市场秩序,market order
1)market order市场秩序
1.Regional Common Market Order: Trust of Trade in Repetitive Gaming;区域共同市场秩序:重复博弈中的交易信任
2.Informal institution,Market order and stable economy growth;非正式制度、市场秩序优化与经济稳定增长
3.Basis of Title System for Market Order;市场秩序的产权制度基础

1.We will make great efforts to rectify the order of the tourism market.大力整顿旅游市场秩序
2.Intensifying the Efforts on Market Exploitation and Strictly Standardizing Market Order.(二)大开拓市场力度,从严规范市场秩序
3.Strengthen on Market Supervision Regulate Supervision Market;加大市场监管力度 规范监理市场秩序
4.Neatening construction market orders according to market economic rules;遵循市场经济规律 整顿建筑市场秩序
5.ANALYZING MARKET ORDER BY GAME THEORY;市场秩序的博弈论分析——兼论规范市场秩序的制度安排
6.Rational Market Order Needs Moral Support--Ethical Consideration About standardization of Market Order;理性市场秩序呼唤道德支持——规范市场秩序的伦理思考
7.The Discussion on Standardizing Tourism Market in Qingdao;关于规范青岛市旅游市场秩序的思考
8.A Theoretical Study on Market Order: Perspective from Game Analysis on the Market Interest;市场秩序理论研究——从利益博弈的角度
9.Research on Market Order Regulation and Evaluation of Generation Power Market;发电侧电力市场秩序监管与评价研究
10.On Hayek s Thought of the Economic Ethics of the Market Order;哈耶克的市场秩序经济伦理思想研究
11.Transformation of Economy, Order of Market and Arrangement of Informal Institutions;经济转型、市场秩序与非正式制度安排
12.Discussions on the Countermeasures to Straighten and Regulate the Order of Agricultural Material Market;整顿和规范农资市场秩序的对策探讨
13.On the Causes and Countermeasures of the Poor Food Market Order;中国食品市场秩序混乱的成因与对策
14.OMA (orderly marketing agreement)有秩序的市场销售协定
15.V. Thoroughly Rectifying and Regulating the Order of the Market Economy五、继续大力整顿和规范市场经济秩序。
16.cool down the over-heated future market and restore financial order降低过热的期货市场,恢复金融秩序
17.fifth, rectifying and regulating market economic order by treating both root causes and symptoms;五、标本兼治,整顿和规范市场经济秩序;
18.China Rectifies and Regulates Market Economic Order中国整顿和规范市场经济秩序

order of market市场秩序
1.From agreat deal of discovered social realism, we can find out that the disorder of market in our country bears on the evil competitions between some corporations losing business morals.规范的市场秩序,有赖于严格的法制,也有赖于国民良好的道德水准和信用意识。
3)Medical Marketing System医疗市场秩序
4)power market order电力市场秩序
5)order of infor mation market信息市场秩序
6)Market economic order市场经济秩序
1.From ethic angle,standardizing market economic order lies mainly in right ethic system,perfect moral consciousness system of economic behavior,good operation,correct social assessment and sound regulations mechanis规范市场经济秩序从伦理道德的角度审视主要在于:制度伦理公正,经济行为主体的道德意识体系完善,市场经济良性运行和规范运作的道德理性基础牢固,社会舆论和社会评价的导向正确和道德调节机制健全。
2.Economic crime occurs in the process of market economic order, which is its core character.界定经济犯罪概念不能离开一定社会的经济形态 ,经济犯罪必须发生于市场经济秩序的运行过程中 ,这是其本质特征。
3.The procuratorial departments of these countries have a limited maintenance to market economic order rather than a comprehensive pa.这些国家的检察机关对市场经济秩序的维护是一种有限维护,而不是全面参与;检察机关一般都具有对重大经济犯罪案件和职务犯罪案件自行侦查或指挥侦查的职权,从而扩大了检察机关维护市场经济秩序的方式和途径;检察官具有较强的自由裁量权,有利于提高检察机关维护市场经济秩序的效率;检察机关组织机构具有较高的同一性和独立性,在维护市场经济秩序方面有利于防止外来干涉,打破地方保护,提高检察的公正性。
