1.Running-in Oil Selection for Diesel Engines Based on Runningin Criterion Optimizations;基于磨合规范优化的柴油机磨合油选择
2.Study on friction and wearing test of diesel piston ring running-in using oil spectrometric and ferrographic analysis;基于油液分析的活塞环磨合过程摩擦磨损试验研究

1.The Study on Running-in and Wear Properties of Crankshaft-bearing Shell of Diesel Engine柴油机曲轴-轴瓦磨合磨损性能研究
2.Eel brand antifriction metal伊尔牌铅基耐磨合
3.abrasive compound复合磨料, 研磨(混合)剂[膏]
4.Cavitation-abrasion of ZCuAl8Mn14Fe3Ni2 AlloyZCuAl8Mn14Fe3Ni2合金的磨蚀
5.Characteristic Investigations on Grinding Force and Specific Grinding Energy of High Efficiency Deep Grinding for TC4 Titanium AlloyTC4钛合金高效深磨磨削力及比磨削能特征研究
6.Synthetic Evaluating Investigation on Wear Resistant Properties of Several Wear Resistant Materials;多种抗磨材料抗磨性能综合评价研究
7.Selection of abrasives in precision grinding of Invar 36 alloy精密磨削Invar 36合金时的磨料选择
8.throw-away face cutter不重磨硬质合金面铣刀
9.worn clutch facing磨损的离合器摩擦片
10.mixture of ground animal feeds.磨碎的动物饲料混合物。
11.automatic grinder for carbide saw blade硬质合金锯片自动磨床
12.disk-grinder and sifter combined unit盘式磨粉筛理组合机
13.carbide tool blade grinding machine硬质合金刀片刃磨机床
14.Wear Resistance of Mo/Al_2O_3 CompositesMo/Al_2O_3复合材料的耐磨性
15.Development of Cement Compound Grinding Aids;水泥复合助磨剂的研究——三组分复合助磨剂
16.Development of Cement Compound Grinding Aids;水泥复合助磨剂的研究——双组分复合助磨剂
17.Experiment research on compound recycled mineral admitxture and mineral slag再生磨细掺合料与磨细矿粉复合的试验研究
18.The wear mechanism of stainless steel against copper based sintered alloy is mainly attributed to adhesion,abrasion and oxidation.不锈钢/铜基烧结合金材料的磨损机制主要是粘着磨损及氧化磨损。

Running in磨合
1.Running in is a very important tribo phenomenon.通过内燃机磨合台架试验 ,分析了摩擦副表面粗糙度、内燃机工作负荷及转速、润滑油粘度等因素对内燃机磨合过程的影响 ,探讨了内燃机磨合机理及其规
2.Comparative running in bench test of EQ6100 engine was carried out to investigate the running in effect of conventional 15W/40 internal combustion engine oil and a specially formulated running in oil for the engine (coded as MR oil).针对 EQ6 10 0型汽油机 ,利用内燃机磨合台架试验装置对所研制的内燃机专用磨合油与普通 15 W/ 40内燃机油进行对比磨合试验 ,对磨合油液进行直读铁谱分析 ,对缸套 -活塞环磨合表面形貌及元素组成进行测试分析 。
3.Fe content of lubricating oil sample during running in tests of intermediate repairs of DF 4 locomotive diesel engines was measured and the running in terminus was investigated with spectrography, ferrography and micrography.着重介绍应用光、铁谱仪测量、显微观察分析方法 ,测定东风4 型机车柴油机中修磨合实验机油试样中的铁含量 ,掌握其变化规律 ,由变化规律研究磨合终点 ;根据分子机械摩擦理论 ,对现行磨合规范作出了评价并提出修订意见。
1.From such phases as breakthrough,adaptation,type transformation & development,the article discusses and analyses the development of land contracting policy since reform & opening to the outside world in order to provide references for formulating,implementing & adjusting future land contracting policy.从土地承包政策的突破、磨合、转型、发展等几个阶段 ,对改革开放以来的土地承包政策的发展变化进行了分析与探讨 ,以求为未来土地承包政策的制定、执行与调整提供参考或借鉴。
2.The changes of the traditional culture and its adaptation in modern society——Taking Xiela Village, Yongren County as an example;云南楚雄州永仁县谢腊彝族在长期与外来文化特别是汉文化的接触、交流、磨合乃至碰撞中 ,不断调适本民族传统文化 ,吸纳了优秀的文化成份 ,使彝汉文化融为一体 ,顺其自然地实现了传统文化的现代转型并与当代先进的科学文化嫁接。
4)running-in wear磨合磨损
1.The worn surfaces,fractal of surface and interface as well as fractal model of running-in wear for the application of fractal theory in tribological research were investigated.对近年国内外分形理论在摩擦学研究中应用的新进展作了综述,介绍了分形的概念以及分形维数的计算方法,讨论了包括磨损表面形貌分析,材料表界面分形研究和磨合磨损分形模型的建立等分形理论在摩擦学研究中的应用状况,并提出了当前相关研究中所遇到的问题,及今后分形理论在摩擦学研究中的发展方向。
2.The running-in wear test for materials of crankshaft journal against bearing shell of S50MC marine diesel engine has been conducted by a ring-on-disc tester in this paper.采用环-盘摩擦磨损试验机进行S50MC型船用柴油机曲轴颈-轴瓦材料配副磨合磨损试验,通过对摩擦系数、磨损失重量及磨损表面形貌的分析,研究了不同轴向载荷对AlSn40合金轴瓦磨合磨损性能的影响。
5)wear and running-in磨损磨合

磨合  在机器装配后使用前,为了使配合件正常稳定运转的一种措施,也称跑合。磨合是一种有意安排的磨损过程。机械零件的磨损过程一般包括磨合阶段、稳定磨损阶段和剧烈磨损阶段(见图)。OA为磨合阶段。机器开动后,磨损率(即OA曲线的斜率)从大逐渐减小。这是由于摩擦副表面微观凹凸不平,开始时实际接触面积很小,接触应力很大。在磨合过程中,较软的零件表面材料发生塑性流动,使接触面积扩大并出现加工硬化层。对于较硬材料,高的微凸体被磨去,表面逐渐变得平坦而使接触面积增加。这些变化使以后的磨损率减小而达到磨合目的。磨合应由轻到重缓慢加载,并保持润滑油的清洁,防止磨屑进入摩擦面而造成剧烈的磨损和发热。在磨合过程中须严密注意运转情况(听声、测温等)。磨合结束后应仔细清洗并换用新的润滑油。