优先序,priority order
1)priority order优先序
1.guidance time,distance to enemy fighters,energy,adaptive degree to object type and adaptive degree to object maneuver,then studies priority order,and at last establishes math model of guidance law decision based on optimum order method.然后分析引导方法在各属性下的优先序
2.Reasonable determination of priority order for rural public goods is the key to raise its supply efficiency and boost the modern agriculture development.合理确定农村公共品供给优先序列是提高农村公共品供给效率、促进现代农业发展的关键所在。

1.Linking the "Hierarchy" of Grammar With "Word Order";从语序问题看语法事实中的“优先序列”
2.The second factor is a reasonable order of priority.二、新的优先次序。
3.theater air priority number战区空运优先顺序号码
4.mixed-strategy precedence parser混合策略优先分析程序
5.software priority interrupt程序优先级中断-由程序进行中断
6.Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency.领先,优先尤指按重要性或紧急程度的顺序建立的优先地位
7.To arrange or deal with in order of importance.以优先顺序排列以重要性为顺序安排或处理
8.In multiprogramming, the environment in which high priority programs are executed.在多道程序设计中,执行高优先级程序的环境。
9.Develop a system for prioritizing applications开发用于区分应用程序优先次序的系统
10.Research on Relationship between Procedural Law and Substantial Law --With the Demonstration of the “Procedure-precedence” Theory;程序法与实体法关系考辨——兼论程序优先理论
11.You got your priority messed up this time.这次你把你的优先次序都给搞乱了。
12.communication multiplexer switchingtime priority通信多路转接器转换时间的优先次序
13.A system is in place to prioritize work orders.已有决定工作单的优先次序的系统。
14.Choose in order of preference the language in which you prefer to view web pages.按优先顺序选择用于查看 Web 页的语言。
15.Icelandic dictionary order, case-ins., uppercase pref.冰岛字典顺序,不区分大小写,大写优先
16.Alternate dictionary order, case-insensitive, uppercase pref.更改字典顺序,不区分大小写,大写优先。
17.Dictionary order, case-insensitive, uppercase preference词典顺序,不区分大小写,大写字母优先
18.The government have give the maintenance of law and order top priority .政府最优先考虑的是维持法律的秩序。

prior order优先序
1.A new kind of argumentation framework f or PLP with literal prior orders is introduced.文中对 Dung的辩论框架进行了扩充 ,针对含有文字序的逻辑程序提出了一种优先辩论框架 ,加入了对文字之间优先序的处理 ,进而定义了相应的优先回答集语义和优先扩充语义。
1.Based on early research and new investigation results, husbandry science an d technology development priority were put forward.把专家会议法和德尔菲法相结合 ,建立了一种简单、实用的确定农业科技发展优先序的新方法。
4)Preference order优先序
1.This paper describes different forms of multi-objectives, analyses preference orders based on different stages, project participants and different type of projects, and shows the different orders will affect the choices of the organization forms.基于建设项目的三大目标,说明三大目标具有不同的表现形式,从项目不同的阶段、不同管理主体以及不同的管理对象角度,分析了目标的优先序不同,同时表明不同的优先序将影响组织形式的选择。
5)prior order优先排序
1.Application of osculating method for the prior order and risk classification for the marine organic pollutants;用密切值法进行海域有机污染物优先排序和风险分类研究
2.In this paper a new quantitative assessment system of the prior order and the risk classification of the marine organic pollutants is discussed.本文提出了对区域性有机污染物优先排序和风险分类的新的定量评判系统:模糊评判系统。
1.In this article,with the analysis of legislations in different countries and regions,relative theories on legal mortgage,such as the base and categorization,the method of publication and the arrangement of priority,are discussed,and advice on legislation in this field is provided.文章围绕法定抵押权的基础及类型化、公示方法的设计和优先次序的安排等问题,分析和比较了其他国家和地区的立法,系统地阐释了法定抵押权制度的相关理论,试探性地提出了构建我国法定抵押权制度的若干立法建议。
