1.Combination of Agricultural Machinery and Agronomy in Their Scientific and Technological Innovations;农机科技创新中的农机与农艺相结合问题
2.It has become the key to the question of current agricultural mechanization to deal with agricultural machinery and agronomy, and to adapt and to close integration each other.正确处理好农机与农艺的关系,使之相互适应、紧密结合,已成为当前农机化发展的关键。
3.The author considers that establishing integrated subject system of agricultural mechanization, integrating the technology resource, building the lasting work system of the combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy is the way to solve the problem of combining agricultural machinery with agronomy.加快建立我国完整的农机化学科体系,从源头上整合技术资源,构筑起农机与农艺结合的长效工作机制,解决农机与农艺结合难的问题。

1.The study or science of agriculture.农艺农业研究或科学
2.Strengthen the Combination of Agricultural Machinery and Agronomy Technic to Promote Modern Agriculture Development强化农机农艺结合 推动现代农业发展
3.The science, art, and business of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock;farming.农艺;农业关于耕地、生产农作物和饲养牲畜的科学、工艺和行业;农业
4.Walk out of the Mistake of Cognition of Agriculture to Establish Modern Agricultural Conception;走出对农艺认识的误区 建立现代农艺理念
5.Effects of Different Agricultural Measure on Tobacco Agricultural Characters in Slope Field of Malong,Yunnan不同农艺措施对马龙坡耕地烤烟农艺性状影响
6.She became a candidate for admission to an agricultural university, because she dreams of becoming a agronomist.她报考了农业大学, 将来想当个农艺师。
7.The name of the God of Harvests is Qi who is believed to be an ancient agronomist.稷神叫“弃”,是古代精通农事的“农艺师”。
8.Study on Main Agronomic Characters of Annongbiao 810S安农标810S的主要农艺性状研究
9.Present Combinative Conditions and Development Countermeasure between Agricultural Machinery and Cultivable Techniques in Shanghai Farm;上海农场农机与农艺结合现状及发展对策
10.Combination of Agricultural Machinery and Agronomy in Their Scientific and Technological Innovations;农机科技创新中的农机与农艺相结合问题
11.Hiding in the Deep Mountains' agronomic Treasures:Taking Dong Traditional Rice Agronomy as an Example掩藏在大山深处的农艺瑰宝——以侗族传统稻作农艺为例
12.Correlation Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Prediction of F_1 Agronomic Traits in Brassica napus甘蓝型油菜农艺性状相关分析及F_1农艺性状预测
13.Impact of Farming Systems and Agronomic Technology to the Development of Agricultural Mechanization;耕作制度与农艺技术对农机化发展的影响
14.Agronomy A branch of agriculture dealing with soil management and crop production.农学,农艺学:农业的一个分支,主要研究土地的管理和作物的生产。
15.Classification Suggestions on Chinese Crop and Agronomy Periodicals我国农作物和农学(农艺学)类专业期刊分类的建议
16.guarantee social needs保证农艺师社会公共需要
17.Now he heads the agronomy department.现在他担任农艺系系主任。
18.truck farming(market gardening)园艺农业, 蔬菜耕种

1.On the base of combining agricultural machine and agriculture,indraught and amelioration,the paper researched insystem from four sides of tillage equipment,planting mode and machine choice,field management equipment,and harvest technology amelioration.在注重农机与农艺相结合、引进与技改相结合的基础上,对配套机插秧的水田整地装备、水稻栽种模式和插秧机械选型、水稻田间管理装备、水稻收获机械技术改造和选型4个方面进行了系统的研究,旨在为水田全程机械化与农艺要求的研究提供参考依据。
3)Agricultural machinery and agronomy农机农艺
4)agricultural machinery and agronomic农机与农艺
1.Classification Suggestions on Chinese Crop and Agronomy Periodicals我国农作物和农学(农艺学)类专业期刊分类的建议
