麻疯树籽油,Jatropha curcas L.seed oil
1)Jatropha curcas L.seed oil麻疯树籽油
1.Application of biodiesel produced from Jatropha curcas L.seed oil;麻疯树籽油制备生物柴油及应用研究
2.Transesterification of Jatropha curcas L.seed oil and methanol aided by ultrasonic;麻疯树籽油超声波辅助酯交换反应的研究
3.Deacidification of Jatropha curcas L.seed oil with solvent extraction;麻疯树籽油溶剂萃取脱酸工艺的研究

1.Properties of Jatropha curcas L.oil biodiesel-diesel blends麻疯树籽油生物柴油与0~#柴油的混配性质
2.Studying on a New Process of Producing Biodiesel with Seed Oil of Jatropha Curcas L.planted in GuiZhou China;贵州麻疯树籽油生产生物柴油新工艺研究
3.Extraction of Oil From Jatropha Curcas L.Seed Kernels by Enzymatic酶法浸出高效提取麻疯树籽油脂工艺探索
4.Improving oil yield of jatropha seeds by pre-fermentation with aspergillus niger and aspergillus flavus真菌发酵预处理麻疯树籽高效提油初步研究
5.On physical and chemical property of seed fatty oil,element content analysis and preliminary study of application value of seed kernel meal of Jatropha curcas麻疯树种油的理化性质及籽粕中元素含量分析及其应用价值初探
6.Study on isolation of toxic protein(Curcin) from seed meal of Jatropha curcas L.by ultra filtration technique超滤法脱除麻疯树籽饼粕毒蛋白的研究
7.A SWOT Analysis of Producing Biodiesel from Jantropha Curcas L.in Yunnan云南省开发麻疯树生物柴油的SWOT分析
8.The Pre-esterification of Jatropha Curcas L. Oil Containing High Free Fatty Acid;高酸值麻疯树油制备生物柴油预酯化研究
9.Solid Acid Catalysts for Preparing Biodiesel with Jatropha Curcas L. Oil;麻疯树油制备生物柴油固体酸催化剂的研究
10.Study on the Preparation of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L. Oil;以麻疯树油为原料制备生物柴油的工艺研究
11.Transesterification of Jatropha oil to biodiesel catalyzed by compound immobilized lipase复合固定化脂肪酶催化麻疯树油生产生物柴油
12.Optimization of solid state fermentation of Jatropha curcas L.seed cake with Aspergillus oryzae to produce neutral protease米曲霉固态发酵麻疯树籽饼产中性蛋白酶条件的研究
13.A Novel Whole-Cell Biocatalysis Using in Production of Biodiesel of Jatropha Curcas;新型全细胞催化剂在麻疯树生物柴油中的应用
14.Risk Management for Bio-diesel Industry of Jatropha Curcas in Panzhihua攀枝花麻疯树生物柴油产业的风险管理
15.A Primary Analysis on the Economic Feasibility of Jatropha Curcas as Biodiesel Feedstock生物柴油原料麻疯树种植经济可行性初探
16.Applying Microbial Fermentation in Jatropha Curcas Seed Oil Extraction微生物发酵制备麻疯树生物柴油的研究
17.Study on Detecting Oil Content in Jatropha Curca Seed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technique核磁共振法测麻疯树种子油含量的研究
18.Study on the Anti-fungal Activity of the Essential Oil from Jatropha curcas麻疯树油对几种植物病原真菌的抑制活性

jatropha seed麻疯树籽
1.Improving oil yield of jatropha seeds by pre-fermentation with aspergillus niger and aspergillus flavus真菌发酵预处理麻疯树籽高效提油初步研究
3)Jatropha curcas seed麻疯树籽粕
1.The Jatropha curcas seed was used as raw material for extracting saponins and steroids with 95% ethanol as extraction solvent,and the extraction conditions were optimized.以麻疯树籽粕为原料,以乙醇-水做提取剂,采用溶剂浸取法提取麻疯树籽粕中的皂甙和甾体,研究了提取条件对提取率的影响,通过化学法和光谱法对提取物进行定性分析。
4)jatropha curcas oil麻疯树油
1.Study on preparation of biodiesel with jatropha curcas oil as raw material and p-toluene sulphonic acid as catalyst;对甲苯磺酸催化麻疯树油甲酯化的实验研究
2.The application of solid alkali catalyst in the synthesis of biodiesel with jatropha curcas oil;固体碱催化剂在麻疯树油合成生物柴油中的应用
3.Experiment on the transesterification of jatropha curcas oil has been studied.试验研究了麻疯树油在碱催化剂NaOH的作用下与甲醇发生转脂化反应生成脂肪酸甲酯(生物柴油)的最佳反应条件。
5)Jatropha curcas L.seed meal麻疯树籽饼粕
1.Using the ultra filtration technique to study the effects of time,pressure,temperature and the concentrations of ultra filtration liquid on toxic protein yield,which isolated from Jatropha curcas L.本试验采用超滤技术以麻疯树籽饼粕为原料,以毒蛋白的脱除量为指标,通过L9(34)正交试验研究了不同超滤时间、压力、温度及超滤液浓度对其毒蛋白脱除量的影响。
6)Jatropha curcas L. biodiesel麻疯树生物柴油
1.The paper studies on the Jatropha curcas L.本论文以生物柴油替代乳油中的甲苯、二甲苯等溶剂、减少环境污染为出发点,将闪点高、易降解、不含芳香族烷烃的麻疯树生物柴油引入到三唑磷乳油的开发中,成功开发出了以麻疯树生物柴油为溶剂和增效剂的8。

葱油麻钱菜 名: 葱油麻钱主 料: 糯米粉250克,白糖粉125克,花生仁100克,白芝麻仁30克,葱白75克,生油75克,清水130克,红绿樱桃各2个。做 法: 1、先将花生仁、白芝麻仁分别炒香,炒熟,然后把花生仁的膜脱掉,用食品万能搅拌器,把花生仁、白芝麻仁搅拌成末,用大碗盛着待用。再把葱白用刀切成细珠,把炒鼎洗净,放入生油烧热,把葱珠放上,煎炒至金黄色,且有香味时,用碗盛着待用。2、将糯米粉盛入汤盆,加入清水,搅拌成生糯米团。再用不锈钢锅一个盛着清水,放在炉上煮滚,在水沸腾时,把生糯米团分成3块,每块用手捏成圆状,然后压成薄圆形,中间用手指钻一个孔,放进开水内煮,煮至浮起,待熟透后捞起,盛在汤盆间,把葱油倒入,用木槌擂拌均匀,便成落汤钱待用。3、把已擂好的落汤钱,分成40粒,用花生仁、芝麻末作为垫手,使之每粒都沾上花生和芝麻末,然后稍压扁,摆砌在餐盘间,撒上白糖粉,再把红绿樱桃切成对半,分别点缀在每粒糯米钱的中间即成。特 点: 柔软香滑,甜滋回味。