能源危机,energy crisis
1)energy crisis能源危机
1.An analysis of input-output model in the influence of both Zhejiang economy and resident’s welfare created by energy crisis;“能源危机”对浙江经济发展和居民福利影响的投入产出模型分析
2.This paper analyzes on the reasons that the actual petroleum market in China is short supply,expounds the petroleum price in the international market and the influence of the continuous growing up of the petroleum price on our country's economic development,and puts forward some rational suggestions on how to release our country's energy crisis.分析了我国石油现货市场紧张的原因,论述了国际市场上的石油价格和石油价格连续上涨对我国经济发展产生的影响,就如何缓解我国能源危机提出了若干合理化建议。
3.Consumption rates of energy resources, largely exceeding energy renew rate probably leads to another global energy crisis.能源资源的消费速率远远超过资源的可再生能力,使再次爆发全球性能源危机的可能性依然存在。

1.The country weathered the energy crisis.该国渡过了能源危机
2.The energy crisis stunted world economic growth.能源危机危及世界经济的发展。
3.Science has begun to meet the challenges of the energy crisis科技再次面对能源危机的挑战,
4.The energy crisis is bringing coal back strongly能源危机使煤炭业又东山再起。
5.They help a country over the energy crisis他们帮助某个国家渡过能源危机
6.They scrimped on oil as best they could during the energy crisis.他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。
7.This is by no mea the best way to solve the problem of energy crisis.这不是解决能源危机的最好的办法。
8.Now the world is on the brink of another energy crisis.现在世界又一次处在能源危机的边缘。
9.The Government has promised to take quick action on the energy crisis.政府承诺对能源危机迅速采取措施。
10.Environment and Energy Crisis and the New Way of China s Industrialization;环境能源危机与中国新型工业化道路
11.A Brief Analysis of the World Energy Crisis and China s Strategic Solution;浅谈世界能源危机及中国的战略抉择
12.Well, in my opinion, nuclear energy is our best hope to relieve the energy crisis.依我看,核能是我们缓解能源危机的最大希望。?
13.Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the energy crisis.某些大石油公司企图从能源危机中捞到好处。
14.Solution of Energy Crisis in China--Development of Circular Economy;发展循环经济是我国解决能源危机的必由之路
15.China s Latent Energy Resource Crisis and Administration of Power Demands;中国潜在的能源危机与电力需求侧管理
16.It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only dalay the energy crisis.很明显,即使我们能节约很多能量,我们也只能推迟能源危机的到来。
17.An administrative response to the energy crisis, the Department of Energy provides the framework for a comprehensive national energy plan.能源部是政府为应付能源危机而设立的,是实施全面性国家能源计划的机构。
18.World's Oil Crisis & Our Energy Security世界石油危机背景下的我国能源安全

California energy crisis加州能源危机
3)Middle East Oil Crisis中东能源危机
1.This thesis discusses European Communities (EC) foreign policy on Middle East Oil Crisis in 1973 on the international background of cold war in the 1970s.1973年中东能源危机中的欧共体外交合作,是欧洲政治合作(EPC)成立后欧共体形成共同外交立场的第一次实践,其中包括欧洲政治合作机制下欧共体内部怎样形成联合立场以及欧美在中东政策上的冲突与妥协。
4)resources crisis资源危机
1.The search of taking over in the mine of resources crisis is now a very important work for many mines.资源危机矿山寻找接替,是目前国内许多矿山所面临的一项十分重要的工作,难度很大。
2.Searching replacing resource in resources crisis mines is a very important work at present.资源危机矿山寻找接替资源是目前国内许多矿山所面临的一项十分重要的工作。
3.The resources crisis has become an inevitably topic that not only the global but also the Chinese society cannot get around.资源危机业已成为全球和中国社会本身不可回避的重大课题,建立生态文明不仅是应对全球性资源危机的一剂良方,也是中国健康发展社会主义经济建立小康社会的必然选择。
5)resource crisis资源危机
1.Most of nonferrous metals mines in China have entered into middle and later stage, and many main nonferrous metals bases are faced with serious resource crisis.我国有色金属矿山大部分已进入开采的中晚期 ,许多主要的有色金属基地正面临严重的资源危机。
2.The relation between the emergence of resource crisis and social activities was discussed with the principle of dialectics of nature, and the problem of social control of resource crisis was expounded.文中从自然辩证法原理探讨了资源危机的产生与社会活动之间的关系,并就资源危机的社会控制问题作了阐述。
3.Author has analyzed current situation of the saury resource crisis in Yangtze River and indicated that the reasons of the crisis are due to water pollution,over fishing,biological environmental changes of Yangtze River etc.本文在对长江刀鱼资源危机现状分析的基础上,分析了造成刀鱼资源危机的水体污染、过度捕捞、长江水域生态环境变化等多方面的原因,指出当前长江刀鱼资源危机的严重性,并在此基础上提出普法宣传、依法治渔、资源监测、刀鱼人工繁殖等保护措施。
6)resource crises资源危机
1.Along with quick development of global economy, the resource crises became a key problem that confined the development of enterprises which based on resources.随着世界经济的飞速发展,资源危机成为困扰资源型企业的核心问题,必须依靠管理创新和体制创新,完善企业的经营体制和机制,强化资源管理,把资源作为资产来管理和经营,做到科学经济、有效地综合利用矿产资源,以保障企业的生存和发展,实现可持续发展。
2.With the developing of the human society, human beings are faced with resource crises, including grain, energy and environmental pollution.随着社会的发展 ,人口的不断增长 ,人类面临着资源危机包括粮食危机、能源危机及环境污染所造成的环境资源的破坏。
