1.Teachers profession development in institutes cooperation perspective: analysis of empowerment and discipline;院校协作脉络下的教师专业发展:赋权与规训的争拗
2.New Media and Empowerment:a Practical Social Research新媒体与赋权:一种实践性的社会研究
3.Meanwhile,we will find the client s advantages and promote empowerment.以优势视角为取向的女性社会工作理念强调从案主的日常生活处境出发,了解、界定案主的基本状况和需求,同时发现案主的优势,并利用这一优势促使案主自我赋权

1.Health, Empowerment, Rights and Accountability健康、赋权、权利与责任
2.Freedom is our natural birthright.自由是我们的天赋权利.
3.Combination weighting approach based on the decision-maker s preference and consistency of weighting methods;基于决策者偏好及赋权法一致性的组合赋权
4.The right to privacy is a kind of congenital right protected by law.隐私权是受法律保护的一种天赋权利。
5.To Empower and to Regulate: A Research on the Reform of the Collectively-owned Forest Rights System;赋权与规制:集体林权制度改革研究
6.Powering and Empowering Through Discursive Structures in Therapeutic Conversations;心理咨询话语结构分析:控权与赋权
7.Restriction on Rights and Grant of Rights:A Discussion on the Relevant Laws and Regulations of Police Power in Residence Inspection“限权”与“赋权”——从警察检查公民住所谈起
8.Teacher Empowerment:A Guarantee for Teacher Involvement in Curriculum-The Strategy of "Teacher Empowerment" in America and Its Inspiration;赋权增能:教师课程参与的保障——美国教师“赋权增能”策略及启示
9.to be given by right or inheritance.被赋予权力或继承权。
10.Congress is vested with the power to declare war.国会被赋以宣战的权利。
11.The granting of certain rights and powers to a corporation.公司权赋予公司一定的权利和权力
12.officially endowed with authority or power.正式得被赋予权威或者权力。
13.endowed with the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote.被赋予公民的权利,特别是投票的权利。
14.To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.赋予公民权,尤其是选举权
15.This access directive grants read access to everyone.这个权限指令赋予每个人有读的权限。
16.You have been given the following permissions on my folders:您在我的文件夹中被赋予以下权限:
17.(US)town given special rights by State charter特许市(由国家特许状赋予特权的城市).
18.gender equality and women's empowerment两性平等和赋予妇女权力

power evaluation method赋权方法
3)Subjective weight主观赋权
4)Objective weight客观赋权
5)determining weigh指标赋权
1.This method solves the problems in determining weigh, such as concentrating different experts′ ideas, constructing evaluation matrix reasonably and checking up its coherence.指标赋权是C4ISR系统效能评估的重要环节,提出了一种新的指标赋权方法——群体可拓层次分析法(GEAHP),较好地解决了指标赋权过程中多专家意见集结的问题,以及判断矩阵的合理构建和一致性检验问题。
6)combination weighting组合赋权
1.Combination Weighting Approach in Performance Evaluation of Enterprise;组合赋权法在企业效绩评价中的应用
2.Vendor-selection method based on the combination weighting and its application多属性决策组合赋权法在供应商选择中的应用
3.On the basis of the shortage of the present subjective weighting methods and objective weighting methods,and perfect multi-attribute decision-making method through combination weighting of identified by the weight of subjective and objective use of association value method.分析主观赋权、客观赋权方法在实际应用中的不足,运用密切值法原理,对多属性决策问题的权重确定采用主观赋权法与客观赋权法相结合的组合赋权思路,完善多属性决策问题的决策方法,并举例说明其合理性。
