相对产量,relative yield
1)relative yield相对产量
1.Through pilot experiment,it is found that the cotton yield is obviously influenced by multi-stage water logging;the degree of water logging can be described by the water logging factors such as SFW,SEW_50,and SFEW_50;there is a significant linear relationship between the cotton relative yield Ry and the water logging factors such as SFW,SEW_50,and SFEW_50.通过测坑试验发现棉花受多过程涝渍胁迫后减产严重,涝渍程度可用涝渍因子(SFW、SEW50、SFEW50)来描述,棉花相对产量(Ry)与涝渍因子(SFW、SEW50、SFEW50)之间存在着显著的线性关系。
2.Soil alkali-hydrolyzable N were classified as very low(<50%relative yield ),low(50%~75%relative yield ), medium(75%~90%relative yield ),high(90%~95%relative yield ) and very high(>95%relative yield ) based on the relative yields.以相对产量为50%、75%、90%和95%为标准将土壤碱解氮划分为极缺、缺、中等、高和极高5级。
3.relative yield and salt mass per unit area vs.在搜集、统计大量咸水灌溉试验资料的基础上,选取咸水充分灌溉条件下矿化度和小麦产量的完整对应数据103组,统计分析了灌溉水矿化度及单位面积盐分带入量对小麦相对产量的影响,结果表明,随着灌溉水矿化度的增加,小麦相对产量呈线性递减趋势,当矿化度大于1。

1.Statistical Analysis of the Relationship between Irrigated Saline Water's Mineralization Degree/Salt Mass and the Relative Yield of Wheat灌溉水矿化度及盐分带入量对小麦相对产量影响的统计分析
2.Effects of Different Seeding-date on Yield and Related Characteristics of Summer Maize夏玉米播期对产量及相关性状的影响
3.Effects of Water Deficits on Plant Height,Relative Leaf Chlorophyll Contents and Yield of Winter Wheat水分亏缺对冬小麦株高、叶绿素相对含量及产量的影响
4.The overall output of local farms has remained relatively stable over the past three years.过去三年,本地农场整体的产量相对稳定。
5.Output of local farms has remained relatively stable over the past five years with the exception of the livestock and poultry industries.过去五年,除禽畜业外,本地农场的产量相对稳定。
6.Different Effect of Water and Nitrogen Cross Regulation on Yield Formation of Aerobic Rice;水氮相互调节对旱稻产量形成的不同影响
7.The Research on the Nitrogen s Effect on Rapeseed Yield and Quality and Relevant Analysis;氮素对油菜产量和品质的影响及相关分析研究
8.Physiological Foundation of Root Interaction on Yield of Corn;玉米根系间相互作用对产量影响的生理基础
9.Effects of manganese on soybean nitrogen metabolism,yield and quality锰对大豆氮代谢相关指标及产量品质的影响
10.Research on the Relatively Centralized Supervision of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products农产品质量安全相对集中监管机制探析
11.Effect of Irrigation Patterns on Yield-relating Characters of Rice in Cold Region寒地水稻不同灌溉方式对产量相关性状的影响
12.relative equivalent相对当量,相对等效值
13.Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Rate on Yield and Its Related Traits in Nude Barley Variety Edamai 507不同密度和施氮量对鄂大麦507产量相关性状的影响
14.Studies on Physiology, Biochemistry Basic and Localization of QTL on Yield Relative Traits in High Yield Rice Luliangyou 996;陆两优996高产生理生化基础及其产量相对性状的QTL定位
15.non-dimensional [relative] velocity无量纲[相对] 速度
16.association of maturity and yield成熟期与产量的相关性
17.Effect of Different Tree Canopy Shapes on Relative Light,Yield and Quality of Red Fuji Apple红富士苹果树形改造对冠层相对光照及产量、品质的影响
18.Influences of Variables Connected with Agricultural Policy on Rice Output in Jiangxi Province and the Countermeasures农业政策相关变量对江西水稻总产的影响及其对策研究

Relative Yield Total相对总产量
3)relative yield and relative water use相对产量和相对耗水
1.The relationship between relative yield and relative water use is formulated.揭示了喷灌条件下冬小麦生长指标的变化规律 ,建立相对产量和相对耗水量的模型 ,分析水分亏缺敏感指数 ,并提出了喷灌条件下适宜灌水定
4)relative economic yield相对经济产量
5)Relative meteorological yield相对气象产量
6)relative fluctuation output相对波动产量
