动态平衡,dynamic balance
1)dynamic balance动态平衡
1.Morality and economy:antinomy or dynamic balance;经济与道德:二律背反抑或动态平衡
2.The Analysis of Dynamic Balance between Cultivated Land Supply and Demand of Wenzou City;温州市耕地总量动态平衡剖析
3.The mechanism and process of oil and gas migration and storage as well as generation of hydrocarbon reservoir in the meshwork-carpet type system in Dongying Depression were discussed using the dynamic balance theory.根据动态平衡的概念,对东营凹陷网毯式体系中的结构、油气的输导、仓储和成藏的过程进行了研究。

1.The "Dynamic Balance" of the Translation of the Art of War;论《孙子兵法》翻译中的“动态平衡
2.On the Dynamic Balance between Administrative Supervision Regulations and Power Framework;行政监督制度与权力结构的动态平衡
3.Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land in China in a New Situation;新形势下中国耕地总量动态平衡分析
4.Language Unit: Dynamic Balance between Structure and Function;语言单位:结构与功能上的动态平衡
5.The Time-Space Differences on Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land in Hubei Province;湖北省耕地总量动态平衡的时空差异
6.Essence of the Rule of Law: the Dynamic Balance between Freedom and Order;法治的实质:自由与秩序的动态平衡
7.Research on countermeasures of plough gross homeostasis of plough resources adaptation WTO;适应WTO的耕地总量动态平衡对策浅析
8.Morality and economy:antinomy or dynamic balance;经济与道德:二律背反抑或动态平衡
9.passive state of plastic equilibrium被动状态的塑性平衡
10.non-equilibrium reaction kinetics非平衡态反应动力学
11.dynamic model of competitive equilibrium竞争性平衡的动态模型;竞争性平衡的动态模型
12.The Dynamic Evolution of Balanced or Unbalanced Regional Economic Development;区域经济平衡发展与不平衡发展的动态演变
13.equilibrium conditio平衡状态,平衡条件
14.To be in or come into equilibrium.平衡在或进入平衡状态
15.The state of being in equilibrium.平衡处于平衡的状态
16.dynamic crash recovery of balanced tree network平衡树状网络的动态故障恢复
17.inactivity resulting from a static balance between opposing forces.由于静态平衡而导致的没有运动。
18.Analysis on Dynamic Abrasion of Earth Pressure Balance Shield Cutters;土压平衡盾构掘进刀具动态磨损研究

Dynamic equilibrium动态平衡
1.Calculation of regional grain security and dynamic equilibrium of cultivated land quantity——A case study of Shaanxi Province;区域粮食安全与耕地总量动态平衡测算研究——以陕西省为例
2.Attaining the goal of dynamic equilibrium of the total arable land in costal areas of Fujian;福建省沿海地区实现耕地总量动态平衡目标的思考
3.Discussion on the farmland dynamic equilibrium during urbanization process城市化进程中的耕地动态平衡初探
1.The Thermo-homeostasis and Rational Design of the Thermo-shrinkage Equipment;热收缩机的热动态平衡及合理化设计
2.The loading arm is always in homeostasis during whole working with this balance weight.在对现有输油臂平衡配重进行分析的基础上,详细阐述了一种新型同步旋转式平衡配重及其计算方法,该种配重方式可使输油臂在工作过程中处于动态平衡状态。
3.In this paper,the super boil liquid is discussed by the homeostasis equation,and a rigid equation is deduced,from which the boiling point of the super boil liquid can be determined by the initial radius of the little air bladder,and the shortcut resolution of this complex equation is given.用动态平衡研究过沸问题,推出了由初始小气泡的半径确定过沸液沸点的严格方程式,并给出解这一复杂方程的准确快捷方法。
4)dynamical equilibrium动态平衡
1.Buhalin s equilibrium thought should obtain the status it should have,Buhalin s equilibrium thought is the dynamical equilibrium viewpoint established above the system theory.布哈林的平衡论应该得到它应有的地位,布哈林的平衡论是建立在系统理论之上的系统之动态平衡思想,至少也应该看作是系统论的最初萌芽。
2.Therefore, China proposed the strictest cultivated land protection systemin the world, which is policy about dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land.因此,中国提出了世界上最严格的耕地保护制度——耕地总量动态平衡政策。
3.The social system benign development is a dynamical equilibrium evolution process, this is inside and outside the social system the essential factor the correlation, the coordinated development result.社会系统的良性发展是一个动态平衡的演进过程,这是社会系统内外要素间交互作用、协调发展的结果。
5)dynamic balance动平衡,动态平衡
6)dynamic equilibrium动态平衡;动平衡

动态平衡动态平衡  [动态平衡】70年代以来,许多资本主义国家已经不强调以年末的国际收支平衡为目标,而是以经济实际运行可能实现平衡的计划期为平衡周期。这主要是出于两个方面的原因,一是国际收支逆差变得越来越经常;二是国际收支的不平衡可以作为一种手段来实施经济政策,于是出现了动态平衡。动态平衡的特点是:(l)根据经济波动和经济增长的需要为基础,确定若干年为平衡期;(2)动态平衡以一定时期的国际收支平衡为一个基本目标,同时还以国民经济增长为另一个基本目标。这两个目标是相辅相成、互相补充的,是比较灵活的双重目标的方式;(3)动态平衡在实现双重目标的过程中,根据一国的具体情况,允许出现不平衡,待经济实力增强后,再达到国际收支平衡;(4)动态平衡在计划平衡期内随着经济的增长有一定的收支差额,因而对一国经济产生较大的影响。动态平衡和静态平衡有密切的联系,静态平衡是动态平衡的基础,动态平衡是静态平衡的汇集。在实际情况中,许多资本主义国家在考虑国际收支平衡时,以静态平衡为主,兼用动态平衡,即采用两种平衡来计划国际收支的平衡。