农机具,agricultural machinery
1)agricultural machinery农机具
1.A two-wheel measurement device based on photoelectric encoder was designed, which could weaken the effect of the uneven surface by the optimization processing data from two wheels in order to measure speed and distance of agricultural machinery accurately.通过对采集到的双路信号进行实时的最优化处理,可以有效削弱地表不平带来的波动影响,以获得农机具准确的行进速度及距离。
2.Following the policy on "benefit to peasantry"bring into effect,the income of peasantry improve very much and inspire enthusiasm of peasantry on purchasing good-sized agricultural machinery;Via capability of all kinds of agricultural machinery,the merit of good-sized agricultural machinery is protruding.随着我国各项"惠农"政策的实施,农民的收入随之逐年提高,进而激发了农民购买大型农机具的积极性,通过对各种机型性能对比,大型农机具的优势逐渐凸现出来。
3.The agricultural machinery and agronomic involves agricultural engineering and agronomy two major areas,from the history of scientific and technological development,it is with the agronomic requirements,then have the machinery invention,and then design and produce the necessary agriculturaltool .农机与农艺涉及农机工程与农学两大领域,从科技发展史来看,是有了农艺要求才有农机的发明,继而设计生产出所需的农机具

1.The Policy Effect s Analysis on Farm Tools and Machinery s Buying Subsidise of China;我国农机具购置补贴的政策效应分析
2.There is no distinction between knocked-down(KD)and built-up(BU)equipment, except for a few equipment.除少数农机具外,对于哲卷季输的机具和整装运输的机具上税均无差别。
3.Repair and Recycle of Agricultural-machinery Based on Green Idea;绿色制造理念为指导的废旧农机具修复再利用
4.Allowance Policy for Purchasing Farm Implement and the Mostly Direction of Agro-mechanization Development During the Time of Eleventh Five-years Plan in Hangzhou;杭州市农机具购置补贴政策与“十一五”期间农业机械化发展的主要方向
5.implements and accessories for two wheel tractor两轮拖拉机配套农具
6.Joint Technical Working Group on Agricultural Machinery and Implements农机和农具联合技术工作组
7.Matching of agricultural wheeled tractors and rear mounted implementsGB/T10911-1989农业轮式拖拉机和后悬挂农具的匹配
8.Combines and other modern farming tools are too expensive to be used on such small areas.对这些小农场来说,联合收割机和其他现代化农业机具都太过昂贵。
9."Mechanical devices, including tractors and implements, used in farming to save labour."用于农业耕作中以节省劳力的机械设备,包括牵引机和农具。
10.The crisis was a centralized manifestation of the extremely weak agricultural productive force from modern times.它兼具封建农业危机和资本主义农业危机的性质;
11."The great variety of farming devices covers a wide range of complexity, from simple hand-held implements used since prehistoric times to the complex harvesters of modern mechanized agriculture."农业机械范围很广︰从史前使用的简单手工农具到现代机械化农业中所使用的复杂联合收获机。
12.Farm Machinery accessories and hardware tools, plastic products manufacturing, processing and marketing.农机配件、五金工具、塑料制品的制造、加工、销售。
13.Gullies are too large to be crossed with farm equipment.冲沟由于过于大则不是农用机具所能横跨的。
14.Studies on the Process of the Organic Manure with Biological Pesticide Function;具有生物农药功能的有机肥生产工艺的研究
15.The Present Situation and Development Trend of High-power Tractor Mating Farm Tools in China;我国大功率拖拉机配套农具的现状及发展趋势
16.Element Design Gallery Building of Farm Machine Panel Die CAD System农机覆盖件模具CAD系统零件设计图库的建立
17.Overall Design of Farm Machine Panel Die CAD System Based on UG基于UG的农机覆盖件模具CAD系统总体设计
18.Three-Point hitch implement quick-attaching coupler of agricultural wheeled tractors--Category 3NGB/T7120-1986农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂农具快速挂接器3N类

farm implements农机具
1.This text has introduced the often square law that the structure, principle, traction force of the traction force sensor of farm implements test, and hang the electron of farm implements to test systematic composition and application.为此,介绍了农机具牵引力传感器的结构、原理,牵引力测试的常见方法,以及悬挂农机具电子测试系统的组成和应用。
2.In this paper,the linear program is put to use for optimal allocation of farm implements in state farm.因此,采用线性规划法对国有农场农机具进行最佳配备,建立了优化配置的数学模型,并结合实际,给出实例计算,其结果是使机械作业成本最低。
1.Repair and Recycle of Agricultural-machinery Based on Green Idea;绿色制造理念为指导的废旧农机具修复再利用
2.In recent years,Agricultural modernization is pushed rapidly by advance of agricultural-machinery.同时,废旧农机具绿色修复再利用仍然是一个急需解决的问题。
4)farm implement农机具
1.This paper introduced the actuality of agro-mechanization and the policy for purchasing farm implement in the city of Hangzhou based on investigation, narrated the mostly direction of agro-mechanization for the future.在调查研究的基础上,介绍了杭州市农机化的现状、农机具购置补贴政策,论述了今后农业机械化发展方向。
5)farm machinery cutter农机刀具
6)farm implement农用机具

四种具足法──在家人四种具足法【四种具足法──在家人四种具足法】  ﹝出杂阿含经﹞  [一、信具足],谓在家之人,于如来所,起敬信心,闻胜妙法,心开意解,不生疑谤,信根坚固,是名信具足。  [二、戒具足],谓在家之人,起净信心,受佛禁戒,不杀不盗不邪淫不妄语不饮酒,持此五戒,一无毁犯,是名戒具足。  [三、施具足],谓在家之人,受前戒法,能于一切所有之财,不悭不惜,施济贫乏,修此舍行,是名施具足。  [四、慧具足],谓在家之人,既受戒行施,当以智慧,观察此身虚假不实,由贪嗔痴起诸烦恼,招集无量生死之苦,能修善道,证涅槃乐,是名慧具足。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)