿移栽到地里.
2.The flower didn't transplant well.这花移栽后长得不好。
3.Computer Aided Analysis of the Planting Process of 2ZT-2 Beet Transplanter;2ZT-2型甜菜移栽机栽植过程的计算机辅助分析
4.Study on the Different Seedling Ages and Densities of SRI;水稻强化栽培不同移栽秧龄、密度的研究
5.Kinematic Analysis of Planting Mechanism of Seedling Transplanter Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的移栽机栽插机构的运动学分析
6.Parameter Analysis of the Planting Process of 2ZT-2 Beet Transplanter2ZT-2型甜菜移栽机栽植系统的参数分析
7.Seedling bury percentage of naked root transplanting is one of important criterion of flexible disc transplanter.移栽裸根苗时,秧苗的埋苗率是移栽机工作质量的重要指标。
8.Effect on Yield and Quality of Different Seedling Ages of Flue-cured Tobacco in the Best Transplanting Period不同苗龄烤烟在最佳移栽移栽对烟叶产量和质量的影响
9.bed out the seedlings, young cabbages, etc移栽幼苗、 幼小的洋白菜等.
10.Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里.
11.The transplant flourished in new soil.移栽的植物在新土壤里生长茂盛。
12.He# cc0066> transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil.他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。
13.distributing mechanism, for fertilizer distributors, seeding, planting or transplanting machines施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器
14.We'll transplant the flowers to the garden.我们将把这些花儿移栽到花园里。
15.Generally, trees should be repotted in the spring.一般来讲,春天时应该把灌木移栽一下。
16.Remove an old tree and it will wither to death.【谚】老树移栽活不了,老人迁居命不长。
17.Studies on Grafting and Transplanting in Dodecaploid Plantlet of Nonastringent Persimmon;甜柿十二倍体试管苗嫁接与移栽研究
18.A Study on Rice Seedling Transplanter by Virtual Prototype Technology;水稻移栽机有序行抛机构的虚拟研究

1.The application of ABT3 rooting powder to the transplanting of mature oil palmtree;ABT3生根粉处理在油棕大树移栽的应用
2.Study on the subculture,root induction and transplanting technique of low lily;细叶百合组培继代培养与生根移栽的研究
3.Report of the ecological condition studies on the in vitro seedling transplanting of Dushan Hydrangea;都山绣球试管苗移栽的生态条件研究初报
1.Anatomical structure of the leaves of invitro Lilium tenuifolium seedlings during post-transplantation acclimation;东方百合试管苗移栽驯化期叶片的解剖结构变化
2.Research on Application Effect of Water-retaining Agent in Transplantation of Callistephus chinensis;保水剂在翠菊移栽中的应用研究
3.Research on the Application Effect of Water-retaining Agent on Seedling-raising and its Transplantation of Celosia cristata;保水剂在鸡冠花育苗和移栽中的应用研究
4)young plants transplant幼苗移栽
1.A kind of emulsifier wax using for young plants transplant was prepared from paraffin wax, water as solvent for dilution, and triethanolamine as emulsifier.以水作为稀释剂,三乙醇胺等几种表面活性剂为乳化剂,石蜡为原料,制备了幼苗移栽抗旱保活用乳化蜡。
5)transplanting time移栽时间
1.Effect of transplanting time on the yield and quality of Scutellariae radix;移栽时间对黄芩药材产量与质量的影响
2.The climatic conditions of tobacco growing period are closely related to tobacco transplanting time.烟草大田生育期内的气候条件与烟苗移栽时间关系密切,不同的移栽时间决定了烟株大田生育期内不同的气候条件。
6)transplanting stage移栽期
1.Quality change on Alisma plantago-aquatica at various growing-seedling stages, transplanting stages, and collecting stages;不同育苗期、移栽期和采收期川泽泻质量变化研究
