1.Relationship between riser and downcomer gas holdup in three-phase biological fluidized composite reactor;三相生物流化复合反应器中上升区与下降区气含率的关系
2.Research on three-level three-phase high power factor soft-switching AC/DC converting technology;三电平三相高功率因数软开关AC/DC变换技术的研究

1.Dispersion waveform of travelling wave propagation of three-phase short-circuit and three-phase to earth short-circuit三相相间短路和三相接地短路行波图
2.three-phase three-wire watt-hour meter三相三线有功电度表
3.AC three phase three wire insulated system交流三相三线绝缘系统
4.Phase shifter, general. Right-click for 3-wire or 3-phase.移相器, 普通。右击指定三线或三相
5.Represents a general phase shifter. 3-wire or 3-phase can be specified.表示普通移相器。可指定三线或三相
6.The Inverse Phase Sequence Estimation of Two Elements Three Phase Three Line Electric Energy Meter三相三线两元件电能表的逆相序判断
7.three-phase power directional relay三相功率方向继电器
8.ectrodynamic type three phase power relay电动式三相功率继电器
9.increased safety three-phase induction motor增安型三相异步电动机
10.three-phase synchronous AC generator三相交流同步发电机
11.small three-phase induction motor小型三相感应电动机
12.three-phase speed change induction motor三相变速感应电动机
13.three-phase explosion-proof induction motor三相防爆感应电动机
14.high-output three-phase induction motor高功率三相感应电动机
15.3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor三相鼠笼型感应电动机
16.three-phase synchronous alternator三相同步交流发电机
17.(iii) The obligations were set off against each other;(三)债务相互抵销;
18.divide the cake into three equal parts; The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I.把蛋糕分成相等的三份。

three phase三相
1.New method and test for three phase induction motor to operate from single phase supply;三相感应电动机单相运行的新接法及试验分析
2.Through the analysis of three phase prepayment control box use condition in Xiangfan district,the problems which are possible appearing during its operating process were pointed out.通过对襄樊地区三相预付费控制柜使用情况的分析,指出控制柜运行过程中可能出现的问题,提出控制柜的改进意见。
3.This paper introduces a scheme in which a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) is used in the three phase three pole switch high rating factor convertor to realize logic control.介绍了在三相三开关高功率因数变换器中应用复杂可编程逻辑器件 (CPLD)实现逻辑控制部分的方案。
3)three phases三相
1.A method of gas-liquid-solid three phases equilibrium calculation is presented based on an equation of state and solution theory.用状态方程和溶液理论建立了气 -液 -固三相相平衡计算方法。
2.The current calculation methods for energy loss in distribution system were analyzed in details,application area and disadvantage of each method were compared,and the circumstance of unbalanced power flow of three phases in energy loss computation was also considered.对目前存在的配电网线损计算方法进行了详细分析,比较了各种方法的应用范围和局限性,并考虑了三相潮流不对称情况下的线损计算。
4)three phase三相;三相位
5)3-D and 3-phase三维三相
6)three-phase three-wire三相三线
1.Most consumers adopt the three-phase three-wire measurement on its 10 kV side.在10 kV供电系统中,Y/yn变压器运用相当广泛,在10 kV侧采用三相三线计量方式的用电客户较多,运行中0。
2.At last,types of false connection are summed up,and the methods of identification for three-phase three-wire energy metering device are put forward.结合近年来在实际工作中遇到的一起三相三线电能计量装置错接线事例,通过向量分析、有功表达式的推导,进而求出该种错接线对电能计量的影响。

三相【三相】 (名数)一、解脱相,言无生死之相也。二、离相,言无涅槃之相也。三、灭相,言生死涅槃之无相,其无相亦无。即非有非无之中道也。法华经药草喻品曰:“如来说法,一相一味,所谓解脱相离相灭相。”文句七上曰:“解脱相者,无生死相,离相者,无涅槃相,灭相者无相,亦无相。”又曰:三有为相。(参见:有)