1.Design and application of wear resistant rubber liner used for chute,bunker and hopper;溜槽、贮仓、料斗用耐磨橡胶衬里的设计与应用
2.For increasing the resistance to wear and sealing property between bell and hopper of blast furnace the method overlaid welding a lay of TDGC-1 hard alloy on the matching surface of bell and hopper is used.为提高料钟、料斗的耐磨性能和密封性能 ,采取了在料钟、料斗结合面上堆焊一层硬质合金 TDGC-1的方法。

1.Bunker [coal]料斗,浅仓 [煤]
2.grain hopper body料斗式谷物运载车厢
3.bottom-dumping hopper body truck底卸料斗式运货汽车
4.hoper for seed-dusting machines干式种子消毒机料斗
5.positive-discharge bucket elevator强制排料斗式提升机
6.mechanical hopper-feed, general purpose料斗供料机,机械式,通用型
7.The Effect of Small Bell Diameter on the Service Life of Big Bell and Big Hopper小料钟直径大小对大料钟、大料斗寿命影响分析
8.Stop the machine, raise the hopper and with a spatula or putty knife remove as much paste from the hopper as possible.停车,升起料斗,并用刮铲或油灰刀尽可能除去料斗上多余的铅膏。
9.Dumping hopper designed, it is easy to clean.* 设计可卸式料斗,清洗十分方便。
10.Agricultural machinery--Hoppers-manual loading heightGB/T9483-1988农业机械料斗人工装载高度
11.hoist (excl. skip hoists)起重机(不包括料斗提升机)
12.The Exploitation of Control Systemfor Closed-end Hopper in Continuous Reforming Unit;连续重整装置闭锁料斗控制系统开发
13.Improvement of Hopper System in ZL41 Combined Filter MakerZL41复合滤棒成型机料斗系统的改进
14.sewing machine with 3-drawers and plastic flat cover三斗塑料平板缝纫机
15.rivet hopper feeder铆钉的漏斗送料机构
16.triple weighing batcher三斗称重分批配料器
17.An amount of smoking material, such as tobacco, needed to fill the bowl of a pipe; a pipeful.一筒,一斗雪茄等烟料的数量,用于装满一烟斗锅;一斗
18.Worsted pure silk faBric is always invincible in matching Beauty with others.真丝面料,精工细作,争芳斗艳,立于不败。

1.Three-in-one Concrete funnel applied in grouting construction;三合一混凝土料斗在灌注桩施工中的应用
5)divided hopper分料料斗
6)receiving hopper受料料斗
