1.The Energy Consumption Analysis on Tilia Amurensis During Dehumidification Drying;椴木除湿干燥的能耗分析
2.Application of Air Condensation Dehumidification Apparatus in Environmental Measurement;空气冷凝除湿装置在环境监测领域中的应用和问题探讨
3.Progress of membrane based air dehumidification;膜法空气除湿的研究与进展

1.Clinical Observation on the Treatment for Eczema (Damp-Heat Type) with Chushiyin除湿饮治疗湿疹(湿热证)的临床观察
2.H &T Instrument Dehumidifier Humidifier AC Microwave etc.温湿度表、加湿器、除湿机、空调、微波炉等产品。
3.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Eczema (the Type of Damp-Heat) with Chushi Ⅰ Haotang;除湿Ⅰ号汤治疗湿热型湿疹的临床研究
4.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Eczema (the Type of Damp Abundance Due to Deficiency of Spleen) with Jianpichushiyin;健脾除湿饮治疗脾虚湿盛型湿疹的临床研究
5.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Acute Eczema (the Type of Damp-heat) with ChuShiJieDuTang除湿解毒汤治疗湿热型急性湿疹的临床研究
6.builder's air heater建筑物除湿热风装置
7.Before reuse, the moisture in the recycled air is removed by desiccant.在循环再用前,用除湿剂除去空气中的湿度。
8.Research on Dehumidification Performance of the Metal Packing Absorbing Typed Dehumidifier Used in Air-conditioning;空调用金属填料型吸收式除湿除湿性能研究
9.Research of dehumidification performance of a metal filler Absorbing-type dehumidifier金属填料型吸收式除湿器的除湿性能研究
10.This unguent relieves rheumatism, chills and pains, and is fit for use By rheumatism sufferers.本药膏除湿散寒,祛风定痛,适合风湿病人使用。
11.The Clinical Study on Efficacy about Sanhanchushitang Decoction in the Treatment of Acute Chronic Urticaria;散寒除湿汤治疗慢性荨麻疹寒湿型的临床研究
12.Study on Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Technique for Fresh Air Handling in the Hot and Humid Area;热湿地区空调新风的液体除湿技术研究
13.Research on Dehumidifying by HRV Based on Humidity Model in Solar-greenhouse;基于日光温室湿度模型的热交换除湿研究
14.The research progress of liquid dehumidification air conditioning system, desiccant and mathematic model for heat and mass transfer in dehumidification system at home and abroad is expounded.对液体除湿空调系统、除湿剂、除湿系统中热质交换数学模型的国内外研究进展进行了阐述。
15.Clinical Research of Qing-re-chu-shi Oralused Liquid of Acute Dampness-heat Type Eczema;清热除湿口服液治疗急性湿疹(湿热证)的临床研究
17.Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in Dehumidifying Process for a Liquid Desiccant System with Solar Energy;太阳能液体除湿空调系统除湿过程传热传质研究
18.Experiment Research about the Utilization and Rebirthing of the Desiccant for Dehumidifying and Cooling System for Greenhouse;温室除湿降温系统除湿剂利用及再生的实验研究

1.On the basis of saving energy, protecting environment, strategy and efficiency, in this paper, the advantage of passive dehumidifying solar house over other traditional dehumidifying systems are expounded.从节能、环保、战略与效率的角度阐述了被动太阳房除湿与传统除湿方法相比,有其独特的优势。
2.A new type Heat Pump Water Heater with dehumidify function was introduced.介绍了一种新型带除湿功能的空气源热泵热水系统,通过对其系统的组成、工作原理、运行模式及工作特点的阐述,该套系统在节能与功能方面表现了独特的优势。
3.In addition,the dehumidifying effect and efficiency of Semiconductor Refrigeration mini humidity-remover is optimally improved.模拟小空间恒温恒湿环境,对工作电流、温度、湿度等半导体制冷除湿的影响因素进行了试验研究与分析。
1.Research on Dehumidifying by HRV Based on Humidity Model in Solar-greenhouse;基于日光温室湿度模型的热交换除湿研究
2.In this paper,based on analysis of the research results of humidity environments in some cities,the causes of mois tenvironment of the underground structure were discussed and it is pointed out that to calculate the moisture load and use the methods of moisture proofing and dehumidifying is an important way for improvement of the underground structure environment.通过我国部分城市地下工程湿度环境调查结果,探讨了地下工程潮湿的原因,指出通过合理计算湿负荷并采取一定的防潮除湿措施是改善地下空间内部湿度环境的重要途径。
4)dehumidifying method除湿方法
1.The study on miscellaneous air dehumidifying methods showed that their dehumidifying efficiency is different.通过对空气的各种除湿方法的研究,可以看出,采用不同的除湿方法,所得到的效果是不同的。
5)rotary dehumidifier除湿轮
1.Process of heat and mass transfer and optimization of performance of the novel adsorptive material rotary dehumidifier;新型吸附材料除湿轮传递过程及性能优化
2.Study on heat and mass transfer performance of an Al~(3+)-doped silica gel rotary dehumidifier;改性硅胶除湿轮传热传质性能研究
3.Coupled heat and mass transfer in periodic_flow rotary dehumidifier with the mixed additives and desiccant materials has been investigated.本文研究了具有复合型吸附剂材料的除湿轮中传热传质耦合现象。
6)liquid desiccant液体除湿
1.An analysis of the performance for a combined geothermal energy liquid desiccant dehumidification and heat pump air-conditioning system;低温地热能液体除湿与热泵空调联合运行分析
2.Research progrerss of solar liquid desiccant air-conditioning;太阳能液体除湿空调的研究进展
3.Application of a novel liquid desiccant air conditioning system;一种新型液体除湿空调的应用

祛风除湿  运用祛风湿的药物治疗湿气在表或风湿客于经脉的治法。风与湿合邪,侵袭人之体表,则卫气受遏,营卫之气不和,临床表现为头痛头重,腰脊重痛或不能转侧,恶寒微热,舌白脉缓之症;侵袭人之经脉,则经络不畅,气血运行发生障碍,就会导致肌肉、筋骨、关节疼痛、麻木、屈伸不利等证。祛风除湿通过消除风湿邪气,达到治疗的目的。常用的药物有羌活、独活、防风、苏叶、藁本等。治疗风湿在表的代表方剂如羌活胜湿汤。治疗风湿在里的证候,要采用舒筋活络的方法。    临床使用注意:祛风除湿药物多属辛香、温燥之品,易耗伤阴津,对素体阴虚、病后体弱者以及孕妇均应慎用。