1.Analysis of and inspiration from leakage of old discharge culvert at Longyan reservoir;龙岩水库旧放水涵管漏水分析与启示
2.The Solution for the Leakage of Rotor in Generator;发电机转子漏水的处理与探讨

1.Inspecting for the leakage of oil, water and air.检查有无漏油、漏水、漏气的现象。
2.cried out we had sprung a Leak;喊道:船底漏水了;
3.When it rained, water dripped from the ceiling.下雨时,棚顶漏水
4.Water dribbled from the leaky faucet.水从漏水的龙头滴下来
5.That faucet dribbles badly.那个水龙头漏水严重。
6.The faucets in the bathroom are leaking.浴室的水龙头在漏水
7.The leak flings out about five tons of water in minute这个漏洞每分钟漏水5吨。
8.A sudden escape of a confined gas or liquid, as from a well.漏水,漏气井中突然喷出之气体或液体
9.The roof is leaking fetch a bucket to catch the drips.屋顶漏水--拿桶来接.
10.There is a hole in the basin and the water is leaking out.脸盆有个洞在漏水
11.the uppermost watertight deck.最高的不漏水的舱面。
12.grout hole drilling钻开注有堵漏水泥的井
14.The toilet wasn't leaking, and the bathroom sink wasn't leaking.马桶和浴缸也没有漏水
15.The repair crew traced down the leak.修缮队查明漏水的地方。
16.I'll have watertight windows fixed.我要装上不漏水的窗。
17.This bucket has leaks in it; the water is going to run out.这只桶漏了,水快漏光了。
18.The Investigation of Underground Reservoir Construction in the Excess Exploited Funnel Area超采漏斗区漏斗填充式地下水库研究

water leakage漏水
1.Solutions to the cooling water leakage of the 90 t CONSTEEL EAF at SISG;韶钢90t CONSTEEL电炉漏水分析及改进措施
2.The diagnosis of water leakage on double- water internal cooling generator;双水内冷发电机的漏水诊断
3.Reason analysis and countermeasures of water leakage for DF_(8B) locomotive;DF_(8B)型机车漏水原因分析与解决措施
1.Design of electric circuit control for preventing leakage of indoor tap waterpipe;一种防止自来水管破裂漏水控制电路的设计
2.Prevention and cure of overflow and leak in valleys and gutters;天沟、檐沟溢水与漏水的防治
3.The Technological Improvement on the Leak Problems of the Bus Luggage Compartments;客车行李舱漏水问题的工艺改进
1.Origin on piping and leaking & prevention;论基坑管涌和漏水的成因及防治
2.Analysing the cause of the water leaking f or underground project and proposing concrete,feasible preventing measures.对地下工程漏水原因进行了分析 ,并且提出了具体可行的防治措施 。
3.Now,control methods that detect tank water level of household water flushing closestool usually include mechanical float or pontoon,but the problem of closestool leaking was not solved.在我们的日常生活用水中,家用冲水马桶的消耗水量非常大,目前家用冲水马桶的水箱水位控制采用机械浮球式或浮筒式控制,马桶的漏水问题没有解决。
5)water leaking漏水
1.In the text, the reason of water leaking for socket bush is analysed in detail, and the improving measurement is put forward.详细分析了球面瓦类铸铁件漏水的原因,制定了改进措施,经试验、推广,取得了很好的效果。
2.This paper briefly expounds the work theory and usage of water turbine main shaft seal in Wan an hydraulic power plant,analyzing the reason why main shaft seal water leaking is bigger,It introduces the method to handle the defect that water leaking in main shaft seal is bigger.简述万安水电厂水轮机主轴密封的工作原理与作用,分析主轴密封漏水偏大的原因,介绍处理主轴密封漏水大缺陷的方法。
6)water/sand leakage漏水漏沙
